// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package diagnostics import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "testing" . "golang.org/x/tools/gopls/internal/regtest" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/fake" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/protocol" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/testenv" ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { Main(m) } // Use mod.com for all go.mod files due to golang/go#35230. const exampleProgram = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World.") }` func TestDiagnosticErrorInEditedFile(t *testing.T) { // This test is very basic: start with a clean Go program, make an error, and // get a diagnostic for that error. However, it also demonstrates how to // combine Expectations to await more complex state in the editor. Run(t, exampleProgram, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { // Deleting the 'n' at the end of Println should generate a single error // diagnostic. env.OpenFile("main.go") env.RegexpReplace("main.go", "Printl(n)", "") env.Await( // Once we have gotten diagnostics for the change above, we should // satisfy the DiagnosticAtRegexp assertion. OnceMet( env.DoneWithChange(), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", "Printl"), ), // Assert that this test has sent no error logs to the client. This is not // strictly necessary for testing this regression, but is included here // as an example of using the NoErrorLogs() expectation. Feel free to // delete. NoErrorLogs(), ) }) } func TestMissingImportDiagsClearOnFirstFile(t *testing.T) { const onlyMod = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 ` Run(t, onlyMod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.CreateBuffer("main.go", `package main func m() { log.Println() } `) env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", "log"), ) env.SaveBuffer("main.go") env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("main.go"), ) }) } func TestDiagnosticErrorInNewFile(t *testing.T) { const brokenFile = `package main const Foo = "abc ` Run(t, brokenFile, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.CreateBuffer("broken.go", brokenFile) env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("broken.go", "\"abc")) }) } // badPackage contains a duplicate definition of the 'a' const. const badPackage = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- a.go -- package consts const a = 1 -- b.go -- package consts const a = 2 ` func TestDiagnosticClearingOnEdit(t *testing.T) { Run(t, badPackage, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("b.go") env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("a.go", "a = 1"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("b.go", "a = 2")) // Fix the error by editing the const name in b.go to `b`. env.RegexpReplace("b.go", "(a) = 2", "b") env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("a.go"), EmptyDiagnostics("b.go"), ) }) } func TestDiagnosticClearingOnDelete_Issue37049(t *testing.T) { Run(t, badPackage, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a.go") env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("a.go", "a = 1"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("b.go", "a = 2")) env.RemoveWorkspaceFile("b.go") env.Await(EmptyDiagnostics("a.go"), EmptyDiagnostics("b.go")) }) } func TestDiagnosticClearingOnClose(t *testing.T) { Run(t, badPackage, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.CreateBuffer("c.go", `package consts const a = 3`) env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("a.go", "a = 1"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("b.go", "a = 2"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("c.go", "a = 3")) env.CloseBuffer("c.go") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("a.go", "a = 1"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("b.go", "a = 2"), EmptyDiagnostics("c.go")) }) } // Tests golang/go#37978. func TestIssue37978(t *testing.T) { Run(t, exampleProgram, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { // Create a new workspace-level directory and empty file. env.CreateBuffer("c/c.go", "") // Write the file contents with a missing import. env.EditBuffer("c/c.go", fake.Edit{ Text: `package c const a = http.MethodGet `, }) env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("c/c.go", "http.MethodGet"), ) // Save file, which will organize imports, adding the expected import. // Expect the diagnostics to clear. env.SaveBuffer("c/c.go") env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("c/c.go"), ) }) } // Tests golang/go#38878: good a.go, bad a_test.go, remove a_test.go but its errors remain // If the file is open in the editor, this is working as intended // If the file is not open in the editor, the errors go away const test38878 = ` -- go.mod -- module foo go 1.12 -- a.go -- package x // import "fmt" func f() {} -- a_test.go -- package x import "testing" func TestA(t *testing.T) { f(3) } ` // Tests golang/go#38878: deleting a