from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Generic, Iterator, Mapping, TypeVar, Union _T = TypeVar('_T') class ContextVar(Generic[_T]): def __init__(self, name: str, *, default: _T = ...) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: ... def get(self, default: _T = ...) -> _T: ... def set(self, value: _T) -> Token[_T]: ... def reset(self, token: Token[_T]) -> None: ... class Token(Generic[_T]): @property def var(self) -> ContextVar[_T]: ... @property def old_value(self) -> Any: ... # returns either _T or MISSING, but that's hard to express MISSING: ClassVar[object] def copy_context() -> Context: ... # It doesn't make sense to make this generic, because for most Contexts each ContextVar will have # a different value. class Context(Mapping[ContextVar[Any], Any]): def __init__(self) -> None: ... def run(self, callable: Callable[..., _T], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> _T: ... def copy(self) -> Context: ... def __getitem__(self, key: ContextVar[Any]) -> Any: ... def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ContextVar[Any]]: ... def __len__(self) -> int: ...