[dotfiles/.git] / .config / coc / extensions / node_modules / coc-json / package.json
1 {
2   "name": "coc-json",
3   "version": "1.3.4",
4   "description": "Json extension for coc.nvim",
5   "main": "lib/index.js",
6   "publisher": "chemzqm",
7   "keywords": [
8     "coc.nvim",
9     "json"
10   ],
11   "engines": {
12     "coc": ">= 0.0.80"
13   },
14   "scripts": {
15     "prepare": "node esbuild.js"
16   },
17   "activationEvents": [
18     "onLanguage:json",
19     "onLanguage:jsonc"
20   ],
21   "contributes": {
22     "configuration": {
23       "type": "object",
24       "title": "Json",
25       "properties": {
26         "json.enable": {
27           "type": "boolean",
28           "default": true,
29           "description": "Enable json server"
30         },
31         "json.trace.server": {
32           "type": "string",
33           "default": "off",
34           "enum": [
35             "off",
36             "messages",
37             "verbose"
38           ]
39         },
40         "json.execArgv": {
41           "type": "array",
42           "default": [],
43           "items": {
44             "type": "string"
45           }
46         },
47         "json.format.enable": {
48           "type": "boolean",
49           "default": true,
50           "description": "Enable format for json server"
51         },
52         "json.maxItemsComputed": {
53           "type": "number",
54           "default": 5000,
55           "description": "The maximum number of outline symbols and folding regions computed (limited for performance reasons)."
56         },
57         "json.schemaDownload.enable": {
58           "type": "boolean",
59           "default": true,
60           "description": "When enabled, JSON schemas can be fetched from http and https locations.",
61           "tags": [
62             "usesOnlineServices"
63           ]
64         },
65         "json.schemas": {
66           "type": "array",
67           "scope": "resource",
68           "description": "Schemas associations for json files",
69           "default": [],
70           "items": {
71             "type": "object",
72             "default": {
73               "fileMatch": [
74                 "/my-file"
75               ],
76               "url": "schemaURL"
77             },
78             "properties": {
79               "url": {
80                 "type": "string",
81                 "default": "/user.schema.json"
82               },
83               "fileMatch": {
84                 "type": "array",
85                 "items": {
86                   "type": "string",
87                   "default": "MyFile.json"
88                 },
89                 "minItems": 1,
90                 "description": "File pattern to match."
91               },
92               "schema": {
93                 "$ref": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
94                 "description": "Url of json schema, support file/url protocol."
95               }
96             }
97           }
98         }
99       }
100     }
101   },
102   "author": "chemzqm@gmail.com",
103   "license": "MIT",
104   "devDependencies": {
105     "@chemzqm/tsconfig": "^0.0.3",
106     "@types/node": "^10.12.0",
107     "esbuild": "^0.8.29",
108     "coc.nvim": "^0.0.80",
109     "request-light": "^0.4.0",
110     "rimraf": "^3.0.2",
111     "strip-bom": "^4.0.0",
112     "typescript": "^4.1.3",
113     "vscode-json-languageservice": "^3.8.3",
114     "vscode-languageserver": "7.0.0-next.3",
115     "vscode-languageserver-protocol": "^3.15.3",
116     "vscode-uri": "^2.1.2"
117   },
118   "dependencies": {}
119 }