test file should clear its errors, and // not break the workspace. func TestDeleteTestVariant(t *testing.T) { Run(t, test38878, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("a_test.go", `f\((3)\)`)) env.RemoveWorkspaceFile("a_test.go") env.Await(EmptyDiagnostics("a_test.go")) // Make sure the test variant has been removed from the workspace by // triggering a metadata load. env.OpenFile("a.go") env.RegexpReplace("a.go", `// import`, "import") env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("a.go", `"fmt"`)) }) } // Tests golang/go#38878: deleting a test file on disk while it's still open // should not clear its errors. func TestDeleteTestVariant_DiskOnly(t *testing.T) { log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile) Run(t, test38878, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a_test.go") env.Await(DiagnosticAt("a_test.go", 5, 3)) env.Sandbox.Workdir.RemoveFile(context.Background(), "a_test.go") env.Await(OnceMet( env.DoneWithChangeWatchedFiles(), DiagnosticAt("a_test.go", 5, 3))) }) } // TestNoMod confirms that gopls continues to work when a user adds a go.mod // file to their workspace. func TestNoMod(t *testing.T) { const noMod = ` -- main.go -- package main import "mod.com/bob" func main() { bob.Hello() } -- bob/bob.go -- package bob func Hello() { var x int } ` t.Run("manual", func(t *testing.T) { Run(t, noMod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", `"mod.com/bob"`), ) env.CreateBuffer("go.mod", `module mod.com go 1.12 `) env.SaveBuffer("go.mod") env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("main.go"), ) var d protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams env.Await( OnceMet( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("bob/bob.go", "x"), ReadDiagnostics("bob/bob.go", &d), ), ) if len(d.Diagnostics) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected 1 diagnostic, got %v", len(d.Diagnostics)) } }) }) t.Run("initialized", func(t *testing.T) { Run(t, noMod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", `"mod.com/bob"`), ) env.RunGoCommand("mod", "init", "mod.com") env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("main.go"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("bob/bob.go", "x"), ) }) }) t.Run("without workspace module", func(t *testing.T) { WithOptions( Modes(Singleton), ).Run(t, noMod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", `"mod.com/bob"`), ) if err := env.Sandbox.RunGoCommand(env.Ctx, "", "mod", []string{"init", "mod.com"}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("main.go"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("bob/bob.go", "x"), ) }) }) } // Tests golang/go#38267. func TestIssue38267(t *testing.T) { const testPackage = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- lib.go -- package lib func Hello(x string) { _ = x } -- lib_test.go -- package lib import "testing" type testStruct struct{ name string } func TestHello(t *testing.T) { testStructs := []*testStruct{ &testStruct{"hello"}, &testStruct{"goodbye"}, } for y := range testStructs { _ = y } } ` Run(t, testPackage, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("lib_test.go") env.Await( DiagnosticAt("lib_test.go", 10, 2), DiagnosticAt("lib_test.go", 11, 2), ) env.OpenFile("lib.go") env.RegexpReplace("lib.go", "_ = x", "var y int") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("lib.go", "y int"), EmptyDiagnostics("lib_test.go"), ) }) } // Tests golang/go#38328. func TestPackageChange_Issue38328(t *testing.T) { const packageChange = ` -- go.mod -- module fake go 1.12 -- a.go -- package foo func main() {} ` Run(t, packageChange, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a.go") env.RegexpReplace("a.go", "foo", "foox") env.Await( // When the bug reported in #38328 was present, we didn't get erroneous // file diagnostics until after the didChange message generated by the // package renaming was fully processed. Therefore, in order for this // test to actually exercise the bug, we must wait until that work has // completed. OnceMet( env.DoneWithChange(), NoDiagnostics("a.go"), ), ) }) } const testPackageWithRequire = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 require foo.test v1.2.3 -- go.sum -- foo.test v1.2.3 h1:TMA+lyd1ck0TqjSFpNe4T6cf/K6TYkoHwOOcMBMjaEw= foo.test v1.2.3/go.mod h1:Ij3kyLIe5lzjycjh13NL8I2gX0quZuTdW0MnmlwGBL4= -- print.go -- package lib import ( "fmt" "foo.test/bar" ) func PrintAnswer() { fmt.Printf("answer: %s", bar.Answer) } ` const testPackageWithRequireProxy = ` -- foo.test@v1.2.3/go.mod -- module foo.test go 1.12 -- foo.test@v1.2.3/bar/const.go -- package bar const Answer = 42 ` func TestResolveDiagnosticWithDownload(t *testing.T) { WithOptions( ProxyFiles(testPackageWithRequireProxy), ).Run(t, testPackageWithRequire, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("print.go") // Check that gopackages correctly loaded this dependency. We should get a // diagnostic for the wrong formatting type. // TODO: we should be able to easily also match the diagnostic