import builtins import sys from typing import Any, Container, Dict, IO, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, overload, Sequence, Sized, SupportsAbs, SupportsComplex, SupportsFloat, SupportsInt, Text, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union # union of built-in scalar types # see _builtinScalarUnion = Union[ # TODO: fill the union with aliases from int, float, bool ] # union of types that can be used as dtype # see: _dtypeUnion = Union[ dtype, None, _builtinScalarUnion, str, Tuple[Any, int], Tuple[Any, Union[int, Sequence[int]]], # [(field_name, field_dtype, field_shape), ...] List[ Union[ Tuple[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], Any], Tuple[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], Any, Union[int, Sequence[int]]] ] ], # {'names': ..., 'formats': ..., 'offsets': ..., 'titles': ..., 'itemsize': ...} Dict[str, Union[Sequence[str], Sequence[Any], Sequence[int], Sequence[Union[bytes, Text, None]], int]], # {'field1': ..., 'field2': ..., ...} Dict[str, Tuple[Any, int]], # (base_dtype, new_dtype) Tuple[Any, Any] ] # actual dtype # see: class dtype: def __init__(self, obj: _dtypeUnion, align: bool = ..., copy: bool = ...) -> None: ... # properties @property def alignment(self) -> int: ... @property def base(self) -> dtype: ... @property def byteorder(self) -> str: ... @property def char(self) -> str: ... @property # def descr(self) -> List[Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str, Tuple[int, ...]]]]: ... @property def fields(self) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Tuple[dtype, int], Tuple[dtype, int, Any]]]]: ... @property def flags(self) -> int: ... @property def hasobject(self) -> bool: ... @property def isbuiltin(self) -> int: ... @property def isnative(self) -> bool: ... @property def isalignedstruct(self) -> bool: ... @property def itemsize(self) -> int: ... @property def kind(self) -> str: ... @property def metadata(self) -> Any: ... @property def name(self) -> str: ... @property def names(self) -> Optional[Tuple[str, ...]]: ... @property def ndim(self) -> int: ... @property def num(self) -> int: ... @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: ... @property def subdtype(self) -> Optional[Tuple[dtype, Tuple[int, ...]]]: ... @property def str(self) -> builtins.str: ... @property def type(self) -> Type[_generic]: ... # methods def newbyteorder(self, new_order: str = ...) -> dtype: ... _generic = Any _array_like = Sequence[Any] _Tndarray = TypeVar("_Tndarray", bound=ndarray) # A 1-D iterator over the array # see: class flatiter: @property def base(self) -> ndarray: ... @property def coords(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: ... @property def index(self) -> int: ... def copy(self) -> ndarray: ... def __iter__(self) -> flatiter: ... def __next__(self) -> Any: ... class ndarray: # properties @property def base(self) -> Optional[ndarray]: ... @property def ctypes(self) -> Any: ... @property def data(self) -> memoryview: ... @property def dtype(self) -> _dtypeUnion: ... @property def flags(self) -> Dict[str, bool]: ... @property def flat(self) -> flatiter: ... @property def imag(self) -> ndarray: ... @property def itemsize(self) -> int: ... @property def nbytes(self) -> int: ... @property def ndim(self) -> int: ... @property def real(self) -> ndarray: ... @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: ... @property def size(self) -> int: ... @property def T(self) -> ndarray: ... def all(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = ..., out: ndarray = ..., keepdims: bool = ...) -> Union[bool, ndarray]: ... def any(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = ..., out: ndarray = ..., keepdims: bool = ...) -> Union[bool, ndarray]: ... def argmax(self, axis: int = ..., out: array_like = ...) -> ndarray: ... def argmin(self, axis: int = ..., out: array_like = ...) -> ndarray: ... def argpartition(self, kth: Union[int, Sequence[int]], axis: int = ..., kind: str = ..., order: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = ...) -> ndarray: ... def argsort(self, axis: int = ..., kind: str = ..., order: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = ...) -> ndarray: ... def astype(self, dtype: _dtypeUnion, order: str = 'K', casting: str = 'unsafe', subok: bool = ..., copy: bool = ...) -> ndarray: ... def byteswap(self, inplace: bool = False) -> ndarray: ... def choose(self, choices: Sequence[array_like], out: ndarray = ..., mode: str = 'raise') -> ndarray: ... def clip(self, min: Union[_generic, array_like] = ..., max: Union[_generic, array_like] = ..., out: ndarray = ...) -> ndarray: ... def compress(self, condition: Sequence[bool], axis: int = ..., out: ndarray = ...) -> ndarray: ... def copy(self, order: str = 'C') -> ndarray: ... def cumprod(self, axis: int = ..., dtype: _dtypeUnion = ..., out: ndarray = ...) -> ndarray: ... def cumsum(self, axis: int = ..., dtype: _dtypeUnion = ..., out: ndarray = ...) -> ndarray: ... def diagonal(self, offset: int = ..., axis1: int = ..., axis2: int = ...) -> ndarray: ... def dot(self, b: array_like, out: ndarray = ...) -> ndarray: ... def dump(self, file: str) -> None: ... def dumps(self) -> bytes: ... def fill(self, value: _generic) -> None: ... def flatten(self, order: str = ...) -> ndarray: ... def getfield(self, dtype: _dtypeUnion, offset: int = ...) -> ndarray: ... @overload def item(self, *args: int) -> _generic: ... @overload def item(self, args: Tuple[int, ...]) -> _generic: ... @overload def itemset(self, value: _generic) -> None: ... @overload def itemset(self, item: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], value: _generic) -> None: ... def max(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = ..., out: ndarray = ..., keepdims: bool = ...) -> Union[ndarray, _generic]: ... def mean(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = ..., dtype: _dtypeUnion = ..., out: ndarray = ..., keepdims: bool = ...) -> Union[ndarray, _generic]: ... def min(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = ..., out: ndarray = ..., keepdims: bool = ...) -> Union[ndarray, _generic]: ... def newbyteorder(self, new_order: str = 'S') -> dtype: ... def nonzero(self) -> Tuple[ndarray]: ... def partition(self, kth: Union[int, Sequence[int]], axis: int = -1, kind: str = 'introselect', order: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = ...) -> None: ... def prod(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = ..., dtype: _dtypeUnion = ..., out: ndarray = ..., keepdims: bool = False) -> ndarray: ... def ptp(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = ..., out: array_like = ..., keepdims: bool = ...) -> ndarray: ... def put(self, ind: Sequence[int], v: array_like, order: str = ...) -> None: ... def ravel(self, order: str = ...) -> ndarray: ... def repeat(self, repeats: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = ..., axis: int = ...) -> ndarray: ... @overload def reshape(self, shape: Sequence[int], order: str = ...) -> ndarray: ... @overload def reshape(self, *shape: int, order: str = ...) -> ndarray: ... @overload def resize(self, new_shape: Sequence[int], *, refcheck: bool = True) -> None: ... @overload def resize(self, *new_shape: int, refcheck: bool = True) -> None: ... def round(self, decimals: int = 0, out: ndarray = ...) -> ndarray: ... def searchsorted(self, v: array_like, side: str = ..., sorter: Sequence[int] = ...) -> List[int]: ... def setfield(self, val: object, dtype: _dtypeUnion, offset: int = ...) -> None: ... def setflags(self, write: bool = ..., align: bool = ..., uic: bool = ...) -> None: ... def sort(self, axis: int = -1, kind: str = 'quicksort', order: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = ...) -> None: ... def squeeze(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = ...) -> ndarray: ... def std(self, axis: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = ..., dtype: _dtypeUnion = ..., out: ndarray = ..., ddof: int = 0, keepdims: bool = ...) -> ndarray: ... def strides(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: ... def sum(self, axis: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = ..., dtype: _dtypeUnion = ..., out: ndarray = ..., keepdims: bool = ...) -> ndarray: ... def swapaxes(self, axis1: int, axis2: int) -> ndarray: ... def take(self, indices: array_like, axis: int = ..., out: ndarray = ..., mode: str = ...) -> ndarray: ... def tobytes(self, order: Optional[str] = ...) -> bytes: ... def tofile(self, fid: Union[IO[bytes], str], sep: str = ..., format: str = ...) -> None: ... def tolist(self) -> List[Any]: ... def tostring(self, order: Optional[str] = ...) -> bytes: ... def trace(self, offset: int = 0, axis1: int = 0, axis2: int = 1, dtype: _dtypeUnion = ..., out: ndarray = ...) -> ndarray: ... def transpose(self, axes: Sequence[int]) -> ndarray: ... def var(self, axis: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = ..., dtype: _dtypeUnion = ..., out: ndarray = ..., ddof: int = 0, keepdims: bool = ...) -> ndarray: ... @overload def view(self, dtype: Type[_Tndarray]) -> _Tndarray: ... @overload def view(self, dtype: _dtypeUnion = ...) -> ndarray: ... @overload def view(self, dtype: _dtypeUnion, type: Type[_Tndarray]) -> _Tndarray: ... @overload def view(self, *, type: Type[_Tndarray]) -> _Tndarray: ... @overload def arange(stop: _builtinScalarUnion, step: _builtinScalarUnion = ..., dtype: _dtypeUnion = ...) -> ndarray: ... @overload def arange(start: _builtinScalarUnion, stop: _builtinScalarUnion, step: _builtinScalarUnion = ..., dtype: _dtypeUnion = ...) -> ndarray: ... def array(object: _array_like, dtype: _dtypeUnion = ..., copy: bool = ..., subok: bool = ..., ndmin: int = ...) -> ndarray: ... def empty(shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], dtype: _dtypeUnion = ..., order: str = 'C') -> ndarray: ...