2019-12-03 Felixtable on topology views add and start router controller
2019-11-29 Felixcambios camacho v1
2019-11-27 Felixsend command from the web
2019-11-26 Felixbugs fixed
2019-11-20 FelixSe empezo a trabajar la pagina access
2019-11-20 FelixNew buttons added on starter page
2019-11-19 Felixadded new buttons
2019-11-18 Felixinitializer buttons done but missing some details
2019-11-18 VSORCbin: mime, static ,and wscat added
2019-11-15 Felixpingall and placement commands done
2019-11-15 Felixcontroller and vsorc data viewers done
2019-11-14 VSORCinstalled pty
2019-11-13 VSORCxterm
2019-11-07 Oscar J. Rodriguez Bsmall changes and modifications, also, some modules...
2019-11-06 Oscar J. Rodriguez Bmods on starter
2019-11-04 Oscar J. Rodriguez Bstyle changes in the index
2019-11-04 Oscar J. Rodriguez Bautorefresh in the stats and minor color changes
2019-11-03 Felixse hicieron detalles en starter
2019-10-29 Felixcreate topo from web finished
2019-10-24 VSORCStart and stop vsorc done (missing check start and...
2019-10-24 VSORCdetallitos de stats
2019-10-23 VSORCSe trabajo mas en la vista de stats
2019-10-23 FelixPrimeros pasos en la pagina de estadisticas, para esto...
2019-10-10 VSORCse intento agregar encender el vsorc desde la web
2019-10-08 VSORCinstalled websocket module (unnecesary) and mod
2019-10-05 FelixWebsocket
2019-10-04 VSORCfgcfggtf
2019-10-03 Oscar J. Rodriguez Bchanged ths script to spawn in the index.js
2019-10-02 VSORCPila de basura, seguro tiene problemas
2019-09-27 VSORCAdded images and made the visualizator work
2019-09-27 VSORCAll new aditions to topology
2019-09-23 Oscar J. Rodriguez BMajor changes in visuals of most of the project
2019-09-20 Oscar J. Rodriguez Bfirst change to stats and topology maker(actually,...
2019-09-20 Oscar J. Rodriguez Badded some temporal archives for checking new web pages
2019-09-19 Oscar J. Rodriguez BRouter mods
2019-09-19 Oscar J. Rodriguez Baded new pages and minor changes in the head and header
2019-09-18 Oscar J. Rodriguez BHamburguer menu, actualizacion
2019-09-17 Oscar J. Rodriguez BHay que modificar el index para que no pida la tabla...
2019-09-10 Oscar J. Rodriguez Breadme mod
2019-09-10 josuer08Update README.md
2019-09-10 Oscar J. Rodriguez BDeletion of web.ejs and its routes
2019-09-10 Oscar J. Rodriguez Breadme
2019-09-10 Oscar J. Rodriguez Bcommit inicial