+++ /dev/null
-eval 'resize'; #this creates variables for the size of the terminal
-#In the next line we do the trick of asignning the output to a variable, but we invert stdout and stderr via the "3>&1 1>&2 2>&3" part, because whiptail exports via stderr
-value1=$(whiptail --title "Global package manager" --menu "What are we managing today?" $(( $LINES - 8 )) $(( $COLUMNS - 4 )) $(( $LINES - 16 )) \
-"1" "APT" \
-"2" "PACMAN" \
-"3" "YAY" \
-"4" "DNF" \
-"5" "PIP (python installer)" \
-"6" "NODE.JS Modules in this directory" \
-"7" "CLOSE THIS" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
-if [ $value1 == "7" ]
- exit 0;
-value2=$(whiptail --title "Global package manager" --menu "What do you want to do?" $(( $LINES - 8 )) $(( $COLUMNS - 4 )) $(( $LINES - 16 )) \
-"1" "Install package" \
-"2" "Update/reinstall specific package" \
-"3" "Uninstall package" \
-"4" "See installed packages" \
-"5" "Search for a package" \
-"6" "CLOSE THIS" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
-case $value1 in
- . $(pwd)/updaterdeb $value2;
- ;;
- . $(pwd)/updaterarch $value2 0;
- ;;
- . $(pwd)/updaterarch $value2 1;
- ;;
- . $(pwd)/updaterfed $value2;
- ;;
- . $(pwd)/updaterpip $value2;
- ;;
- . $(pwd)/updaternpm $value2;
- ;;