message. env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("print.go", "fmt.Printf")) }) } func TestMissingDependency(t *testing.T) { Run(t, testPackageWithRequire, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("print.go") env.Await(LogMatching(protocol.Error, "initial workspace load failed", 1)) }) } // Tests golang/go#36951. func TestAdHocPackages_Issue36951(t *testing.T) { const adHoc = ` -- b/b.go -- package b func Hello() { var x int } ` Run(t, adHoc, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("b/b.go") env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("b/b.go", "x")) }) } // Tests golang/go#37984: GOPATH should be read from the go command. func TestNoGOPATH_Issue37984(t *testing.T) { const files = ` -- main.go -- package main func _() { fmt.Println("Hello World") } ` WithOptions( EditorConfig{ Env: map[string]string{ "GOPATH": "", "GO111MODULE": "off", }, }).Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("main.go") env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", "fmt")) env.SaveBuffer("main.go") env.Await(EmptyDiagnostics("main.go")) }) } // Tests golang/go#38669. func TestEqualInEnv_Issue38669(t *testing.T) { const files = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package main var _ = x.X -- x/x.go -- package x var X = 0 ` editorConfig := EditorConfig{Env: map[string]string{"GOFLAGS": "-tags=foo"}} WithOptions(editorConfig).Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("main.go") env.OrganizeImports("main.go") env.Await(EmptyDiagnostics("main.go")) }) } // Tests golang/go#38467. func TestNoSuggestedFixesForGeneratedFiles_Issue38467(t *testing.T) { const generated = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package main // Code generated by generator.go. DO NOT EDIT. func _() { for i, _ := range []string{} { _ = i } } ` Run(t, generated, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("main.go") var d protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams env.Await( OnceMet( DiagnosticAt("main.go", 5, 8), ReadDiagnostics("main.go", &d), ), ) if fixes := env.GetQuickFixes("main.go", d.Diagnostics); len(fixes) != 0 { t.Errorf("got quick fixes %v, wanted none", fixes) } }) } // Expect a module/GOPATH error if there is an error in the file at startup. // Tests golang/go#37279. func TestShowCriticalError_Issue37279(t *testing.T) { const noModule = ` -- a.go -- package foo import "mod.com/hello" func f() { hello.Goodbye() } ` Run(t, noModule, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a.go") env.Await( OutstandingWork(lsp.WorkspaceLoadFailure, "outside of a module"), ) env.RegexpReplace("a.go", `import "mod.com/hello"`, "") env.Await( NoOutstandingWork(), ) }) } func TestNonGoFolder(t *testing.T) { const files = ` -- hello.txt -- hi mom ` for _, go111module := range []string{"on", "off", ""} { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("GO111MODULE_%v", go111module), func(t *testing.T) { WithOptions(EditorConfig{ Env: map[string]string{"GO111MODULE": go111module}, }).Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("hello.txt") env.Await( OnceMet( env.DoneWithOpen(), NoShowMessage(), ), ) }) }) } } // Tests the repro case from golang/go#38602. Diagnostics are now handled properly, // which blocks type checking. func TestConflictingMainPackageErrors(t *testing.T) { const collision = ` -- x/x.go -- package x import "x/hello" func Hello() { hello.HiThere() } -- x/main.go -- package main func main() { fmt.Println("") } ` WithOptions(InGOPATH()).Run(t, collision, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("x/x.go") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("x/x.go", `^`, "found packages main (main.go) and x (x.go)"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("x/main.go", `^`, "found packages main (main.go) and x (x.go)"), ) // We don't recover cleanly from the errors without good overlay support. if testenv.Go1Point() >= 16 { env.RegexpReplace("x/x.go", `package x`, `package main`) env.Await(OnceMet( env.DoneWithChange(), env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("x/main.go", `fmt`, "undeclared name"))) } }) } const ardanLabsProxy = ` -- github.com/ardanlabs/conf@v1.2.3/go.mod -- module github.com/ardanlabs/conf go 1.12 -- github.com/ardanlabs/conf@v1.2.3/conf.go -- package conf var ErrHelpWanted error ` // Test for golang/go#38211. func Test_Issue38211(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 14) const ardanLabs = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.14 -- main.go -- package main import "github.com/ardanlabs/conf" func main() { _ = conf.ErrHelpWanted } ` WithOptions( ProxyFiles(ardanLabsProxy), ).Run(t, ardanLabs, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { // Expect a diagnostic with a suggested fix to add // "github.com/ardanlabs/conf" to the go.mod file. env.OpenFile("go.mod") env.OpenFile("main.go") var d protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams