[dotfiles/.git] / jsonDocumentSymbols.js
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3  *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
4  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5 (function (factory) {
6     if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
7         var v = factory(require, exports);
8         if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
9     }
10     else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
11         define(["require", "exports", "../parser/jsonParser", "../utils/strings", "../utils/colors", "../jsonLanguageTypes"], factory);
12     }
13 })(function (require, exports) {
14     "use strict";
15     Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
16     exports.JSONDocumentSymbols = void 0;
17     var Parser = require("../parser/jsonParser");
18     var Strings = require("../utils/strings");
19     var colors_1 = require("../utils/colors");
20     var jsonLanguageTypes_1 = require("../jsonLanguageTypes");
21     var JSONDocumentSymbols = /** @class */ (function () {
22         function JSONDocumentSymbols(schemaService) {
23             this.schemaService = schemaService;
24         }
25         JSONDocumentSymbols.prototype.findDocumentSymbols = function (document, doc, context) {
26             var _this = this;
27             if (context === void 0) { context = { resultLimit: Number.MAX_VALUE }; }
28             var root = doc.root;
29             if (!root) {
30                 return [];
31             }
32             var limit = context.resultLimit || Number.MAX_VALUE;
33             // special handling for key bindings
34             var resourceString = document.uri;
35             if ((resourceString === 'vscode://defaultsettings/keybindings.json') || Strings.endsWith(resourceString.toLowerCase(), '/user/keybindings.json')) {
36                 if (root.type === 'array') {
37                     var result_1 = [];
38                     for (var _i = 0, _a = root.items; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
39                         var item = _a[_i];
40                         if (item.type === 'object') {
41                             for (var _b = 0, _c = item.properties; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
42                                 var property = _c[_b];
43                                 if (property.keyNode.value === 'key' && property.valueNode) {
44                                     var location = jsonLanguageTypes_1.Location.create(document.uri, getRange(document, item));
45                                     result_1.push({ name: Parser.getNodeValue(property.valueNode), kind: jsonLanguageTypes_1.SymbolKind.Function, location: location });
46                                     limit--;
47                                     if (limit <= 0) {
48                                         if (context && context.onResultLimitExceeded) {
49                                             context.onResultLimitExceeded(resourceString);
50                                         }
51                                         return result_1;
52                                     }
53                                 }
54                             }
55                         }
56                     }
57                     return result_1;
58                 }
59             }
60             var toVisit = [
61                 { node: root, containerName: '' }
62             ];
63             var nextToVisit = 0;
64             var limitExceeded = false;
65             var result = [];
66             var collectOutlineEntries = function (node, containerName) {
67                 if (node.type === 'array') {
68                     node.items.forEach(function (node) {
69                         if (node) {
70                             toVisit.push({ node: node, containerName: containerName });
71                         }
72                     });
73                 }
74                 else if (node.type === 'object') {
75                     node.properties.forEach(function (property) {
76                         var valueNode = property.valueNode;
77                         if (valueNode) {
78                             if (limit > 0) {
79                                 limit--;
80                                 var location = jsonLanguageTypes_1.Location.create(document.uri, getRange(document, property));
81                                 var childContainerName = containerName ? containerName + '.' + property.keyNode.value : property.keyNode.value;
82                                 result.push({ name: _this.getKeyLabel(property), kind: _this.getSymbolKind(valueNode.type), location: location, containerName: containerName });
83                                 toVisit.push({ node: valueNode, containerName: childContainerName });
84                             }
85                             else {
86                                 limitExceeded = true;
87                             }
88                         }
89                     });
90                 }
91             };
92             // breath first traversal
93             while (nextToVisit < toVisit.length) {
94                 var next = toVisit[nextToVisit++];
95                 collectOutlineEntries(next.node, next.containerName);
