// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Unsigned integers spanning zero. package main import "fmt" type Unum uint8 const ( m_2 Unum = iota + 253 m_1 ) const ( m0 Unum = iota m1 m2 ) func main() { ck(^Unum(0)-3, "Unum(252)") ck(m_2, "m_2") ck(m_1, "m_1") ck(m0, "m0") ck(m1, "m1") ck(m2, "m2") ck(3, "Unum(3)") } func ck(unum Unum, str string) { if fmt.Sprint(unum) != str { panic("unum.go: " + str) } }