import os import sys from _typeshed import StrOrBytesPath, StrPath, SupportsRead, SupportsWrite from typing import Any, AnyStr, Callable, Iterable, NamedTuple, Sequence, TypeVar, Union, overload _PathT = TypeVar("_PathT", str, os.PathLike[str]) # Return value of some functions that may either return a path-like object that was passed in or # a string _PathReturn = Any class Error(OSError): ... class SameFileError(Error): ... class SpecialFileError(OSError): ... class ExecError(OSError): ... class ReadError(OSError): ... class RegistryError(Exception): ... def copyfileobj(fsrc: SupportsRead[AnyStr], fdst: SupportsWrite[AnyStr], length: int = ...) -> None: ... def copyfile(src: StrPath, dst: _PathT, *, follow_symlinks: bool = ...) -> _PathT: ... def copymode(src: StrPath, dst: StrPath, *, follow_symlinks: bool = ...) -> None: ... def copystat(src: StrPath, dst: StrPath, *, follow_symlinks: bool = ...) -> None: ... def copy(src: StrPath, dst: StrPath, *, follow_symlinks: bool = ...) -> _PathReturn: ... def copy2(src: StrPath, dst: StrPath, *, follow_symlinks: bool = ...) -> _PathReturn: ... def ignore_patterns(*patterns: StrPath) -> Callable[[Any, list[str]], set[str]]: ... if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): def copytree( src: StrPath, dst: StrPath, symlinks: bool = ..., ignore: None | Callable[[str, list[str]], Iterable[str]] | Callable[[StrPath, list[str]], Iterable[str]] = ..., copy_function: Callable[[str, str], None] = ..., ignore_dangling_symlinks: bool = ..., dirs_exist_ok: bool = ..., ) -> _PathReturn: ... else: def copytree( src: StrPath, dst: StrPath, symlinks: bool = ..., ignore: None | Callable[[str, list[str]], Iterable[str]] | Callable[[StrPath, list[str]], Iterable[str]] = ..., copy_function: Callable[[str, str], None] = ..., ignore_dangling_symlinks: bool = ..., ) -> _PathReturn: ... def rmtree(path: bytes | StrPath, ignore_errors: bool = ..., onerror: Callable[[Any, Any, Any], Any] | None = ...) -> None: ... _CopyFn = Union[Callable[[str, str], None], Callable[[StrPath, StrPath], None]] if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): def move(src: StrPath, dst: StrPath, copy_function: _CopyFn = ...) -> _PathReturn: ... else: # See def move(src: str, dst: StrPath, copy_function: _CopyFn = ...) -> _PathReturn: ... class _ntuple_diskusage(NamedTuple): total: int used: int free: int def disk_usage(path: int | StrOrBytesPath) -> _ntuple_diskusage: ... def chown(path: StrPath, user: str | int | None = ..., group: str | int | None = ...) -> None: ... if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): @overload def which(cmd: StrPath, mode: int = ..., path: StrPath | None = ...) -> str | None: ... @overload def which(cmd: bytes, mode: int = ..., path: StrPath | None = ...) -> bytes | None: ... else: def which(cmd: StrPath, mode: int = ..., path: StrPath | None = ...) -> str | None: ... def make_archive( base_name: str, format: str, root_dir: StrPath | None = ..., base_dir: StrPath | None = ..., verbose: bool = ..., dry_run: bool = ..., owner: str | None = ..., group: str | None = ..., logger: Any | None = ..., ) -> str: ... def get_archive_formats() -> list[tuple[str, str]]: ... def register_archive_format( name: str, function: Callable[..., Any], extra_args: Sequence[tuple[str, Any] | list[Any]] | None = ..., description: str = ..., ) -> None: ... def unregister_archive_format(name: str) -> None: ... if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): def unpack_archive(filename: StrPath, extract_dir: StrPath | None = ..., format: str | None = ...) -> None: ... else: # See def unpack_archive(filename: str, extract_dir: StrPath | None = ..., format: str | None = ...) -> None: ... def register_unpack_format( name: str, extensions: list[str], function: Any, extra_args: Sequence[tuple[str, Any]] | None = ..., description: str = ... ) -> None: ... def unregister_unpack_format(name: str) -> None: ... def get_unpack_formats() -> list[tuple[str, list[str], str]]: ... def get_terminal_size(fallback: tuple[int, int] = ...) -> os.terminal_size: ...