--- /dev/null
+# hotformathCLI
+This is a CLI version of the [HOTFORMATH](https://hotformath.com) project.
+This tool is a google advanced index search helper, mainly intended at helping people find archives of videos, pictures, documents,
+zips, or executables by scrapping google and using it advance search futures.
+_this project does not intend to be a piracy tool, this is a tool that i maintain and use personally for research and as a medium_
+_to get content that can be used under the fair use act_
+# Install
+For instalation you just need to download and run the most recent release directly form github releases tab.
+## Compile from source
+`go build hotformathCLI.go` should be enough
+# How does this work?
+This project uses [rocketlaunchr's google-search module](github.com/rocketlaunchr/google-search) to search google for a term introduced by the user and then scraps the first 3 results
+the query sent to google shoul look a little something like `intext:"[YOUR SEARCH TERM]" -inurl:(jsp|pl|php|html|aspx|htm|cf|shtml) -inurl:(index_of|listen77|mp3raid|mp3toss|mp3drug|index_of|wallywashis) intitle:"index.of./" [specific modifier]`
+where the specific modifier depends on the flag you use
+| Type | Flag | Modifier |
+| ---------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| Videos | -v | `(avi\|mkv\|mov\|mp4\|mpg\|wmv)` |
+| Audios | -a | `(ac3\|flac\|m4a\|mp3\|ogg\|wav\|wma)` |
+| Ebooks | -e | `(CBZ\|CBR\|CHM\|DOC\|DOCX\|EPUB\|MOBI\|ODT\|PDF\|RTF\|txt)` |
+| Pictures | -p | `(bmp\|gif\|jpg\|png\|psd\|tif\|tiff)` |
+| Software | -s | `(apk\|exe\|iso\|rar\|tar\|zip)` |
+| Compressed files | -c | `(7z\|bz2\|gz\|iso\|rar\|zip)` |
+You can read more about google's advance querying features [here](https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/)
+# Roamap
+In the future we plan to:
+ - [x] scrap from google the results
+ - [ ] integrate with fzf
+ - [ ] open links into browser or copy to clipboard directly
+ - [ ] advanced manual search with other flags
+ - [ ] TUI with https://github.com/charmbracelet/ repos
+# Credits
+[HOTFORMATH ON GITHUB](https://github.com/marcosfermin/hotformath)