language: python matrix: include: - python: 3.6 env: TOX_ENV=pycodestyle - python: 3.6 env: TOX_ENV=py36 - python: 3.6 env: TOX_ENV=autopep8 - python: 2.7 env: TOX_ENV=pycodestyle - python: 2.7 env: TOX_ENV=py27 - python: 3.4 env: TOX_ENV=py34 - python: 3.5 env: TOX_ENV=py35 - python: 3.7-dev env: TOX_ENV=py37 # This is disabled because of trouble running on travis CI. # - python: pypy # env: TOX_ENV=pypy services: - docker sudo: required # Required to enable Docker service install: - pip install tox coveralls - bash ryu/tests/integrated/common/ script: - NOSE_VERBOSE=0 tox -e $TOX_ENV after_success: - coveralls