import enum import sys import types from _typeshed import Self from collections import OrderedDict from import Awaitable, Callable, Generator, Mapping, Sequence from types import ( AsyncGeneratorType, BuiltinFunctionType, BuiltinMethodType, CodeType, CoroutineType, FrameType, FunctionType, GeneratorType, GetSetDescriptorType, LambdaType, MethodType, ModuleType, TracebackType, ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): from types import ClassMethodDescriptorType, WrapperDescriptorType, MemberDescriptorType, MethodDescriptorType from typing import Any, ClassVar, NamedTuple, Protocol, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union from typing_extensions import Literal, TypeGuard # # Types and members # class EndOfBlock(Exception): ... class BlockFinder: indent: int islambda: bool started: bool passline: bool indecorator: bool decoratorhasargs: bool last: int def tokeneater(self, type: int, token: str, srowcol: tuple[int, int], erowcol: tuple[int, int], line: str) -> None: ... CO_OPTIMIZED: int CO_NEWLOCALS: int CO_VARARGS: int CO_VARKEYWORDS: int CO_NESTED: int CO_GENERATOR: int CO_NOFREE: int CO_COROUTINE: int CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE: int CO_ASYNC_GENERATOR: int TPFLAGS_IS_ABSTRACT: int def getmembers(object: object, predicate: Callable[[Any], bool] | None = ...) -> list[tuple[str, Any]]: ... def getmodulename(path: str) -> str | None: ... def ismodule(object: object) -> TypeGuard[ModuleType]: ... def isclass(object: object) -> TypeGuard[Type[Any]]: ... def ismethod(object: object) -> TypeGuard[MethodType]: ... def isfunction(object: object) -> TypeGuard[FunctionType]: ... if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): def isgeneratorfunction(obj: object) -> bool: ... def iscoroutinefunction(obj: object) -> bool: ... else: def isgeneratorfunction(object: object) -> bool: ... def iscoroutinefunction(object: object) -> bool: ... def isgenerator(object: object) -> TypeGuard[GeneratorType[Any, Any, Any]]: ... def iscoroutine(object: object) -> TypeGuard[CoroutineType[Any, Any, Any]]: ... def isawaitable(object: object) -> TypeGuard[Awaitable[Any]]: ... if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): def isasyncgenfunction(obj: object) -> bool: ... else: def isasyncgenfunction(object: object) -> bool: ... _T_cont = TypeVar("_T_cont", contravariant=True) _V_cont = TypeVar("_V_cont", contravariant=True) class _SupportsSet(Protocol[_T_cont, _V_cont]): def __set__(self, __instance: _T_cont, __value: _V_cont) -> None: ... class _SupportsDelete(Protocol[_T_cont]): def __delete__(self, __instance: _T_cont) -> None: ... def isasyncgen(object: object) -> TypeGuard[AsyncGeneratorType[Any, Any]]: ... def istraceback(object: object) -> TypeGuard[TracebackType]: ... def isframe(object: object) -> TypeGuard[FrameType]: ... def iscode(object: object) -> TypeGuard[CodeType]: ... def isbuiltin(object: object) -> TypeGuard[BuiltinFunctionType]: ... if sys.version_info < (3, 7): def isroutine( object: object, ) -> TypeGuard[FunctionType | LambdaType | MethodType | BuiltinFunctionType | BuiltinMethodType]: ... def ismethoddescriptor(object: object) -> bool: ... def ismemberdescriptor(object: object) -> bool: ... else: def isroutine( object: object, ) -> TypeGuard[ FunctionType | LambdaType | MethodType | BuiltinFunctionType | BuiltinMethodType | WrapperDescriptorType | MethodDescriptorType | ClassMethodDescriptorType ]: ... def ismethoddescriptor(object: object) -> TypeGuard[MethodDescriptorType]: ... def ismemberdescriptor(object: object) -> TypeGuard[MemberDescriptorType]: ... def isabstract(object: object) -> bool: ... def isgetsetdescriptor(object: object) -> TypeGuard[GetSetDescriptorType]: ... def isdatadescriptor(object: object) -> TypeGuard[_SupportsSet[Any, Any] | _SupportsDelete[Any]]: ... # # Retrieving source code # _SourceObjectType = Union[ModuleType, Type[Any], MethodType, FunctionType, TracebackType, FrameType, CodeType, Callable[..., Any]] def findsource(object: _SourceObjectType) -> tuple[list[str], int]: ... def getabsfile(object: _SourceObjectType, _filename: