from import Iterator, Mapping, Set from typing_extensions import TypedDict from pygments.token import _TokenType ansicolors: Set[str] # not intended to be mutable (== typing.AbstractSet, not builtins.set) class _StyleDict(TypedDict): color: str | None bold: bool italic: bool underline: bool bgcolor: str | None border: str | None roman: bool | None # lol yes, can be True or False or None sans: bool | None mono: bool | None ansicolor: str | None bgansicolor: str | None class StyleMeta(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): ... def style_for_token(cls, token: _TokenType) -> _StyleDict: ... def styles_token(cls, ttype: _TokenType) -> bool: ... def list_styles(cls) -> list[tuple[_TokenType, _StyleDict]]: ... def __iter__(cls) -> Iterator[tuple[_TokenType, _StyleDict]]: ... def __len__(cls) -> int: ... # These are a bit tricky. # Technically should be ClassVar in class Style. # But then we can't use StyleMeta to denote a style class. # We need that because Type[Style] is not iterable, for example. background_color: str highlight_color: str line_number_color: str line_number_background_color: str line_number_special_color: str line_number_special_background_color: str styles: Mapping[_TokenType, str] # not intended to be mutable class Style(metaclass=StyleMeta): ...