env.Await( OnceMet( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", `"github.com/ardanlabs/conf"`), ReadDiagnostics("main.go", &d), ), ) env.ApplyQuickFixes("main.go", d.Diagnostics) env.SaveBuffer("go.mod") env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("main.go"), ) // Comment out the line that depends on conf and expect a // diagnostic and a fix to remove the import. env.RegexpReplace("main.go", "_ = conf.ErrHelpWanted", "//_ = conf.ErrHelpWanted") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", `"github.com/ardanlabs/conf"`), ) env.SaveBuffer("main.go") // Expect a diagnostic and fix to remove the dependency in the go.mod. env.Await(EmptyDiagnostics("main.go")) env.Await( OnceMet( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("go.mod", "require github.com/ardanlabs/conf", "not used in this module"), ReadDiagnostics("go.mod", &d), ), ) env.ApplyQuickFixes("go.mod", d.Diagnostics) env.SaveBuffer("go.mod") env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("go.mod"), ) // Uncomment the lines and expect a new diagnostic for the import. env.RegexpReplace("main.go", "//_ = conf.ErrHelpWanted", "_ = conf.ErrHelpWanted") env.SaveBuffer("main.go") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", `"github.com/ardanlabs/conf"`), ) }) } // Test for golang/go#38207. func TestNewModule_Issue38207(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 14) const emptyFile = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- ` WithOptions( ProxyFiles(ardanLabsProxy), ).Run(t, emptyFile, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.CreateBuffer("main.go", `package main import "github.com/ardanlabs/conf" func main() { _ = conf.ErrHelpWanted } `) env.SaveBuffer("main.go") var d protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams env.Await( OnceMet( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("main.go", `"github.com/ardanlabs/conf"`, "no required module"), ReadDiagnostics("main.go", &d), ), ) env.ApplyQuickFixes("main.go", d.Diagnostics) env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("main.go"), ) }) } // Test for golang/go#36960. func TestNewFileBadImports_Issue36960(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 14) const simplePackage = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.14 -- a/a1.go -- package a import "fmt" func _() { fmt.Println("hi") } ` Run(t, simplePackage, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a/a1.go") env.CreateBuffer("a/a2.go", ``) env.SaveBufferWithoutActions("a/a2.go") env.Await( OnceMet( env.DoneWithSave(), NoDiagnostics("a/a1.go"), ), ) env.EditBuffer("a/a2.go", fake.NewEdit(0, 0, 0, 0, `package a`)) env.Await( OnceMet(env.DoneWithChange(), NoDiagnostics("a/a1.go")), ) }) } // This test tries to replicate the workflow of a user creating a new x test. // It also tests golang/go#39315. func TestManuallyCreatingXTest(t *testing.T) { // Only for 1.15 because of golang/go#37971. testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 15) // Create a package that already has a test variant (in-package test). const testVariant = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.15 -- hello/hello.go -- package hello func Hello() { var x int } -- hello/hello_test.go -- package hello import "testing" func TestHello(t *testing.T) { var x int Hello() } ` Run(t, testVariant, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { // Open the file, triggering the workspace load. // There are errors in the code to ensure all is working as expected. env.OpenFile("hello/hello.go") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("hello/hello.go", "x"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("hello/hello_test.go", "x"), ) // Create an empty file with the intention of making it an x test. // This resembles a typical flow in an editor like VS Code, in which // a user would create an empty file and add content, saving // intermittently. // TODO(rstambler): There might be more edge cases here, as file // content can be added incrementally. env.CreateBuffer("hello/hello_x_test.go", ``) // Save the empty file (no actions since formatting will fail). env.SaveBufferWithoutActions("hello/hello_x_test.go") // Add the content. The missing import is for the package under test. env.EditBuffer("hello/hello_x_test.go", fake.NewEdit(0, 0, 0, 0, `package hello_test import ( "testing" ) func TestHello(t *testing.T) { hello.Hello() } `)) // Expect a diagnostic for the missing import. Save, which should // trigger import organization. The diagnostic should clear. env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("hello/hello_x_test.go", "hello.Hello"), ) env.SaveBuffer("hello/hello_x_test.go") env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("hello/hello_x_test.go"), ) }) } // Reproduce golang/go#40690. func TestCreateOnlyXTest(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 13) const mod = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- foo/foo.go -- package foo -- foo/bar_test.go -- ` Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("foo/bar_test.go") env.EditBuffer("foo/bar_test.go", fake.NewEdit(0, 0, 0, 0, "package