# If a command returns an error, halt the script. $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Ignore progress events from cmdlets so Invoke-WebRequest is not painfully slow $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Switch to userprofile pushd $Env:USERPROFILE # Make paths if needed if (!(Test-Path -Path .local\bin)) { New-Item -Path .local\bin -ItemType Directory } # {{ baseurl }} # {{ version }} # Enter path pushd .local\bin # TODO SetStrictMode # TODO Test-Path variable:global:Env:WEBI_HOST ??? IF(!$Env:WEBI_HOST) { $Env:WEBI_HOST = "https://webinstall.dev" } # Fetch webi.bat Invoke-WebRequest "$Env:WEBI_HOST/packages/_webi/webi.ps1.bat" -OutFile webi.bat Invoke-WebRequest "$Env:WEBI_HOST/packages/_webi/webi.ps1" -OutFile webi.ps1 popd # Run webi.ps1 #TODO Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass & Invoke-Expression "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass .\.local\bin\webi.ps1 {{ exename }}" # Run pathman to set up the folder #& "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\bin\pathman.exe" add "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\.bin" & "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\bin\pathman.exe" add .local\.bin # Done popd