# TinyThreePassCompiler
+# The problem
+This problem is derived from the [Tiny Three-Pass Compiler kata from codewars](https://www.codewars.com/kata/5265b0885fda8eac5900093b)
+and basically it is about writing a three-pass compiler for a simple programming
+language into a small assembly language which syntax is like follows:
+[ a b ] a*a + b*b
+> a^2 + b^2
+[ first second ] (first + second) / 2
+> average of two numbers
+# How is this implementation different from the original kata
+The plan for this implementation is to make it work not with JSON structures but
+with protocol buffers, the reason is basically just to practice those technologies
+but it is also true that in a real compiler saving and transporting binaries and
+not text as it would be the case for JSON could mean a significant improvement.