foo")) env.Await(env.DoneWithChange()) env.RegexpReplace("foo/bar_test.go", "package foo", `package foo_test import "testing" func TestX(t *testing.T) { var x int } `) env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("foo/bar_test.go", "x"), ) }) } func TestChangePackageName(t *testing.T) { t.Skip("This issue hasn't been fixed yet. See golang.org/issue/41061.") const mod = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- foo/foo.go -- package foo -- foo/bar_test.go -- package foo_ ` Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("foo/bar_test.go") env.RegexpReplace("foo/bar_test.go", "package foo_", "package foo_test") env.SaveBuffer("foo/bar_test.go") env.Await( OnceMet( env.DoneWithSave(), NoDiagnostics("foo/bar_test.go"), ), OnceMet( env.DoneWithSave(), NoDiagnostics("foo/foo.go"), ), ) }) } // Reproduces golang/go#40825. func TestEmptyGOPATHXTest_40825(t *testing.T) { const files = ` -- x.go -- package x -- x_test.go -- ` WithOptions(InGOPATH()).Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("x_test.go") env.EditBuffer("x_test.go", fake.NewEdit(0, 0, 0, 0, "pack")) env.Await( env.DoneWithChange(), NoShowMessage(), ) }) } func TestIgnoredFiles(t *testing.T) { const ws = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- _foo/x.go -- package x var _ = foo.Bar ` Run(t, ws, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("_foo/x.go") env.Await( OnceMet( env.DoneWithOpen(), NoDiagnostics("_foo/x.go"), )) }) } // Partially reproduces golang/go#38977, moving a file between packages. // It also gets hit by some go command bug fixed in 1.15, but we don't // care about that so much here. func TestDeletePackage(t *testing.T) { const ws = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.15 -- a/a.go -- package a const A = 1 -- b/b.go -- package b import "mod.com/a" const B = a.A -- c/c.go -- package c import "mod.com/a" const C = a.A ` Run(t, ws, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("b/b.go") env.Await(env.DoneWithOpen()) // Delete c/c.go, the only file in package c. env.RemoveWorkspaceFile("c/c.go") // We should still get diagnostics for files that exist. env.RegexpReplace("b/b.go", `a.A`, "a.Nonexistant") env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("b/b.go", `Nonexistant`)) }) } // This is a copy of the scenario_default/quickfix_empty_files.txt test from // govim. Reproduces golang/go#39646. func TestQuickFixEmptyFiles(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 15) const mod = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 ` // To fully recreate the govim tests, we create files by inserting // a newline, adding to the file, and then deleting the newline. // Wait for each event to process to avoid cancellations and force // package loads. writeGoVim := func(env *Env, name, content string) { env.WriteWorkspaceFile(name, "") env.Await(env.DoneWithChangeWatchedFiles()) env.CreateBuffer(name, "\n") env.Await(env.DoneWithOpen()) env.EditBuffer(name, fake.NewEdit(1, 0, 1, 0, content)) env.Await(env.DoneWithChange()) env.EditBuffer(name, fake.NewEdit(0, 0, 1, 0, "")) env.Await(env.DoneWithChange()) } const p = `package p; func DoIt(s string) {};` const main = `package main import "mod.com/p" func main() { p.DoIt(5) } ` // A simple version of the test that reproduces most of the problems it // exposes. t.Run("short", func(t *testing.T) { Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { writeGoVim(env, "p/p.go", p) writeGoVim(env, "main.go", main) env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", "5")) }) }) // A full version that replicates the whole flow of the test. t.Run("full", func(t *testing.T) { Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { writeGoVim(env, "p/p.go", p) writeGoVim(env, "main.go", main) writeGoVim(env, "p/p_test.go", `package p import "testing" func TestDoIt(t *testing.T) { DoIt(5) } `) writeGoVim(env, "p/x_test.go", `package p_test import ( "testing" "mod.com/p" ) func TestDoIt(t *testing.T) { p.DoIt(5) } `) env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", "5"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("p/p_test.go", "5"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("p/x_test.go", "5"), ) env.RegexpReplace("p/p.go", "s string", "i int") env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("main.go"), EmptyDiagnostics("p/p_test.go"), EmptyDiagnostics("p/x_test.go"), ) }) }) } func TestSingleFile(t *testing.T) { const mod = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.13 -- a/a.go -- package a func _() { var x int } ` WithOptions( // Empty workspace folders. WorkspaceFolders(), ).Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a/a.go") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("a/a.go", "x"), ) }) } // Reproduces the case described in // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/39296#issuecomment-652058883. func TestPkgm(t *testing.T) { const basic = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.15 -- foo/foo.go -- package foo import "fmt" func Foo() { fmt.Println("") } ` Run(t, basic, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 16) // We can't recover cleanly from this case without good overlay support. env.WriteWorkspaceFile("foo/foo_test.go", `package main func main() { }`) env.OpenFile("foo/foo_test.go") env.RegexpReplace("foo/foo_test.go", `package main`, `package foo`) env.Await( OnceMet( env.DoneWithChange(), NoDiagnostics("foo/foo.go"), ), ) }) } func TestClosingBuffer(t *testing.T) { const basic = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.14 -- main.go -- package main func main() {} ` Run(t, basic, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.Editor.CreateBuffer(env.Ctx, "foo.go", `package main`) env.Await( env.DoneWithOpen(), ) env.CloseBuffer("foo.go") env.Await( OnceMet( env.DoneWithClose(), NoLogMatching(protocol.Info, "packages=0"), ), ) }) } // Reproduces golang/go#38424. func TestCutAndPaste(t *testing.T) { const basic = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.14 -- main2.go -- package main ` Run(t, basic, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.CreateBuffer("main.go", "") env.Await(env.DoneWithOpen()) env.SaveBufferWithoutActions("main.go") env.Await(env.DoneWithSave(), env.DoneWithChangeWatchedFiles()) env.EditBuffer("main.go", fake.NewEdit(0, 0, 0, 0, `package main func main() { } `)) env.Await(env.DoneWithChange()) env.SaveBuffer("main.go") env.Await(env.DoneWithSave(), env.DoneWithChangeWatchedFiles()) env.EditBuffer("main.go", fake.NewEdit(0, 0, 4, 0, "")) env.Await(env.DoneWithChange()) env.EditBuffer("main.go", fake.NewEdit(0, 0, 0, 0, `package main func main() { var x int } `)) env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", "x"), ) }) } // Reproduces golang/go#39763. func TestInvalidPackageName(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 15) const pkgDefault = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package default func main() {} ` Run(t, pkgDefault, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("main.go") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("main.go", "default", "expected 'IDENT'"), ) }) } // This tests the functionality of the "limitWorkspaceScope" func TestLimitWorkspaceScope(t *testing.T) { const mod = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- a/main.go -- package main func main() {} -- main.go -- package main func main() { var x int } ` WithOptions( WorkspaceFolders("a"), ).Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a/main.go") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", "x"), ) }) WithOptions( WorkspaceFolders("a"), LimitWorkspaceScope(), ).Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a/main.go") env.Await( NoDiagnostics("main.go"), ) }) } func TestSimplifyCompositeLitDiagnostic(t *testing.T) { const files = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package main import "fmt" type t struct { msg string } func main() { x := []t{t{"msg"}} fmt.Println(x) } ` WithOptions( EditorConfig{EnableStaticcheck: true}, ).Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("main.go") var d protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams env.Await(OnceMet( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("main.go", `t{"msg"}`, "redundant type"), ReadDiagnostics("main.go", &d), )) if tags := d.Diagnostics[0].Tags; len(tags) == 0 || tags[0] != protocol.Unnecessary { t.Errorf("wanted Unnecessary tag on diagnostic, got %v", tags) } env.ApplyQuickFixes("main.go", d.Diagnostics) env.Await(EmptyDiagnostics("main.go")) }) } // Test some secondary diagnostics func TestSecondaryDiagnostics(t *testing.T) { const dir = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package main func main() { panic("not here") } -- other.go -- package main func main() {} ` Run(t, dir, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile) env.OpenFile("main.go") env.OpenFile("other.go") x := env.DiagnosticsFor("main.go") if x == nil { t.Fatalf("expected 1 diagnostic, got none") } if len(x.Diagnostics) != 1 { t.Fatalf("main.go, got %d diagnostics, expected 1", len(x.Diagnostics)) } keep := x.Diagnostics[0] y := env.DiagnosticsFor("other.go") if len(y.Diagnostics) != 1 { t.Fatalf("other.go: got %d diagnostics, expected 1", len(y.Diagnostics)) } if len(y.Diagnostics[0].RelatedInformation) != 1 { t.Fatalf("got %d RelatedInformations, expected 1", len(y.Diagnostics[0].RelatedInformation)) } // check that the RelatedInformation matches the error from main.go c := y.Diagnostics[0].RelatedInformation[0] if c.Location.Range != keep.Range { t.Errorf("locations don't match. Got %v expected %v", c.Location.Range, keep.Range) } }) } func TestNotifyOrphanedFiles(t *testing.T) { // Need GO111MODULE=on for this test to work with Go 1.12. testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 13) const files = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- a/a.go -- package a func main() { var x int } -- a/a_ignore.go -- // +build ignore package a func _() { var x int } ` Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a/a.go") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("a/a.go", "x"), ) env.OpenFile("a/a_ignore.go") env.Await( DiagnosticAt("a/a_ignore.go", 2, 8), ) }) } func TestEnableAllExperiments(t *testing.T) { const mod = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package main import "bytes" func b(c bytes.Buffer) { _ = 1 } ` WithOptions( EditorConfig{ AllExperiments: true, }, ).Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { // Confirm that the setting doesn't cause any warnings. env.Await(NoShowMessage()) }) } func TestSwig(t *testing.T) { t.Skipf("skipped until golang/go#37098 is resolved") const mod = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- pkg/simple/export_swig.go -- package simple func ExportSimple(x, y int) int { return Gcd(x, y) } -- pkg/simple/simple.swigcxx -- %module simple %inline %{ extern int gcd(int x, int y) { int g; g = y; while (x > 0) { g = x; x = y % x; y = g; } return g; } %} -- main.go -- package a func main() { var x int } ` Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.Await( OnceMet( InitialWorkspaceLoad, NoDiagnosticWithMessage("", "illegal character U+0023 '#'"), ), ) }) } // When foo_test.go is opened, gopls will object to the borked package name. // This test asserts that when the package name is fixed, gopls will soon after // have no more complaints about it. // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/41061 func TestRenamePackage(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 16) const proxy = ` -- example.com@v1.2.3/go.mod -- module example.com go 1.12 -- example.com@v1.2.3/blah/blah.go -- package blah const Name = "Blah" -- random.org@v1.2.3/go.mod -- module random.org go 1.12 -- random.org@v1.2.3/blah/blah.go -- package hello const Name = "Hello" ` const contents = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package main import "example.com/blah" func main() { blah.Hello() } -- bob.go -- package main -- foo/foo.go -- package foo -- foo/foo_test.go -- package foo_ ` WithOptions( ProxyFiles(proxy), InGOPATH(), ).Run(t, contents, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { // Simulate typing character by character. env.OpenFile("foo/foo_test.go") env.Await(env.DoneWithOpen()) env.RegexpReplace("foo/foo_test.go", "_", "_t") env.Await(env.DoneWithChange()) env.RegexpReplace("foo/foo_test.go", "_t", "_test") env.Await(env.DoneWithChange()) env.Await( EmptyDiagnostics("foo/foo_test.go"), NoOutstandingWork(), ) }) } // TestProgressBarErrors confirms that critical workspace load errors are shown // and updated via progress reports. func TestProgressBarErrors(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 14) const pkg = ` -- go.mod -- modul mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package main ` Run(t, pkg, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("go.mod") env.Await( OutstandingWork(lsp.WorkspaceLoadFailure, "unknown directive"), ) env.EditBuffer("go.mod", fake.NewEdit(0, 0, 3, 0, `module mod.com go 1.hello `)) // As of golang/go#42529, go.mod changes do not reload the workspace until // they are saved. env.SaveBufferWithoutActions("go.mod") env.Await( OutstandingWork(lsp.WorkspaceLoadFailure, "invalid go version"), ) env.RegexpReplace("go.mod", "go 1.hello", "go 1.12") env.SaveBufferWithoutActions("go.mod") env.Await( NoOutstandingWork(), ) }) } func TestDeleteDirectory(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 14) const mod = ` -- bob/bob.go -- package bob func Hello() { var x int } -- go.mod -- module mod.com -- main.go -- package main import "mod.com/bob" func main() { bob.Hello() } ` Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.RemoveWorkspaceFile("bob") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("main.go", `"mod.com/bob"`), EmptyDiagnostics("bob/bob.go"), ) }) } // Confirms that circular imports are tested and reported. func TestCircularImports(t *testing.T) { const mod = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- self/self.go -- package self import _ "mod.com/self" func Hello() {} -- double/a/a.go -- package a import _ "mod.com/double/b" -- double/b/b.go -- package b import _ "mod.com/double/a" -- triple/a/a.go -- package a import _ "mod.com/triple/b" -- triple/b/b.go -- package b import _ "mod.com/triple/c" -- triple/c/c.go -- package c import _ "mod.com/triple/a" ` Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("self/self.go", `_ "mod.com/self"`, "import cycle not allowed"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("double/a/a.go", `_ "mod.com/double/b"`, "import cycle not allowed"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("triple/a/a.go", `_ "mod.com/triple/b"`, "import cycle not allowed"), ) }) } func TestBadImport(t *testing.T) { testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 14) const mod = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- main.go -- package main import ( _ "nosuchpkg" ) ` t.Run("module", func(t *testing.T) { Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("main.go", `"nosuchpkg"`, `could not import nosuchpkg (no required