package main import ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" ) type TypeClass int const ( ClassBoolean TypeClass = iota ClassNumeric ClassComplex ClassString ClassArray ClassSlice ClassStruct ClassPointer ClassFunction ClassInterface ClassMap ClassChan TraitAny TraitOrdered TraitComparable TraitIndexable TraitReceivable TraitSendable TraitHashable TraitPrintable TraitLenCapable TraitGlobal ) type Type struct { id string class TypeClass namedUserType bool ktyp *Type // map key, chan elem, array elem, slice elem, pointee type vtyp *Type // map val utyp *Type // underlying type styp []*Type // function arguments rtyp []*Type // function return values elems []*Var // struct fileds and interface methods literal func() string complexLiteral func() string // TODO: cache types // pointerTo *Type } func (smith *Smith) initTypes() { smith.predefinedTypes = []*Type{ {id: "string", class: ClassString, literal: func() string { return "\"foo\"" }}, {id: "bool", class: ClassBoolean, literal: func() string { return "false" }}, {id: "int", class: ClassNumeric, literal: func() string { return "1" }}, {id: "byte", class: ClassNumeric, literal: func() string { return "byte(0)" }}, {id: "interface{}", class: ClassInterface, literal: func() string { return "interface{}(nil)" }}, {id: "rune", class: ClassNumeric, literal: func() string { return "rune(0)" }}, {id: "float32", class: ClassNumeric, literal: func() string { return "float32(1.0)" }}, {id: "float64", class: ClassNumeric, literal: func() string { return "1.0" }}, {id: "complex64", class: ClassComplex, literal: func() string { return "complex64(1i)" }}, {id: "complex128", class: ClassComplex, literal: func() string { return "1i" }}, {id: "uint", class: ClassNumeric, literal: func() string { return "uint(1)" }}, {id: "uintptr", class: ClassNumeric, literal: func() string { return "uintptr(0)" }}, {id: "int16", class: ClassNumeric, literal: func() string { return "int16(1)" }}, {id: "error", class: ClassInterface, literal: func() string { return "error(nil)" }}, } for _, t := range smith.predefinedTypes { t.utyp = t } smith.stringType = smith.predefinedTypes[0] smith.boolType = smith.predefinedTypes[1] smith.intType = smith.predefinedTypes[2] smith.byteType = smith.predefinedTypes[3] smith.efaceType = smith.predefinedTypes[4] smith.runeType = smith.predefinedTypes[5] smith.float32Type = smith.predefinedTypes[6] smith.float64Type = smith.predefinedTypes[7] smith.complex64Type = smith.predefinedTypes[8] smith.complex128Type = smith.predefinedTypes[9] smith.stringType.complexLiteral = func() string { if smith.rndBool() { return `"ab\x0acd"` } return "`abc\\x0acd`" } } func fmtTypeList(list []*Type, parens bool) string { var buf bytes.Buffer if parens || len(list) > 1 { buf.Write([]byte{'('}) } for i, t := range list { if i != 0 { buf.Write([]byte{','}) } fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v", } if parens || len(list) > 1 { buf.Write([]byte{')'}) } return buf.String() } func (smith *Smith) atype(trait TypeClass) *Type { smith.typeDepth++ defer func() { smith.typeDepth-- }() for { if smith.typeDepth >= 3 || smith.rndBool() { var cand []*Type for _, t := range smith.types() { if smith.satisfiesTrait(t, trait) { cand = append(cand, t) } } if len(cand) > 0 { return cand[smith.rnd(len(cand))] } } t := smith.typeLit() if t != nil && smith.satisfiesTrait(t, trait) { return t } } } func (smith *Smith) typeLit() *Type { switch smith.choice("array", "chan", "struct", "pointer", "interface", "slice", "function", "map") { case "array": return smith.arrayOf(smith.atype(TraitAny)) case "chan": return smith.chanOf(smith.atype(TraitAny)) case "struct": var elems []*Var var buf bytes.Buffer fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "struct { ") for smith.rndBool() { e := &Var{id: smith.newId("Field"), typ: smith.atype(TraitAny)} elems = append(elems, e) fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v %v\n",, } fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "}") id := buf.String() return &Type{ id: id, class: ClassStruct, elems: elems, literal: