import sys from _typeshed import StrOrBytesPath, StrPath, SupportsWrite from import Callable, ItemsView, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, Optional, Pattern, Type, TypeVar, overload from typing_extensions import Literal # Internal type aliases _section = Mapping[str, str] _parser = MutableMapping[str, _section] _converter = Callable[[str], Any] _converters = Dict[str, _converter] _T = TypeVar("_T") if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): _Path = StrOrBytesPath else: _Path = StrPath DEFAULTSECT: str MAX_INTERPOLATION_DEPTH: int class Interpolation: def before_get(self, parser: _parser, section: str, option: str, value: str, defaults: _section) -> str: ... def before_set(self, parser: _parser, section: str, option: str, value: str) -> str: ... def before_read(self, parser: _parser, section: str, option: str, value: str) -> str: ... def before_write(self, parser: _parser, section: str, option: str, value: str) -> str: ... class BasicInterpolation(Interpolation): ... class ExtendedInterpolation(Interpolation): ... class LegacyInterpolation(Interpolation): def before_get(self, parser: _parser, section: str, option: str, value: str, vars: _section) -> str: ... class RawConfigParser(_parser): _SECT_TMPL: ClassVar[str] # undocumented _OPT_TMPL: ClassVar[str] # undocumented _OPT_NV_TMPL: ClassVar[str] # undocumented SECTCRE: Pattern[str] OPTCRE: ClassVar[Pattern[str]] OPTCRE_NV: ClassVar[Pattern[str]] # undocumented NONSPACECRE: ClassVar[Pattern[str]] # undocumented BOOLEAN_STATES: ClassVar[Mapping[str, bool]] # undocumented default_section: str @overload def __init__( self, defaults: Mapping[str, str | None] | None = ..., dict_type: Type[Mapping[str, str]] = ..., allow_no_value: Literal[True] = ..., *, delimiters: Sequence[str] = ..., comment_prefixes: Sequence[str] = ..., inline_comment_prefixes: Sequence[str] | None = ..., strict: bool = ..., empty_lines_in_values: bool = ..., default_section: str = ..., interpolation: Interpolation | None = ..., converters: _converters = ..., ) -> None: ... @overload def __init__( self, defaults: _section | None = ..., dict_type: Type[Mapping[str, str]] = ..., allow_no_value: bool = ..., *, delimiters: Sequence[str] = ..., comment_prefixes: Sequence[str] = ..., inline_comment_prefixes: Sequence[str] | None = ..., strict: bool = ..., empty_lines_in_values: bool = ..., default_section: str = ..., interpolation: Interpolation | None = ..., converters: _converters = ..., ) -> None: ... def __len__(self) -> int: ... def __getitem__(self, section: str) -> SectionProxy: ... def __setitem__(self, section: str, options: _section) -> None: ... def __delitem__(self, section: str) -> None: ... def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: ... def defaults(self) -> _section: ... def sections(self) -> list[str]: ... def add_section(self, section: str) -> None: ... def has_section(self, section: str) -> bool: ... def options(self, section: str) -> list[str]: ... def has_option(self, section: str, option: str) -> bool: ... def read(self, filenames: _Path | Iterable[_Path], encoding: str | None = ...) -> list[str]: ... def read_file(self, f: Iterable[str], source: str | None = ...) -> None: ... def read_string(self, string: str, source: str = ...) -> None: ... def read_dict(self, dictionary: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]], source: str = ...) -> None: ... def readfp(self, fp: Iterable[str], filename: str | None = ...) -> None: ... # These get* methods are partially applied (with the same names) in # SectionProxy; the stubs should be kept updated together @overload def getint(self, section: str, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> int: ... @overload def getint( self, section: str, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ..., fallback: _T = ... ) -> int | _T: ... @overload def getfloat(self, section: str, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> float: ... @overload def getfloat( self, section: str, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ..., fallback: _T = ... ) -> float | _T: ... @overload def getboolean(self, section: str, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> bool: ... @overload def getboolean( self, section: str, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ..., fallback: _T = ... ) -> bool | _T: ... def _get_conv( self, section: str, option: str, conv: Callable[[str], _T], *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ..., fallback: _T = ..., ) -> _T: ... # This is incompatible with MutableMapping so we ignore the type @overload # type: ignore def get(self, section: str, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> str: ... @overload def get(self, section: str, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ..., fallback: _T) -> str | _T: ... @overload def items(self, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> ItemsView[str, SectionProxy]: ... @overload def items(self, section: str, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> list[tuple[str, str]]: ... def set(self, section: str, option: str, value: str | None = ...) -> None: ... def write(self, fp: SupportsWrite[str], space_around_delimiters: bool = ...) -> None: ... def remove_option(self, section: str, option: str) -> bool: ... def remove_section(self, section: str) -> bool: ... def optionxform(self, optionstr: str) -> str: ... class ConfigParser(RawConfigParser): ... class SafeConfigParser(ConfigParser): ... class SectionProxy(MutableMapping[str, str]): def __init__(self, parser: RawConfigParser, name: str) -> None: ... def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str: ... def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: str) -> None: ... def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: ... def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool: ... def __len__(self) -> int: ... def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: ... @property def parser(self) -> RawConfigParser: ... @property def name(self) -> str: ... def get(self, option: str, fallback: str | None = ..., *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ..., _impl: Any | None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> str: ... # type: ignore # These are partially-applied version of the methods with the same names in # RawConfigParser; the stubs should be kept updated together @overload def getint(self, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> int: ... @overload def getint(self, option: str, fallback: _T = ..., *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> int | _T: ... @overload def getfloat(self, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> float: ... @overload def getfloat(self, option: str, fallback: _T = ..., *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> float | _T: ... @overload def getboolean(self, option: str, *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> bool: ... @overload def getboolean(self, option: str, fallback: _T = ..., *, raw: bool = ..., vars: _section | None = ...) -> bool | _T: ... # SectionProxy can have arbitrary attributes when custom converters are used def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Callable[..., Any]: ... class ConverterMapping(MutableMapping[str, Optional[_converter]]): GETTERCRE: Pattern[Any] def __init__(self, parser: RawConfigParser) -> None: ... def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> _converter: ... def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: _converter | None) -> None: ... def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: ... def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: ... def __len__(self) -> int: ... class Error(Exception): message: str def __init__(self, msg: str = ...) -> None: ... class NoSectionError(Error): section: str def __init__(self, section: str) -> None: ... class DuplicateSectionError(Error): section: str source: str | None lineno: int | None def __init__(self, section: str, source: str | None = ..., lineno: int | None = ...) -> None: ... class DuplicateOptionError(Error): section: str option: str source: str | None lineno: int | None def __init__(self, section: str, option: str, source: str | None = ..., lineno: int | None = ...) -> None: ... class NoOptionError(Error): section: str option: str def __init__(self, option: str, section: str) -> None: ... class InterpolationError(Error): section: str option: str def __init__(self, option: str, section: str, msg: str) -> None: ... class InterpolationDepthError(InterpolationError): def __init__(self, option: str, section: str, rawval: object) -> None: ... class InterpolationMissingOptionError(InterpolationError): reference: str def __init__(self, option: str, section: str, rawval: object, reference: str) -> None: ... class InterpolationSyntaxError(InterpolationError): ... class ParsingError(Error): source: str errors: list[tuple[int, str]] def __init__(self, source: str | None = ..., filename: str | None = ...) -> None: ... def append(self, lineno: int, line: str) -> None: ... class MissingSectionHeaderError(ParsingError): lineno: int line: str def __init__(self, filename: str, lineno: int, line: str) -> None: ...