module provides package "nosuchpkg"`), ) }) }) t.Run("GOPATH", func(t *testing.T) { WithOptions( InGOPATH(), EditorConfig{ Env: map[string]string{"GO111MODULE": "off"}, }, Modes(Singleton), ).Run(t, mod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("main.go", `"nosuchpkg"`, `cannot find package "nosuchpkg" in any of`), ) }) }) } func TestMultipleModules_Warning(t *testing.T) { const modules = ` -- a/go.mod -- module a.com go 1.12 -- a/a.go -- package a -- b/go.mod -- module b.com go 1.12 -- b/b.go -- package b ` for _, go111module := range []string{"on", "auto"} { t.Run("GO111MODULE="+go111module, func(t *testing.T) { WithOptions( Modes(Singleton), EditorConfig{ Env: map[string]string{ "GO111MODULE": go111module, }, }, ).Run(t, modules, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a/a.go") env.OpenFile("b/go.mod") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("a/a.go", "package a"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("b/go.mod", "module b.com"), OutstandingWork(lsp.WorkspaceLoadFailure, "gopls requires a module at the root of your workspace."), ) }) }) } // Expect no warning if GO111MODULE=auto in a directory in GOPATH. t.Run("GOPATH_GO111MODULE_auto", func(t *testing.T) { WithOptions( Modes(Singleton), EditorConfig{ Env: map[string]string{ "GO111MODULE": "auto", }, }, InGOPATH(), ).Run(t, modules, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("a/a.go") env.Await( OnceMet( env.DoneWithOpen(), NoDiagnostics("a/a.go"), ), NoOutstandingWork(), ) }) }) } func TestNestedModules(t *testing.T) { const proxy = ` -- nested.com@v1.0.0/go.mod -- module nested.com go 1.12 -- nested.com@v1.0.0/hello/hello.go -- package hello func Hello() {} ` const nested = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 require nested.com v1.0.0 -- go.sum -- nested.com v1.0.0 h1:I6spLE4CgFqMdBPc+wTV2asDO2QJ3tU0YAT+jkLeN1I= nested.com v1.0.0/go.mod h1:ly53UzXQgVjSlV7wicdBB4p8BxfytuGT1Xcyv0ReJfI= -- main.go -- package main import "nested.com/hello" func main() { hello.Hello() } -- nested/go.mod -- module nested.com -- nested/hello/hello.go -- package hello func Hello() { helloHelper() } -- nested/hello/hello_helper.go -- package hello func helloHelper() {} ` WithOptions( ProxyFiles(proxy), Modes(Singleton), ).Run(t, nested, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { // Expect a diagnostic in a nested module. env.OpenFile("nested/hello/hello.go") didOpen := env.DoneWithOpen() env.Await( OnceMet( didOpen, env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("nested/hello/hello.go", "helloHelper"), ), OnceMet( didOpen, env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("nested/hello/hello.go", "package hello", "nested module"), ), OnceMet( didOpen, OutstandingWork(lsp.WorkspaceLoadFailure, "nested module"), ), ) }) } func TestAdHocPackagesReloading(t *testing.T) { const nomod = ` -- main.go -- package main func main() {} ` Run(t, nomod, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("main.go") env.RegexpReplace("main.go", "{}", "{ var x int; }") // simulate typing env.Await( OnceMet( env.DoneWithChange(), NoLogMatching(protocol.Info, "packages=1"), ), ) }) } func TestBuildTagChange(t *testing.T) { const files = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.12 -- foo.go -- // decoy comment // +build hidden // decoy comment package foo var Foo = 1 -- bar.go -- package foo var Bar = Foo ` Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("foo.go") env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("bar.go", `Foo`, "undeclared name")) env.RegexpReplace("foo.go", `\+build`, "") env.Await(EmptyDiagnostics("bar.go")) }) } func TestIssue44736(t *testing.T) { const files = ` -- go.mod -- module blah.com go 1.16 -- main.go -- package main import "fmt" func main() { asdf fmt.Printf("This is a test %v") fdas } -- other.go -- package main ` Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("main.go") env.OpenFile("other.go") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("main.go", "asdf", "undeclared name"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("main.go", "fdas", "undeclared name"), ) env.SetBufferContent("other.go", "package main\n\nasdf") // The new diagnostic in other.go should not suppress diagnostics in main.go. env.Await( OnceMet( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("other.go", "asdf", "expected declaration"), env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("main.go", "asdf", "undeclared name"), ), ) }) } // Tests golang/go#45075, a panic in fillreturns breaks diagnostics. func TestFillReturnsPanic(t *testing.T) { // At tip, the panic no longer reproduces. testenv.SkipAfterGo1Point(t, 16) const files = ` -- go.mod -- module mod.com go 1.16 -- main.go -- package main func foo() int { return x, nil } ` Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) { env.OpenFile("main.go") env.Await( env.DiagnosticAtRegexpWithMessage("main.go", `return x`, "wrong number of return values"), LogMatching(protocol.Error, `.*analysis fillreturns.*panicked.*`, 2), ) }) }