descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeWed, 9 Aug 2023 14:43:46 +0000 (09:43 -0500)
2023-08-09 OdairTrujilloQuitando clase index y añadiendo elemento img para... main origin/HEAD origin/main
2023-08-09 Salamandra... Merge pull request #29 from CrawKatt/salamandra_index
2023-08-04 CrawKattMoví los botones acerca de, blog y juegos a la derecha...
2023-07-02 Salamandra... Merge pull request #28 from CrawKatt/salamandra_index
2023-07-02 CrawKattAñadiendo cambios solicitados
2023-07-02 CrawKattHe cambiado la posición de la salamandra al centro...
2023-04-25 Salamandra... Merge pull request #27 from VladImpaler64/seccion_juegos
2023-04-25 VladImpalerMerge branch 'seccion_juegos' of
2023-04-25 VladImpalerIframe to display the game added
2023-04-25 VladImpalerMerge branch 'seccion_juegos' of
2023-04-25 VladImpalerIframe to display the game added
2023-04-24 VladImpalerMerge branch 'seccion_juegos' of
2023-04-24 VladImpalerAdded the first example of html5 based game, snake...
2023-04-24 VladImpalerAdded the first example of html5 based game, snake...
2023-04-22 VladImpalerFixed issue with div on blog section
2023-04-21 VladImpalerVista tarjeta ajustada, añadida sección games
17 months ago main