#!/bin/bash # transform md anotations into PDF mdpdf () { pandoc "$1".md -t beamer -o "$1".pdf ;} # Get all metadata metadata () { echo "Salida del comando stat" ; stat "$1" ; echo "Salida del comando ls -lisan" ; ls -lisan "$1" ; echo "salida del comando exiftool" ; exiftool "$1" ;} # activates the autocd mode shopt -s autocd edit () { du -a -L "$1" | awk '{print $2}' | fzf | xargs -r "$VISUAL" ;} function cdls() { DIR="$*"; # if no DIR given, go home if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then DIR=$HOME; fi; builtin cd "${DIR}" && \ # use your preferred ls command ls -F --color=auto } #vicat is a color and line number cat function vicat() { ccat $@ | nl; } #top10 commands top10() { history | awk '{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | sort -rn | head; } # goes up by the number of directories up() { local d="" limit=$1 for ((i=1 ; i <= limit ; i++)); do d=$d/.. done d=$(echo $d | sed 's/^\///') if [[ -z "$d" ]]; then d=.. fi cd $d } # ARCHIVE EXTRACTOR {{{ extract() { clrstart="\033[1;34m" #color codes clrend="\033[0m" if [[ "$#" -lt 1 ]]; then echo -e "${clrstart}Pass a filename. Optionally a destination folder. You can also append a v for verbose output.${clrend}" exit 1 #not enough args fi if [[ ! -e "$1" ]]; then echo -e "${clrstart}File does not exist!${clrend}" exit 2 #file not found fi if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then DESTDIR="." #set destdir to current dir elif [[ ! -d "$2" ]]; then echo -e -n "${clrstart}Destination folder doesn't exist or isnt a directory. Create? (y/n): ${clrend}" read response #echo -e "\n" if [[ $response == y || $response == Y ]]; then mkdir -p "$2" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then DESTDIR="$2" else exit 6 #Write perms error fi else echo -e "${clrstart}Closing.${clrend}"; exit 3 # n/wrong response fi else DESTDIR="$2" fi if [[ ! -z "$3" ]]; then if [[ "$3" != "v" ]]; then echo -e "${clrstart}Wrong argument $3 !${clrend}" exit 4 #wrong arg 3 fi fi filename=`basename "$1"` #echo "${filename##*.}" debug case "${filename##*.}" in tar) echo -e "${clrstart}Extracting $1 to $DESTDIR: (uncompressed tar)${clrend}" tar x${3}f "$1" -C "$DESTDIR" ;; gz) echo -e "${clrstart}Extracting $1 to $DESTDIR: (gip compressed tar)${clrend}" tar x${3}fz "$1" -C "$DESTDIR" ;; tgz) echo -e "${clrstart}Extracting $1 to $DESTDIR: (gip compressed tar)${clrend}" tar x${3}fz "$1" -C "$DESTDIR" ;; xz) echo -e "${clrstart}Extracting $1 to $DESTDIR: (gip compressed tar)${clrend}" tar x${3}f -J "$1" -C "$DESTDIR" ;; bz2) echo -e "${clrstart}Extracting $1 to $DESTDIR: (bzip compressed tar)${clrend}" tar x${3}fj "$1" -C "$DESTDIR" ;; zip) echo -e "${clrstart}Extracting $1 to $DESTDIR: (zipp compressed file)${clrend}" unzip "$1" -d "$DESTDIR" ;; rar) echo -e "${clrstart}Extracting $1 to $DESTDIR: (rar compressed file)${clrend}" unrar x "$1" "$DESTDIR" ;; 7z) echo -e "${clrstart}Extracting $1 to $DESTDIR: (7zip compressed file)${clrend}" 7za e "$1" -o"$DESTDIR" ;; *) echo -e "${clrstart}Unknown archieve format!" exit 5 ;; esac } #}}} # REMIND ME, ITS IMPORTANT! {{{ # usage: remindme