str | None = ...) -> str: ... def getblock(lines: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str]: ... def getdoc(object: object) -> str | None: ... def getcomments(object: object) -> str | None: ... def getfile(object: _SourceObjectType) -> str: ... def getmodule(object: object, _filename: str | None = ...) -> ModuleType | None: ... def getsourcefile(object: _SourceObjectType) -> str | None: ... def getsourcelines(object: _SourceObjectType) -> tuple[list[str], int]: ... def getsource(object: _SourceObjectType) -> str: ... def cleandoc(doc: str) -> str: ... def indentsize(line: str) -> int: ... # # Introspecting callables with the Signature object # if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): def signature( obj: Callable[..., Any], *, follow_wrapped: bool = ..., globals: Mapping[str, Any] | None = ..., locals: Mapping[str, Any] | None = ..., eval_str: bool = ..., ) -> Signature: ... else: def signature(obj: Callable[..., Any], *, follow_wrapped: bool = ...) -> Signature: ... class _void: ... class _empty: ... class Signature: def __init__( self, parameters: Sequence[Parameter] | None = ..., *, return_annotation: Any = ..., __validate_parameters__: bool = ... ) -> None: ... empty = _empty @property def parameters(self) -> types.MappingProxyType[str, Parameter]: ... # TODO: can we be more specific here? @property def return_annotation(self) -> Any: ... def bind(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BoundArguments: ... def bind_partial(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> BoundArguments: ... def replace( self: Self, *, parameters: Sequence[Parameter] | Type[_void] | None = ..., return_annotation: Any = ... ) -> Self: ... if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): @classmethod def from_callable( cls, obj: Callable[..., Any], *, follow_wrapped: bool = ..., globals: Mapping[str, Any] | None = ..., locals: Mapping[str, Any] | None = ..., eval_str: bool = ..., ) -> Signature: ... else: @classmethod def from_callable(cls, obj: Callable[..., Any], *, follow_wrapped: bool = ...) -> Signature: ... if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): def get_annotations( obj: Callable[..., Any] | Type[Any] | ModuleType, *, globals: Mapping[str, Any] | None = ..., locals: Mapping[str, Any] | None = ..., eval_str: bool = ..., ) -> dict[str, Any]: ... # The name is the same as the enum's name in CPython class _ParameterKind(enum.IntEnum): POSITIONAL_ONLY: int POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: int VAR_POSITIONAL: int KEYWORD_ONLY: int VAR_KEYWORD: int if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): description: str class Parameter: def __init__(self, name: str, kind: _ParameterKind, *, default: Any = ..., annotation: Any = ...) -> None: ... empty = _empty name: str default: Any annotation: Any kind: _ParameterKind POSITIONAL_ONLY: ClassVar[Literal[_ParameterKind.POSITIONAL_ONLY]] POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: ClassVar[Literal[_ParameterKind.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD]] VAR_POSITIONAL: ClassVar[Literal[_ParameterKind.VAR_POSITIONAL]] KEYWORD_ONLY: ClassVar[Literal[_ParameterKind.KEYWORD_ONLY]] VAR_KEYWORD: ClassVar[Literal[_ParameterKind.VAR_KEYWORD]] def replace( self: Self, *, name: str | Type[_void] = ..., kind: _ParameterKind | Type[_void] = ..., default: Any = ..., annotation: Any = ..., ) -> Self: ... class BoundArguments: arguments: OrderedDict[str, Any] args: Tuple[Any, ...] kwargs: dict[str, Any] signature: Signature def __init__(self, signature: Signature, arguments: OrderedDict[str, Any]) -> None: ... def apply_defaults(self) -> None: ... # # Classes and functions # # TODO: The actual return type should be list[_ClassTreeItem] but mypy doesn't # seem to be supporting this at the moment: # _ClassTreeItem = list[_ClassTreeItem] | Tuple[type, Tuple[type, ...]] def getclasstree(classes: list[type], unique: bool = ...) -> list[Any]: ... def walktree(classes: list[type], children: dict[Type[Any], list[type]], parent: Type[Any] | None) -> list[Any]: ... class