[dotfiles/.git] / jsonLanguageService.js
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3  *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
4  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5 var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
6     if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
7     Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
8 }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
9     if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
10     o[k2] = m[k];
11 }));
12 var __exportStar = (this && this.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) {
13     for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p);
14 };
15 (function (factory) {
16     if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
17         var v = factory(require, exports);
18         if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
19     }
20     else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
21         define(["require", "exports", "./services/jsonCompletion", "./services/jsonHover", "./services/jsonValidation", "./services/jsonDocumentSymbols", "./parser/jsonParser", "./services/configuration", "./services/jsonSchemaService", "./services/jsonFolding", "./services/jsonSelectionRanges", "jsonc-parser", "./jsonLanguageTypes", "./services/jsonLinks", "./jsonLanguageTypes"], factory);
22     }
23 })(function (require, exports) {
24     "use strict";
25     Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
26     exports.getLanguageService = void 0;
27     var jsonCompletion_1 = require("./services/jsonCompletion");
28     var jsonHover_1 = require("./services/jsonHover");
29     var jsonValidation_1 = require("./services/jsonValidation");
30     var jsonDocumentSymbols_1 = require("./services/jsonDocumentSymbols");
31     var jsonParser_1 = require("./parser/jsonParser");
32     var configuration_1 = require("./services/configuration");
33     var jsonSchemaService_1 = require("./services/jsonSchemaService");
34     var jsonFolding_1 = require("./services/jsonFolding");
35     var jsonSelectionRanges_1 = require("./services/jsonSelectionRanges");
36     var jsonc_parser_1 = require("jsonc-parser");
37     var jsonLanguageTypes_1 = require("./jsonLanguageTypes");
38     var jsonLinks_1 = require("./services/jsonLinks");
39     __exportStar(require("./jsonLanguageTypes"), exports);
40     function getLanguageService(params) {
41         var promise = params.promiseConstructor || Promise;
42         var jsonSchemaService = new jsonSchemaService_1.JSONSchemaService(params.schemaRequestService, params.workspaceContext, promise);
43         jsonSchemaService.setSchemaContributions(configuration_1.schemaContributions);
44         var jsonCompletion = new jsonCompletion_1.JSONCompletion(jsonSchemaService, params.contributions, promise, params.clientCapabilities);
45         var jsonHover = new jsonHover_1.JSONHover(jsonSchemaService, params.contributions, promise);
46         var jsonDocumentSymbols = new jsonDocumentSymbols_1.JSONDocumentSymbols(jsonSchemaService);
47         var jsonValidation = new jsonValidation_1.JSONValidation(jsonSchemaService, promise);
48         return {
49             configure: function (settings) {
50                 jsonSchemaService.clearExternalSchemas();
51                 if (settings.schemas) {
52                     settings.schemas.forEach(function (settings) {
53                         jsonSchemaService.registerExternalSchema(settings.uri, settings.fileMatch, settings.schema);
54                     });
55                 }
56                 jsonValidation.configure(settings);
57             },
58             resetSchema: function (uri) { return jsonSchemaService.onResourceChange(uri); },
59             doValidation: jsonValidation.doValidation.bind(jsonValidation),
60             parseJSONDocument: function (document) { return jsonParser_1.parse(document, { collectComments: true }); },
61             newJSONDocument: function (root, diagnostics) { return jsonParser_1.newJSONDocument(root, diagnostics); },
62             getMatchingSchemas: jsonSchemaService.getMatchingSchemas.bind(jsonSchemaService),
63             doResolve: jsonCompletion.doResolve.bind(jsonCompletion),
64             doComplete: jsonCompletion.doComplete.bind(jsonCompletion),
65             findDocumentSymbols: jsonDocumentSymbols.findDocumentSymbols.bind(jsonDocumentSymbols),
66             findDocumentSymbols2: jsonDocumentSymbols.findDocumentSymbols2.bind(jsonDocumentSymbols),
67             findDocumentColors: jsonDocumentSymbols.findDocumentColors.bind(jsonDocumentSymbols),
68             getColorPresentations: jsonDocumentSymbols.getColorPresentations.bind(jsonDocumentSymbols),
69             doHover: jsonHover.doHover.bind(jsonHover),
70             getFoldingRanges: jsonFolding_1.getFoldingRanges,
71             getSelectionRanges: jsonSelectionRanges_1.getSelectionRanges,
72             findDefinition: function () { return Promise.resolve([]); },
73             findLinks: jsonLinks_1.findLinks,
74             format: function (d, r, o) {
75                 var range = undefined;
76                 if (r) {
77                     var offset = d.offsetAt(r.start);
78                     var length = d.offsetAt(r.end) - offset;
79                     range = { offset: offset, length: length };
80                 }
81                 var options = { tabSize: o ? o.tabSize : 4, insertSpaces: (o === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.insertSpaces) === true, insertFinalNewline: (o === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.insertFinalNewline) === true, eol: '\n' };
82                 return jsonc_parser_1.format(d.getText(), range, options).map(function (e) {
83                     return jsonLanguageTypes_1.TextEdit.replace(jsonLanguageTypes_1.Range.create(d.positionAt(e.offset), d.positionAt(e.offset + e.length)), e.content);
84                 });
85             }
86         };
87     }
88     exports.getLanguageService = getLanguageService;
89 });