--- /dev/null
+"clusterGRE.py: Mininet Raspberry Pi Cluster"
+from mininet.examples.cluster import MininetCluster, SwitchBinPlacer, RemoteGRELink
+from mininet.topolib import TreeTopo
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.examples.clustercli import ClusterCLI as CLI
+from mininet.node import RemoteController
+from topotest import MiTopo
+def inicia():
+ #IPs = '/home/pi/iplist'
+ c = RemoteController('c1', ip='', port=6633)
+ #servers = readIPs(IPs)
+ servers = ['', '', '','','']
+ topo1 = TreeTopo(depth=2, fanout=2)
+ topo2 = MiTopo()
+ #topo2.build()
+ net = MininetCluster(topo=topo2, servers=servers, link=RemoteGRELink, placement=SwitchBinPlacer, controller=c)
+ net.start()
+ CLI(net)
+ net.stop()
+def readIPs(path):
+ file = open(path, "r") #abre el archivo en read
+ if file.mode == "r":
+ servers = file.read().splitlines() #lee el archivo y lo divide por lineas
+ return servers
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel('info')
+ inicia()
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# SSH authentication script for cluster edition
+# This script will create a single key pair, which is then
+# propagated throughout the entire cluster.
+# There are two options for setup; temporary setup
+# persistent setup. If no options are specified, and the script
+# is only given ip addresses or host names, it will default to
+# the temporary setup. An ssh directory is then created in
+# /tmp/mn/ssh on each node, and mounted with the keys over the
+# user's ssh directory. This setup can easily be torn down by running
+# clustersetup with the -c option.
+# If the -p option is used, the setup will be persistent. In this
+# case, the key pair will be be distributed directly to each node's
+# ssh directory, but will be called cluster_key. An option to
+# specify this key for use will be added to the config file in each
+# user's ssh directory.
+set -e
+declare -a hosts=()
+usage="./clustersetup.sh [ -p|h|c ] [ host1 ] [ host2 ] ...\n
+ Authenticate yourself and other cluster nodes to each other
+ via ssh for mininet cluster edition. By default, we use a
+ temporary ssh setup. An ssh directory is mounted over
+ $USERDIR on each machine in the cluster.
+ -h: display this help
+ -p: create a persistent ssh setup. This will add
+ new ssh keys and known_hosts to each nodes
+ $USERDIR directory
+ -c: method to clean up a temporary ssh setup.
+ Any hosts taken as arguments will be cleaned
+ "
+persistentSetup() {
+ echo "***creating key pair"
+ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "Cluster_Edition_Key" -f $USERDIR/cluster_key -N '' # &> /dev/null
+ cat $USERDIR/cluster_key.pub >> $USERDIR/authorized_keys
+ echo "***configuring ssh"
+ echo "IdentityFile $USERDIR/cluster_key" >> $USERDIR/config
+ echo "IdentityFile $USERDIR/id_rsa" >> $USERDIR/config
+ for host in $hosts; do
+ echo "***copying public key to $host"
+ ssh-copy-id -i $USERDIR/cluster_key.pub $user@$host &> /dev/null
+ echo "***copying key pair to remote host"
+ scp $USERDIR/cluster_key $user@$host:$USERDIR
+ scp $USERDIR/cluster_key.pub $user@$host:$USERDIR
+ echo "***configuring remote host"
+ ssh -o ForwardAgent=yes $user@$host "
+ echo 'IdentityFile $USERDIR/cluster_key' >> $USERDIR/config
+ echo 'IdentityFile $USERDIR/id_rsa' >> $USERDIR/config"
+ done
+ for host in $hosts; do
+ echo "***copying known_hosts to $host"
+ scp $USERDIR/known_hosts $user@$host:$USERDIR/cluster_known_hosts
+ ssh $user@$host "
+ cat $USERDIR/cluster_known_hosts >> $USERDIR/known_hosts
+ rm $USERDIR/cluster_known_hosts"
