import sys from _typeshed import StrOrBytesPath from builtins import open as _builtin_open from token import * # noqa: F403 from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, Iterable, NamedTuple, Pattern, Sequence, TextIO, Tuple, Union if sys.version_info < (3, 7): COMMENT: int NL: int ENCODING: int cookie_re: Pattern[str] blank_re: Pattern[bytes] _Position = Tuple[int, int] class _TokenInfo(NamedTuple): type: int string: str start: _Position end: _Position line: str class TokenInfo(_TokenInfo): @property def exact_type(self) -> int: ... # Backwards compatible tokens can be sequences of a shorter length too _Token = Union[TokenInfo, Sequence[Union[int, str, _Position]]] class TokenError(Exception): ... class StopTokenizing(Exception): ... # undocumented class Untokenizer: tokens: list[str] prev_row: int prev_col: int encoding: str | None def __init__(self) -> None: ... def add_whitespace(self, start: _Position) -> None: ... def untokenize(self, iterable: Iterable[_Token]) -> str: ... def compat(self, token: Sequence[int | str], iterable: Iterable[_Token]) -> None: ... # the docstring says "returns bytes" but is incorrect -- # if the ENCODING token is missing, it skips the encode def untokenize(iterable: Iterable[_Token]) -> Any: ... def detect_encoding(readline: Callable[[], bytes]) -> tuple[str, Sequence[bytes]]: ... def tokenize(readline: Callable[[], bytes]) -> Generator[TokenInfo, None, None]: ... def generate_tokens(readline: Callable[[], str]) -> Generator[TokenInfo, None, None]: ... # undocumented def open(filename: StrOrBytesPath | int) -> TextIO: ... def group(*choices: str) -> str: ... # undocumented def any(*choices: str) -> str: ... # undocumented def maybe(*choices: str) -> str: ... # undocumented Whitespace: str # undocumented Comment: str # undocumented Ignore: str # undocumented Name: str # undocumented Hexnumber: str # undocumented Binnumber: str # undocumented Octnumber: str # undocumented Decnumber: str # undocumented Intnumber: str # undocumented Exponent: str # undocumented Pointfloat: str # undocumented Expfloat: str # undocumented Floatnumber: str # undocumented Imagnumber: str # undocumented Number: str # undocumented def _all_string_prefixes() -> set[str]: ... # undocumented StringPrefix: str # undocumented Single: str # undocumented Double: str # undocumented Single3: str # undocumented Double3: str # undocumented Triple: str # undocumented String: str # undocumented if sys.version_info < (3, 7): Operator: str # undocumented Bracket: str # undocumented Special: str # undocumented Funny: str # undocumented PlainToken: str # undocumented Token: str # undocumented ContStr: str # undocumented PseudoExtras: str # undocumented PseudoToken: str # undocumented endpats: dict[str, str] # undocumented single_quoted: set[str] # undocumented triple_quoted: set[str] # undocumented tabsize: int # undocumented