// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package xerrors_test import ( "fmt" "os" "testing" "golang.org/x/xerrors" ) func TestIs(t *testing.T) { err1 := xerrors.New("1") erra := xerrors.Errorf("wrap 2: %w", err1) errb := xerrors.Errorf("wrap 3: %w", erra) erro := xerrors.Opaque(err1) errco := xerrors.Errorf("opaque: %w", erro) err3 := xerrors.New("3") poser := &poser{"either 1 or 3", func(err error) bool { return err == err1 || err == err3 }} testCases := []struct { err error target error match bool }{ {nil, nil, true}, {nil, err1, false}, {err1, nil, false}, {err1, err1, true}, {erra, err1, true}, {errb, err1, true}, {errco, erro, true}, {errco, err1, false}, {erro, erro, true}, {err1, err3, false}, {erra, err3, false}, {errb, err3, false}, {poser, err1, true}, {poser, err3, true}, {poser, erra, false}, {poser, errb, false}, {poser, erro, false}, {poser, errco, false}, {errorUncomparable{}, errorUncomparable{}, true}, {errorUncomparable{}, &errorUncomparable{}, false}, {&errorUncomparable{}, errorUncomparable{}, true}, {&errorUncomparable{}, &errorUncomparable{}, false}, {errorUncomparable{}, err1, false}, {&errorUncomparable{}, err1, false}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { if got := xerrors.Is(tc.err, tc.target); got != tc.match { t.Errorf("Is(%v, %v) = %v, want %v", tc.err, tc.target, got, tc.match) } }) } } type poser struct { msg string f func(error) bool } func (p *poser) Error() string { return p.msg } func (p *poser) Is(err error) bool { return p.f(err) } func (p *poser) As(err interface{}) bool { switch x := err.(type) { case **poser: *x = p case *errorT: *x = errorT{} case **os.PathError: *x = &os.PathError{} default: return false } return true } func TestAs(t *testing.T) { var errT errorT var errP *os.PathError var timeout interface{ Timeout() bool } var p *poser _, errF := os.Open("non-existing") testCases := []struct { err error target interface{} match bool }{{ nil, &errP, false, }, { xerrors.Errorf("pittied the fool: %w", errorT{}), &errT, true, }, { errF, &errP, true, }, { xerrors.Opaque(errT), &errT, false, }, { errorT{}, &errP, false, }, { errWrap{nil}, &errT, false, }, { &poser{"error", nil}, &errT, true, }, { &poser{"path", nil}, &errP, true, }, { &poser{"oh no", nil}, &p, true, }, { xerrors.New("err"), &timeout, false, }, { errF, &timeout, true, }, { xerrors.Errorf("path error: %w", errF), &timeout, true, }} for i, tc := range testCases { name := fmt.Sprintf("%d:As(Errorf(..., %v), %v)", i, tc.err, tc.target) t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { match := xerrors.As(tc.err, tc.target) if match != tc.match { t.Fatalf("xerrors.As(%T, %T): got %v; want %v", tc.err, tc.target, match, tc.match) } if !match { return } if tc.target == nil { t.Fatalf("non-nil result after match") } }) } } func TestAsValidation(t *testing.T) { var s string testCases := []interface{}{ nil, (*int)(nil), "error", &s, } err := xerrors.New("error") for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%T(%v)", tc, tc), func(t *testing.T) { defer func() { recover() }() if xerrors.As(err, tc) { t.Errorf("As(err, %T(%v)) = true, want false", tc, tc) return } t.Errorf("As(err, %T(%v)) did not panic", tc, tc) }) } } func TestUnwrap(t *testing.T) { err1 := xerrors.New("1") erra := xerrors.Errorf("wrap 2: %w", err1) erro := xerrors.Opaque(err1) testCases := []struct { err error want error }{ {nil, nil}, {errWrap{nil}, nil}, {err1, nil}, {erra, err1}, {xerrors.Errorf("wrap 3: %w", erra), erra}, {erro, nil}, {xerrors.Errorf("opaque: %w", erro), erro}, } for _, tc := range testCases { if got := xerrors.Unwrap(tc.err); got != tc.want { t.Errorf("Unwrap(%v) = %v, want %v", tc.err, got, tc.want) } } } func TestOpaque(t *testing.T) { got := fmt.Sprintf("%v", xerrors.Errorf("foo: %v", xerrors.Opaque(errorT{}))) want := "foo: errorT" if got != want { t.Errorf("error without Format: got %v; want %v", got, want) } got = fmt.Sprintf("%v", xerrors.Errorf("foo: %v", xerrors.Opaque(errorD{}))) want = "foo: errorD" if got != want { t.Errorf("error with Format: got %v; want %v", got, want) } } type errorT struct{} func (errorT) Error() string { return "errorT" } type errorD struct{} func (errorD) Error() string { return "errorD" } func (errorD) FormatError(p xerrors.Printer) error { p.Print("errorD") p.Detail() p.Print("detail") return nil } type errWrap struct{ error } func (errWrap) Error() string { return "wrapped" } func (errWrap) Unwrap() error { return nil } type errorUncomparable struct { f []string } func (errorUncomparable) Error() string { return "uncomparable error" } func (errorUncomparable) Is(target error) bool { _, ok := target.(errorUncomparable) return ok }