+ done
+tempSetup() {
+ echo "***creating temporary ssh directory"
+ mkdir -p $SSHDIR
+ echo "***creating key pair"
+ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "Cluster_Edition_Key" -f $SSHDIR/id_rsa -N '' &> /dev/null
+ echo "***mounting temporary ssh directory"
+ sudo mount --bind $SSHDIR $USERDIR
+ cp $SSHDIR/id_rsa.pub $SSHDIR/authorized_keys
+ for host in $hosts; do
+ echo "***copying public key to $host"
+ ssh-copy-id $user@$host &> /dev/null
+ echo "***mounting remote temporary ssh directory for $host"
+ ssh -o ForwardAgent=yes $user@$host "
+ mkdir -p $SSHDIR
+ cp $USERDIR/authorized_keys $SSHDIR/authorized_keys
+ sudo mount --bind $SSHDIR $USERDIR"
+ echo "***copying key pair to $host"
+ scp $SSHDIR/{id_rsa,id_rsa.pub} $user@$host:$SSHDIR
+ done
+ for host in $hosts; do
+ echo "***copying known_hosts to $host"
+ scp $SSHDIR/known_hosts $user@$host:$SSHDIR
+ done
+cleanup() {
+ for host in $hosts; do
+ echo "***cleaning up $host"
+ ssh $user@$host "sudo umount $USERDIR
+ sudo rm -rf $SSHDIR"
+ done
+ echo "**unmounting local directories"
+ sudo umount $USERDIR
+ echo "***removing temporary ssh directory"
+ sudo rm -rf $SSHDIR
+ echo "done!"
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: No Arguments"
+ echo "$usage"
+ exit
+ while getopts 'hpc' OPTION
+ do
+ ((num_options+=1))
+ case $OPTION in
+ h) showHelp=true;;
+ p) persistent=true;;
+ c) clean=true;;
+ ?) showHelp=true;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+if [ "$num_options" -gt 1 ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Too Many Options"
+ echo "$usage"
+ exit
+if $showHelp; then
+ echo "$usage"
+ exit
+for i in "$@"; do
+ output=$(getent ahostsv4 "$i")
+ if [ -z "$output" ]; then
+ echo '***WARNING: could not find hostname "$i"'
+ echo ""
+ else
+ hosts+="$i "
+ fi
+if $clean; then
+ cleanup
+ exit
+echo "***authenticating to:"
+for host in $hosts; do
+ echo "$host"
+if $persistent; then
+ echo '***Setting up persistent SSH configuration between all nodes'
+ persistentSetup
+ echo $'\n*** Sucessfully set up ssh throughout the cluster!'
+ echo '*** Setting up temporary SSH configuration between all nodes'
+ tempSetup
+ echo $'\n***Finished temporary setup. When you are done with your cluster'
+ echo $' session, tear down the SSH connections with'
+ echo $' ./clustersetup.sh -c '$hosts''
--- /dev/null
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
+# from mininet.node import Controller, RemoteController, OVSController
+# from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost, Host, Node
+# from mininet.node import OVSKernelSwitch, UserSwitch
+# from mininet.node import IVSSwitch
+# from mininet.cli import CLI
+# from mininet.link import TCLink, Intf
+# from subprocess import call
+class MiTopo(Topo):
+ def build(self):
+ #Contructor de topologia custom
+ s4 = self.addSwitch('s4')
+ s2 = self.addSwitch('s2')
+ s3 = self.addSwitch('s3')
+ s1 = self.addSwitch('s1')
+ h8 = self.addHost('h8')
+ h4 = self.addHost('h4')
+ h6 = self.addHost('h6')
+ h1 = self.addHost('h1')
+ h5 = self.addHost('h5')
+ h2 = self.addHost('h2')
+ h3 = self.addHost('h3')
+ h7 = self.addHost('h7')
+ h9 = self.addHost('h9')
+ self.addLink(h1, s2)
+ self.addLink(h9, s4)
+ self.addLink(h2, s2)
+ self.addLink(s1, s2)
+ self.addLink(s1, s3)
+ self.addLink(s3, s4)
+ self.addLink(h3, s1)
+ self.addLink(h4, s1)
+ self.addLink(h5, s3)
+ self.addLink(h6, s3)
+ self.addLink(h7, s4)
+ self.addLink(h8, s4)
+ info('llegue al final de mitopo\n')
+#topos = { 'TopoMia': ( lambda: MiTopo() ) }