96             }
97             if (limitExceeded && context && context.onResultLimitExceeded) {
98                 context.onResultLimitExceeded(resourceString);
99             }
100             return result;
101         };
102         JSONDocumentSymbols.prototype.findDocumentSymbols2 = function (document, doc, context) {
103             var _this = this;
104             if (context === void 0) { context = { resultLimit: Number.MAX_VALUE }; }
105             var root = doc.root;
106             if (!root) {
107                 return [];
108             }
109             var limit = context.resultLimit || Number.MAX_VALUE;
110             // special handling for key bindings
111             var resourceString = document.uri;
112             if ((resourceString === 'vscode://defaultsettings/keybindings.json') || Strings.endsWith(resourceString.toLowerCase(), '/user/keybindings.json')) {
113                 if (root.type === 'array') {
114                     var result_2 = [];
115                     for (var _i = 0, _a = root.items; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
116                         var item = _a[_i];
117                         if (item.type === 'object') {
118                             for (var _b = 0, _c = item.properties; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
119                                 var property = _c[_b];
120                                 if (property.keyNode.value === 'key' && property.valueNode) {
121                                     var range = getRange(document, item);
122                                     var selectionRange = getRange(document, property.keyNode);
123                                     result_2.push({ name: Parser.getNodeValue(property.valueNode), kind: jsonLanguageTypes_1.SymbolKind.Function, range: range, selectionRange: selectionRange });
124                                     limit--;
125                                     if (limit <= 0) {
126                                         if (context && context.onResultLimitExceeded) {
127                                             context.onResultLimitExceeded(resourceString);
128                                         }
129                                         return result_2;
130                                     }
131                                 }
132                             }
133                         }
134                     }
135                     return result_2;
136                 }
137             }
138             var result = [];
139             var toVisit = [
140                 { node: root, result: result }
141             ];
142             var nextToVisit = 0;
143             var limitExceeded = false;
144             var collectOutlineEntries = function (node, result) {
145                 if (node.type === 'array') {
146                     node.items.forEach(function (node, index) {
147                         if (node) {
148                             if (limit > 0) {
149                                 limit--;
150                                 var range = getRange(document, node);
151                                 var selectionRange = range;
152                                 var name = String(index);
153                                 var symbol = { name: name, kind: _this.getSymbolKind(node.type), range: range, selectionRange: selectionRange, children: [] };
154                                 result.push(symbol);
155                                 toVisit.push({ result: symbol.children, node: node });
156                             }
157                             else {
158                                 limitExceeded = true;
159                             }
160                         }
161                     });
162                 }
163                 else if (node.type === 'object') {
164                     node.properties.forEach(function (property) {
165                         var valueNode = property.valueNode;
166                         if (valueNode) {
167                             if (limit > 0) {
168                                 limit--;
169                                 var range = getRange(document, property);
170                                 var selectionRange = getRange(document, property.keyNode);
171                                 var children = [];
172                                 var symbol = { name: _this.getKeyLabel(property), kind: _this.getSymbolKind(valueNode.type), range: range, selectionRange: selectionRange, children: children, detail: _this.getDetail(valueNode) };
173                                 result.push(symbol);
174                                 toVisit.push({ result: children, node: valueNode });
175                             }
176                             else {
177                                 limitExceeded = true;
178                             }
179                         }
180                     });
181                 }
182             };
183             // breath first traversal
184             while (nextToVisit < toVisit.length) {
185                 var next = toVisit[nextToVisit++];
186                 collectOutlineEntries(next.node, next.result);
187             }
188             if (limitExceeded && context && context.onResultLimitExceeded) {
