import sys from typing import overload from typing_extensions import Literal if sys.platform == "win32": SND_FILENAME: int SND_ALIAS: int SND_LOOP: int SND_MEMORY: int SND_PURGE: int SND_ASYNC: int SND_NODEFAULT: int SND_NOSTOP: int SND_NOWAIT: int MB_ICONASTERISK: int MB_ICONEXCLAMATION: int MB_ICONHAND: int MB_ICONQUESTION: int MB_OK: int def Beep(frequency: int, duration: int) -> None: ... # Can actually accept anything ORed with 4, and if not it's definitely str, but that's inexpressible @overload def PlaySound(sound: bytes | None, flags: Literal[4]) -> None: ... @overload def PlaySound(sound: str | bytes | None, flags: int) -> None: ... def MessageBeep(type: int = ...) -> None: ...