func() string { return F("(%v{})", id) }, complexLiteral: func() string { if smith.rndBool() { // unnamed var buf bytes.Buffer fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "(%v{", id) for i := 0; i < len(elems); i++ { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v, ", smith.rvalue(elems[i].typ)) } fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "})") return buf.String() } else { // named var buf bytes.Buffer fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "(%v{", id) for i := 0; i < len(elems); i++ { if smith.rndBool() { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v: %v, ", elems[i].id, smith.rvalue(elems[i].typ)) } } fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "})") return buf.String() } }, } case "pointer": return pointerTo(smith.atype(TraitAny)) case "interface": var buf bytes.Buffer fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "interface { ") for smith.rndBool() { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %v %v %v\n", smith.newId("Method"), fmtTypeList(smith.atypeList(TraitAny), true), fmtTypeList(smith.atypeList(TraitAny), false)) } fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "}") return &Type{ id: buf.String(), class: ClassInterface, literal: func() string { return F("%v(nil)", buf.String()) }, } case "slice": return smith.sliceOf(smith.atype(TraitAny)) case "function": return smith.funcOf(smith.atypeList(TraitAny), smith.atypeList(TraitAny)) case "map": ktyp := smith.atype(TraitHashable) vtyp := smith.atype(TraitAny) return &Type{ id: F("map[%v]%v",,, class: ClassMap, ktyp: ktyp, vtyp: vtyp, literal: func() string { if smith.rndBool() { cap := "" if smith.rndBool() { cap = "," + smith.rvalue(smith.intType) } return F("make(map[%v]%v %v)",,, cap) } else { return F("map[%v]%v{}",, } }, } default: panic("bad") } } func (smith *Smith) satisfiesTrait(t *Type, trait TypeClass) bool { if trait < TraitAny { return t.class == trait } switch trait { case TraitAny: return true case TraitOrdered: return t.class == ClassNumeric || t.class == ClassString case TraitComparable: return t.class == ClassBoolean || t.class == ClassNumeric || t.class == ClassString || t.class == ClassPointer || t.class == ClassChan || t.class == ClassInterface case TraitIndexable: return t.class == ClassArray || t.class == ClassSlice || t.class == ClassString || t.class == ClassMap case TraitReceivable: return t.class == ClassChan case TraitSendable: return t.class == ClassChan case TraitHashable: if t.class == ClassFunction || t.class == ClassMap || t.class == ClassSlice { return false } if t.class == ClassArray && !smith.satisfiesTrait(t.ktyp, TraitHashable) { return false } if t.class == ClassStruct { for _, e := range t.elems { if !smith.satisfiesTrait(e.typ, TraitHashable) { return false } } } return true case TraitPrintable: return t.class == ClassBoolean || t.class == ClassNumeric || t.class == ClassString || t.class == ClassPointer || t.class == ClassInterface case TraitLenCapable: return t.class == ClassString || t.class == ClassSlice || t.class == ClassArray || t.class == ClassMap || t.class == ClassChan case TraitGlobal: for _, t1 := range smith.predefinedTypes { if t == t1 { return true } } return false default: panic("bad") } } func (smith *Smith) atypeList(trait TypeClass) []*Type { n := smith.rnd(4) + 1 list := make([]*Type, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { list[i] = smith.atype(trait) } return list } func typeList(t *Type, n int) []*Type { list := make([]*Type, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { list[i] = t } return list } func pointerTo(elem *Type) *Type { return &Type{ id: F("*%v",, class: ClassPointer, ktyp: elem, literal: func() string { return F("(*%v)(nil)", }} } func (smith *Smith) chanOf(elem *Type) *Type { return &Type{ id: F("chan %v",, class: ClassChan, ktyp: elem, literal: func() string { cap := "" if smith.rndBool() { cap = "," + smith.rvalue(smith.intType) } return F("make(chan %v %v)",, cap) }, } } func (smith *Smith) sliceOf(elem *Type) *Type { return &Type{ id: F("[]%v",, class: ClassSlice, ktyp: elem, literal: func() string { return F("[]%v{}", }, complexLiteral: func() string { switch smith.choice("normal", "keyed") { case "normal": return F("[]%v{%v}",, smith.fmtRvalueList(typeList(elem, smith.rnd(3)))) case "keyed": n := smith.rnd(3) var indexes []int loop: for len(indexes) < n { i := smith.rnd(10) for _, i1 := range indexes { if i1 == i { continue loop } } indexes = append(indexes, i) } var buf bytes.Buffer fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "[]%v{", for i, idx := range indexes { if i != 0 { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ",") } fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v: %v", idx, smith.rvalue(elem)) } fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "}") return buf.String() default: panic("bad") } }, } } func (smith *Smith) arrayOf(elem *Type) *Type { size := smith.rnd(3) return &Type{ id: F("[%v]%v", size,, class: ClassArray, ktyp: elem, literal: func() string { return F("[%v]%v{}", size, }, complexLiteral: func() string { switch smith.choice("normal", "keyed") { case "normal": return F("[%v]%v{%v}", smith.choice(F("%v", size), "..."),, smith.fmtRvalueList(typeList(elem, size))) case "keyed": var buf bytes.Buffer fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "[%v]%v{", size, for i := 0; i < size; i++ { if i != 0 { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, ",") } fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v: %v", i, smith.rvalue(elem)) } fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "}") return buf.String() default: panic("bad") } }, } } func (smith *Smith) funcOf(alist, rlist []*Type) *Type { t := &Type{ id: F("func%v %v", fmtTypeList(alist, true), fmtTypeList(rlist, false)), class: ClassFunction, styp: alist, rtyp: rlist, } t.literal = func() string { return F("((func%v %v)(nil))", fmtTypeList(alist, true), fmtTypeList(rlist, false)) } t.complexLiteral = func() string { return smith.genFuncLit(t) } return t } func (smith *Smith) genFuncLit(ft *Type) string { //return F("((func%v %v)(nil))", fmtTypeList(ft.styp, true), fmtTypeList(ft.rtyp, false)) if smith.curBlockPos == -1 { smith.line("") } f := &Func{args: ft.styp, rets: ft.rtyp} curFunc0 := smith.curFunc smith.curFunc = f curBlock0 := smith.curBlock curBlockPos0 := smith.curBlockPos curBlockLen0 := len(smith.curBlock.sub) exprDepth0 := smith.exprDepth exprCount0 := smith.exprCount smith.exprDepth = 0 smith.exprCount = 0 defer func() { smith.curBlock = curBlock0 smith.curFunc = curFunc0 smith.exprDepth = exprDepth0 smith.exprCount = exprCount0 smith.curBlockPos = curBlockPos0 + (len(smith.curBlock.sub) - curBlockLen0) }() fb := &Block{parent: smith.curBlock, subBlock: smith.curBlock.sub[smith.curBlockPos]} smith.curBlock = fb smith.enterBlock(true) smith.enterBlock(true) argIds := make([]string, len(f.args)) argStr := "" for i, a := range f.args { argIds[i] = smith.newId("Param") if i != 0 { argStr += ", " } argStr += argIds[i] + " " + } smith.line("func(%v)%v {", argStr, fmtTypeList(f.rets, false)) for i, a := range f.args { smith.defineVar(argIds[i], a) } smith.curBlock.funcBoundary = true smith.genBlock() smith.leaveBlock() smith.stmtReturn() smith.line("}") smith.leaveBlock() //b := curBlock.sub[curBlockPos] //copy(curBlock.sub[curBlockPos:], curBlock.sub[curBlockPos+1:]) //curBlock.sub = curBlock.sub[:len(curBlock.sub)-1] var buf bytes.Buffer w := bufio.NewWriter(&buf) serializeBlock(w, fb, 0) w.Flush() s := buf.String() //fmt.Printf("GEN FUNC:\n%v\n", s) return s[:len(s)-1] } func dependsOn(t, t0 *Type) bool { if t == nil { return false } if t.class == ClassInterface { // We don't know how to walk all types referenced by an interface yet. return true } if t0 == nil && t.namedUserType { return true } if t == t0 { return true } if dependsOn(t.ktyp, t0) { return true } if dependsOn(t.vtyp, t0) { return true } if dependsOn(t.ktyp, t0) { return true } for _, t1 := range t.styp { if dependsOn(t1, t0) { return true } } for _, t1 := range t.rtyp { if dependsOn(t1, t0) { return true } } for _, e := range t.elems { if dependsOn(e.typ, t0) { return true } } return false }