189                 context.onResultLimitExceeded(resourceString);
190             }
191             return result;
192         };
193         JSONDocumentSymbols.prototype.getSymbolKind = function (nodeType) {
194             switch (nodeType) {
195                 case 'object':
196                     return jsonLanguageTypes_1.SymbolKind.Module;
197                 case 'string':
198                     return jsonLanguageTypes_1.SymbolKind.String;
199                 case 'number':
200                     return jsonLanguageTypes_1.SymbolKind.Number;
201                 case 'array':
202                     return jsonLanguageTypes_1.SymbolKind.Array;
203                 case 'boolean':
204                     return jsonLanguageTypes_1.SymbolKind.Boolean;
205                 default: // 'null'
206                     return jsonLanguageTypes_1.SymbolKind.Variable;
207             }
208         };
209         JSONDocumentSymbols.prototype.getKeyLabel = function (property) {
210             var name = property.keyNode.value;
211             if (name) {
212                 name = name.replace(/[\n]/g, '↵');
213             }
214             if (name && name.trim()) {
215                 return name;
216             }
217             return "\"" + name + "\"";
218         };
219         JSONDocumentSymbols.prototype.getDetail = function (node) {
220             if (!node) {
221                 return undefined;
222             }
223             if (node.type === 'boolean' || node.type === 'number' || node.type === 'null' || node.type === 'string') {
224                 return String(node.value);
225             }
226             else {
227                 if (node.type === 'array') {
228                     return node.children.length ? undefined : '[]';
229                 }
230                 else if (node.type === 'object') {
231                     return node.children.length ? undefined : '{}';
232                 }
233             }
234             return undefined;
235         };
236         JSONDocumentSymbols.prototype.findDocumentColors = function (document, doc, context) {
237             return this.schemaService.getSchemaForResource(document.uri, doc).then(function (schema) {
238                 var result = [];
239                 if (schema) {
240                     var limit = context && typeof context.resultLimit === 'number' ? context.resultLimit : Number.MAX_VALUE;
241                     var matchingSchemas = doc.getMatchingSchemas(schema.schema);
242                     var visitedNode = {};
243                     for (var _i = 0, matchingSchemas_1 = matchingSchemas; _i < matchingSchemas_1.length; _i++) {
244                         var s = matchingSchemas_1[_i];
245                         if (!s.inverted && s.schema && (s.schema.format === 'color' || s.schema.format === 'color-hex') && s.node && s.node.type === 'string') {
246                             var nodeId = String(s.node.offset);
247                             if (!visitedNode[nodeId]) {
248                                 var color = colors_1.colorFromHex(Parser.getNodeValue(s.node));
249                                 if (color) {
250                                     var range = getRange(document, s.node);
251                                     result.push({ color: color, range: range });
252                                 }
253                                 visitedNode[nodeId] = true;
254                                 limit--;
255                                 if (limit <= 0) {
256                                     if (context && context.onResultLimitExceeded) {
257                                         context.onResultLimitExceeded(document.uri);
258                                     }
259                                     return result;
260                                 }
261                             }
262                         }
263                     }
264                 }
265                 return result;
266             });
267         };
268         JSONDocumentSymbols.prototype.getColorPresentations = function (document, doc, color, range) {
269             var result = [];
270             var red256 = Math.round(color.red * 255), green256 = Math.round(color.green * 255), blue256 = Math.round(color.blue * 255);
271             function toTwoDigitHex(n) {
272                 var r = n.toString(16);
273                 return r.length !== 2 ? '0' + r : r;
274             }
275             var label;
276             if (color.alpha === 1) {
277                 label = "#" + toTwoDigitHex(red256) + toTwoDigitHex(green256) + toTwoDigitHex(blue256);
278             }
279             else {
280                 label = "#" + toTwoDigitHex(red256) + toTwoDigitHex(green256) + toTwoDigitHex(blue256) + toTwoDigitHex(Math.round(color.alpha * 255));
281             }
282             result.push({ label: label, textEdit: jsonLanguageTypes_1.TextEdit.replace(range, JSON.stringify(label)) });
283             return result;
284         };
285         return JSONDocumentSymbols;
286     }());
287     exports.JSONDocumentSymbols = JSONDocumentSymbols;
288     function getRange(document, node) {
289         return jsonLanguageTypes_1.Range.create(document.positionAt(node.offset), document.positionAt(node.offset + node.length));
290     }
291 });