import subprocess import sys from _typeshed import StrOrBytesPath from asyncio import events, protocols, streams, transports from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Union from typing_extensions import Literal if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): _ExecArg = StrOrBytesPath else: _ExecArg = Union[str, bytes] PIPE: int STDOUT: int DEVNULL: int class SubprocessStreamProtocol(streams.FlowControlMixin, protocols.SubprocessProtocol): stdin: streams.StreamWriter | None stdout: streams.StreamReader | None stderr: streams.StreamReader | None def __init__(self, limit: int, loop: events.AbstractEventLoop) -> None: ... def connection_made(self, transport: transports.BaseTransport) -> None: ... def pipe_data_received(self, fd: int, data: bytes | str) -> None: ... def pipe_connection_lost(self, fd: int, exc: Exception | None) -> None: ... def process_exited(self) -> None: ... class Process: stdin: streams.StreamWriter | None stdout: streams.StreamReader | None stderr: streams.StreamReader | None pid: int def __init__( self, transport: transports.BaseTransport, protocol: protocols.BaseProtocol, loop: events.AbstractEventLoop ) -> None: ... @property def returncode(self) -> int | None: ... async def wait(self) -> int: ... def send_signal(self, signal: int) -> None: ... def terminate(self) -> None: ... def kill(self) -> None: ... async def communicate(self, input: bytes | None = ...) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]: ... if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): async def create_subprocess_shell( cmd: str | bytes, stdin: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., stdout: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., stderr: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., limit: int = ..., *, # These parameters are forced to these values by BaseEventLoop.subprocess_shell universal_newlines: Literal[False] = ..., shell: Literal[True] = ..., bufsize: Literal[0] = ..., encoding: None = ..., errors: None = ..., text: Literal[False, None] = ..., # These parameters are taken by subprocess.Popen, which this ultimately delegates to executable: StrOrBytesPath | None = ..., preexec_fn: Callable[[], Any] | None = ..., close_fds: bool = ..., cwd: StrOrBytesPath | None = ..., env: subprocess._ENV | None = ..., startupinfo: Any | None = ..., creationflags: int = ..., restore_signals: bool = ..., start_new_session: bool = ..., pass_fds: Any = ..., ) -> Process: ... async def create_subprocess_exec( program: _ExecArg, *args: _ExecArg, stdin: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., stdout: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., stderr: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., limit: int = ..., # These parameters are forced to these values by BaseEventLoop.subprocess_shell universal_newlines: Literal[False] = ..., shell: Literal[True] = ..., bufsize: Literal[0] = ..., encoding: None = ..., errors: None = ..., # These parameters are taken by subprocess.Popen, which this ultimately delegates to text: bool | None = ..., executable: StrOrBytesPath | None = ..., preexec_fn: Callable[[], Any] | None = ..., close_fds: bool = ..., cwd: StrOrBytesPath | None = ..., env: subprocess._ENV | None = ..., startupinfo: Any | None = ..., creationflags: int = ..., restore_signals: bool = ..., start_new_session: bool = ..., pass_fds: Any = ..., ) -> Process: ... else: async def create_subprocess_shell( cmd: str | bytes, stdin: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., stdout: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., stderr: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., loop: events.AbstractEventLoop | None = ..., limit: int = ..., *, # These parameters are forced to these values by BaseEventLoop.subprocess_shell universal_newlines: Literal[False] = ..., shell: Literal[True] = ..., bufsize: Literal[0] = ..., encoding: None = ..., errors: None = ..., text: Literal[False, None] = ..., # These parameters are taken by subprocess.Popen, which this ultimately delegates to executable: StrOrBytesPath | None = ..., preexec_fn: Callable[[], Any] | None = ..., close_fds: bool = ..., cwd: StrOrBytesPath | None = ..., env: subprocess._ENV | None = ..., startupinfo: Any | None = ..., creationflags: int = ..., restore_signals: bool = ..., start_new_session: bool = ..., pass_fds: Any = ..., ) -> Process: ... async def create_subprocess_exec( program: _ExecArg, *args: _ExecArg, stdin: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., stdout: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., stderr: int | IO[Any] | None = ..., loop: events.AbstractEventLoop | None = ..., limit: int = ..., # These parameters are forced to these values by BaseEventLoop.subprocess_shell universal_newlines: Literal[False] = ..., shell: Literal[True] = ..., bufsize: Literal[0] = ..., encoding: None = ..., errors: None = ..., # These parameters are taken by subprocess.Popen, which this ultimately delegates to text: bool | None = ..., executable: StrOrBytesPath | None = ..., preexec_fn: Callable[[], Any] | None = ..., close_fds: bool = ..., cwd: StrOrBytesPath | None = ..., env: subprocess._ENV | None = ..., startupinfo: Any | None = ..., creationflags: int = ..., restore_signals: bool = ..., start_new_session: bool = ..., pass_fds: Any = ..., ) -> Process: ...