ArgSpec(NamedTuple): args: list[str] varargs: str | None keywords: str | None defaults: Tuple[Any, ...] class Arguments(NamedTuple): args: list[str] varargs: str | None varkw: str | None def getargs(co: CodeType) -> Arguments: ... def getargspec(func: object) -> ArgSpec: ... class FullArgSpec(NamedTuple): args: list[str] varargs: str | None varkw: str | None defaults: Tuple[Any, ...] | None kwonlyargs: list[str] kwonlydefaults: dict[str, Any] | None annotations: dict[str, Any] def getfullargspec(func: object) -> FullArgSpec: ... class ArgInfo(NamedTuple): args: list[str] varargs: str | None keywords: str | None locals: dict[str, Any] def getargvalues(frame: FrameType) -> ArgInfo: ... def formatannotation(annotation: object, base_module: str | None = ...) -> str: ... def formatannotationrelativeto(object: object) -> Callable[[object], str]: ... def formatargspec( args: list[str], varargs: str | None = ..., varkw: str | None = ..., defaults: Tuple[Any, ...] | None = ..., kwonlyargs: Sequence[str] | None = ..., kwonlydefaults: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., annotations: dict[str, Any] = ..., formatarg: Callable[[str], str] = ..., formatvarargs: Callable[[str], str] = ..., formatvarkw: Callable[[str], str] = ..., formatvalue: Callable[[Any], str] = ..., formatreturns: Callable[[Any], str] = ..., formatannotation: Callable[[Any], str] = ..., ) -> str: ... def formatargvalues( args: list[str], varargs: str | None, varkw: str | None, locals: dict[str, Any] | None, formatarg: Callable[[str], str] | None = ..., formatvarargs: Callable[[str], str] | None = ..., formatvarkw: Callable[[str], str] | None = ..., formatvalue: Callable[[Any], str] | None = ..., ) -> str: ... def getmro(cls: type) -> Tuple[type, ...]: ... def getcallargs(__func: Callable[..., Any], *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> dict[str, Any]: ... class ClosureVars(NamedTuple): nonlocals: Mapping[str, Any] globals: Mapping[str, Any] builtins: Mapping[str, Any] unbound: set[str] def getclosurevars(func: Callable[..., Any]) -> ClosureVars: ... def unwrap(func: Callable[..., Any], *, stop: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = ...) -> Any: ... # # The interpreter stack # class Traceback(NamedTuple): filename: str lineno: int function: str code_context: list[str] | None index: int | None # type: ignore class FrameInfo(NamedTuple): frame: FrameType filename: str lineno: int function: str code_context: list[str] | None index: int | None # type: ignore def getframeinfo(frame: FrameType | TracebackType, context: int = ...) -> Traceback: ... def getouterframes(frame: Any, context: int = ...) -> list[FrameInfo]: ... def getinnerframes(tb: TracebackType, context: int = ...) -> list[FrameInfo]: ... def getlineno(frame: FrameType) -> int: ... def currentframe() -> FrameType | None: ... def stack(context: int = ...) -> list[FrameInfo]: ... def trace(context: int = ...) -> list[FrameInfo]: ... # # Fetching attributes statically # def getattr_static(obj: object, attr: str, default: Any | None = ...) -> Any: ... # # Current State of Generators and Coroutines # # TODO In the next two blocks of code, can we be more specific regarding the # type of the "enums"? GEN_CREATED: str GEN_RUNNING: str GEN_SUSPENDED: str GEN_CLOSED: str def getgeneratorstate(generator: Generator[Any, Any, Any]) -> str: ... CORO_CREATED: str CORO_RUNNING: str CORO_SUSPENDED: str CORO_CLOSED: str # TODO can we be more specific than "object"? def getcoroutinestate(coroutine: object) -> str: ... def getgeneratorlocals(generator: Generator[Any, Any, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: ... # TODO can we be more specific than "object"? def getcoroutinelocals(coroutine: object) -> dict[str, Any]: ... # Create private type alias to avoid conflict with symbol of same # name created in Attribute class. _Object = object class Attribute(NamedTuple): name: str kind: str defining_class: type object: _Object def classify_class_attrs(cls: type) -> list[Attribute]: ... if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): class ClassFoundException(Exception): ...