package main // Tests of composite literals. import "fmt" // Map literals. // TODO(adonovan): we can no longer print maps // until the interpreter supports (reflect.Value).MapRange. func _() { type M map[int]int m1 := []*M{{1: 1}, &M{2: 2}} want := "map[1:1] map[2:2]" if got := fmt.Sprint(*m1[0], *m1[1]); got != want { panic(got) } m2 := []M{{1: 1}, M{2: 2}} if got := fmt.Sprint(m2[0], m2[1]); got != want { panic(got) } } // Nonliteral keys in composite literal. func init() { const zero int = 1 var v = []int{1 + zero: 42} if x := fmt.Sprint(v); x != "[0 0 42]" { panic(x) } } // Test for in-place initialization. func init() { // struct type S struct { a, b int } s := S{1, 2} s = S{b: 3} if s.a != 0 { panic("s.a != 0") } if s.b != 3 { panic("s.b != 3") } s = S{} if s.a != 0 { panic("s.a != 0") } if s.b != 0 { panic("s.b != 0") } // array type A [4]int a := A{2, 4, 6, 8} a = A{1: 6, 2: 4} if a[0] != 0 { panic("a[0] != 0") } if a[1] != 6 { panic("a[1] != 6") } if a[2] != 4 { panic("a[2] != 4") } if a[3] != 0 { panic("a[3] != 0") } a = A{} if a[0] != 0 { panic("a[0] != 0") } if a[1] != 0 { panic("a[1] != 0") } if a[2] != 0 { panic("a[2] != 0") } if a[3] != 0 { panic("a[3] != 0") } } // Regression test for // composite literal clobbers destination before reading from it. func init() { // map { type M map[string]int m := M{"x": 1, "y": 2} m = M{"x": m["y"], "y": m["x"]} if m["x"] != 2 || m["y"] != 1 { panic(fmt.Sprint(m)) } n := M{"x": 3} m, n = M{"x": n["x"]}, M{"x": m["x"]} // parallel assignment if got := fmt.Sprint(m["x"], n["x"]); got != "3 2" { panic(got) } } // struct { type T struct{ x, y, z int } t := T{x: 1, y: 2, z: 3} t = T{x: t.y, y: t.z, z: t.x} // all fields if got := fmt.Sprint(t); got != "{2 3 1}" { panic(got) } t = T{x: t.y, y: t.z + 3} // not all fields if got := fmt.Sprint(t); got != "{3 4 0}" { panic(got) } u := T{x: 5, y: 6, z: 7} t, u = T{x: u.x}, T{x: t.x} // parallel assignment if got := fmt.Sprint(t, u); got != "{5 0 0} {3 0 0}" { panic(got) } } // array { a := [3]int{0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3} a = [3]int{0: a[1], 1: a[2], 2: a[0]} // all elements if got := fmt.Sprint(a); got != "[2 3 1]" { panic(got) } a = [3]int{0: a[1], 1: a[2] + 3} // not all elements if got := fmt.Sprint(a); got != "[3 4 0]" { panic(got) } b := [3]int{0: 5, 1: 6, 2: 7} a, b = [3]int{0: b[0]}, [3]int{0: a[0]} // parallel assignment if got := fmt.Sprint(a, b); got != "[5 0 0] [3 0 0]" { panic(got) } } // slice { s := []int{0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3} s = []int{0: s[1], 1: s[2], 2: s[0]} // all elements if got := fmt.Sprint(s); got != "[2 3 1]" { panic(got) } s = []int{0: s[1], 1: s[2] + 3} // not all elements if got := fmt.Sprint(s); got != "[3 4]" { panic(got) } t := []int{0: 5, 1: 6, 2: 7} s, t = []int{0: t[0]}, []int{0: s[0]} // parallel assignment if got := fmt.Sprint(s, t); got != "[5] [3]" { panic(got) } } } // Regression test for // within a map literal, if a key expression is a composite literal, // Go 1.5 allows its type to be omitted. An & operation may be implied. func init() { type S struct{ x int } // same as map[*S]bool{&S{x: 1}: true} m := map[*S]bool{{x: 1}: true} for s := range m { if s.x != 1 { panic(s) // wrong key } return } panic("map is empty") } func main() { }