X-Git-Url: https://git.josue.xyz/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=goreleaser%2FREADME.md;h=81844919f1857d77177a8b1b19a1a9236078b56c;hb=01edeb80a87dfdf0395fa0e90e960aa0b192cf18;hp=afeb07131ba7b5d7b9669740165238d882450884;hpb=c79bace5060864dcbd0d4202fcefd1fa667218c4;p=webi-installers%2F.git diff --git a/goreleaser/README.md b/goreleaser/README.md index afeb071..8184491 100644 --- a/goreleaser/README.md +++ b/goreleaser/README.md @@ -13,19 +13,341 @@ Use the `@beta` tag for pre-releases. ## Cheat Sheet -> `goreleaser` doesn't exist and this text should have been replaced. It doesn't do -> anything, but what it does is useful because it is; everybody knows it. +> `goreleaser` makes it easy to build versioned Go binaries for Mac, Linux, +> Windows, and Raspberry Pi, and to publish the ChangeLog and binaries to common +> release platforms including GitHub, Gitea, Gitlab, and Homebrew. -To run goreleaser: +There's a lot that you can do with GoReleaser. These are the things that we've +found the most useful for the majority of projects: + +- Basic Usage & Versioning +- Publishing Builds to GitHub +- Publishing to Gitea and Gitlab +- Building for RPi et al +- Building from one or more `cmd/`s +- Cross-Compiling with cgo +- Full `.goreleaser.yml` example + +## Basic Usage & Versioning + +To create an example `.goreleaser.yaml` file, and test the configuration: + +```bash +goreleaser init +goreleaser --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist +``` + +- `--snapshot` allows "dirty" builds (when the repo has uncommitted changes) +- `--skip-publish` will NOT publish to GitHub, etc +- `--rm-dist` will automatically remove the `./dist/` directory + +The default `.goreleaser.yml` works well for projects for which `package main` +is at the root. + +GoReleaser provides version information. Here's a good, generic way to print it +out: + +```go +package main + +var ( + // these will be replaced by goreleaser + version = "0.0.0" + date = "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" + commit = "0000000" +) + +func main() { + if len(os.Args) >= 2 && "version" == strings.TrimPrefix(os.Args[1]) { + fmt.Printf("YOUR_CLI_NAME v%s %s (%s)\n", version, commit[:7], date) + } + + // ... +} +``` + +### How to Publish Builds to GitHub + +You'll need a **Personal Access Token** with the `repo` scope. \ +You can get one at . + +You can export the environment variable: + +```bash +export GITHUB_TOKEN="YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN" +``` + +Or place the token in the default config location: + +```bash +~/.config/goreleaser/github_token +``` + +You can also set `env_files` in `.goreleaser.yml`: + +```yml +env_files: + github_token: ~/.config/goreleaser/github_token +``` + +Running GoReleaser without `--snapshot` must use the latest +[Git tag](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging) of your repository. +Create a tag and push it to Git: + +```bash +git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "First release" +git push origin v1.0.0 +``` + +Running GoReleaser without `--skip-publish` will publish the builds: + +```bash +goreleaser --rm-dist +``` + +Check the console output to make sure that there are no messages about a failed +publish. \ +If all is well you should the git tag on the releases page updated with a ChangeLog +and the published binaries. + +### How to Publish to Gitea and others + +Gitea Token: https://try.gitea.io/user/settings/applications + +```yml +env_files: + gitea_token: ~/.config/goreleaser/gitea_token +gitea_urls: + api: https://try.gitea.io/api/v1/ +``` + +GitLab Token: https://gitlab.com/profile/personal_access_tokens + +```yml +env_files: + gitlab_token: ~/.config/goreleaser/gitlab_token +gitlab_urls: + api: https://gitlab.com/api/v1/ +``` + +Also see https://goreleaser.com/environment/ + +### How to Build for Raspberry Pi (ARM) + +All of the Raspberry Pis are ARM processors and can run Linux. Most can run +Windows as well. + +- RPi 4 is ARM 64, also known as `aarch64`, `arm64`, and `armv8`. +- RPi 3 could run `armv7` and `arm64`. +- RPi 2, RPi Zero, and RPi can run either `armv6` or `armv7`. + +To build Go binaries for ARM, you'll need to update the `build` section of your +`.goreleases.yml`. + +```yml +builds: + - env: + - CGO_ENABLED=0 + goos: + - linux + - windows + - darwin + goarch: + - 386 + - amd64 + - arm + - arm64 + goarm: + - 6 + - 7 +``` + +For information on other supported build options, such as BSD and ppc, see +[Go (Golang) GOOS and GOARCH](https://gist.github.com/asukakenji/f15ba7e588ac42795f421b48b8aede63). + +### How to Build from the `cmd` Directory + +By default GoReleaser assumes that the root of your package is `package main`. + +If your `package main` is in a `cmd/` directory or you have multiple commands, +you should update your `builds` directive accordingly. + +```yml +- builds: + - id: command123 + main: ./cmd/command123/command123.go + binary: command123 + goos: + - linux + - windows + - darwin + goarch: + - amd64 + - arm64 + - id: other321 + main: ./cmd/other321/other321.go + binary: other123 + goos: + - linux + - windows + - darwin + goarch: + - amd64 + - arm64 +``` + +### How to Cross-Compile cgo + +> [cgo](https://golang.org/cmd/cgo/) is not Go - Dave Cheney + +Most Go programs are "pure Go" and will cross-compile `CGO_ENABLED=0` without +any special configuration. + +Some programs include C libraries, especially SQLite3 or 7z, and require +integration with C libraries. + +#### Mac Cross-Compilers + +From macOS you can easily cross-compile cgo for Windows and Linux. + +Install [brew](https://webinstall.dev/brew), if needed: + +```bash +curl -sS https://webinstall.dev/brew | bash +``` + +Install mingw and musl-cross: \ +(this may take hours if pre-built binaries are not available) + +```bash +brew install mingw-w64 +brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross --with-aarch64 --with-arm # --with-mips --with-486 +``` + +You may want to manually test compiling for multiple platforms before automating +it: ```bash -goreleaser +GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=darwin go build -o unarr_darwin cmd/unarr/unarr.go +GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=windows CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc go build -o unarr.exe cmd/unarr/unarr.go +GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=linux CC=x86_64-linux-musl-gcc go build -o unarr_linux_amd64 cmd/unarr/unarr.go +GOARCH=arm64 GOOS=linux CC=aarch64-linux-musl-gcc go build -o unarr_linux_arm64 cmd/unarr/unarr.go +GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux CC=arm-linux-musl-gcc go build -o unarr_linux_armv7 cmd/unarr/unarr.go ``` -### Add Baz Highlighting +If you have simple instructions for how to set up cross-compiling from Windows +or Linux, please let us know. + +#### Build Changes + +You'll need to manually create a different `builds` item for each unique `id`: + +```yml +- builds: + - id: unarr-linux-x64 + main: ./cmd/unarr/unarr.go + env: + - CGO_ENABLED=1 + - CC=x86_64-linux-musl-gcc + flags: + - '-ldflags' + - '-extldflags "-static"' + goos: + - linux + goarch: + - amd64 + - id: unarr-linux-aarch64 + main: ./cmd/unarr/unarr.go + env: + - CGO_ENABLED=1 + - CC=aarch64-linux-musl-gcc + flags: + - '-ldflags' + - '-extldflags "-static"' + goos: + - linux + goarch: + - arm64 + - id: unarr-linux-armv7 + main: ./cmd/unarr/unarr.go + env: + - CGO_ENABLED=1 + - CC=arm-linux-musleabi-gcc + flags: + - '-ldflags' + - '-extldflags "-static"' + goos: + - linux + goarch: + - arm + goarm: + - 7 + - id: unarr-windows-x64 + main: ./cmd/unarr/unarr.go + env: + - CGO_ENABLED=1 + - CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc + flags: + - '-ldflags' + - '-extldflags "-static"' + goos: + - linux + goarch: + - amd64 +``` -To run goreleaser with both bar and baz highlighting turned on: +If you compile without `-static`, you will need the `musl` libraries to run on +(non-Alpine) Linuxes: ```bash -goreleaser --bar=baz +sudo apt-get install -y musl +``` + +### Full Example Config + +The full file will look something like this: + +`.goreleaser.yml` + +```yml +project_name: exampleproject +before: + hooks: + - go mod download + - go generate ./... +builds: + - env: + - CGO_ENABLED=0 + goos: + - linux + - windows + - darwin + goarch: + - 386 + - amd64 + - arm + - arm64 + goarm: + - 6 + - 7 +archives: + - replacements: + darwin: Darwin + linux: Linux + windows: Windows + 386: i386 + amd64: x86_64 + format_overrides: + - goos: windows + format: zip +checksum: + name_template: 'checksums.txt' +snapshot: + name_template: '{{ .Tag }}-next' +changelog: + sort: asc + filters: + exclude: + - '^docs:' + - '^test:' ```