#!/bin/bash # title: Node.js # homepage: https://nodejs.org # tagline: JavaScript V8 runtime # description: | # Node.jsĀ® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine # examples: | # # ### Hello World # # ```bash # node -e 'console.log("Hello, World!")' # > Hello, World! # ``` # # ### A Simple Web Server # # `server.js`: # # ```bash # var http = require('http'); # var app = function (req, res) { # res.end('Hello, World!'); # }; # http.createServer(app).listen(8080, function () { # console.info('Listening on', this.address()); # }); # ``` # # ```bash # node server.js # ``` # # ### An Express App # # ```bash # mkdir my-server # pushd my-server # npm init # npm install --save express # ``` # # `app.js`: # # ```js # 'use strict'; # # var express = require('express'); # var app = express(); # # app.use('/', function (req, res, next) { # res.end("Hello, World!"); # }); # # module.exports = app; # ``` # # `server.js`: # # ```js # 'use strict'; # # var http = require('http'); # var app = require('./app.js'); # # http.createServer(app).listen(8080, function () { # console.info('Listening on', this.address()); # }); # ``` # # ```bash # npm start # ``` # set -e set -u pkg_cmd_name="node" pkg_get_current_version() { # 'node --version' has output in this format: # v12.8.0 # This trims it down to just the version number: # 12.8.0 echo "$(node --version 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's:^v::')" } pkg_format_cmd_version() { # 'node v12.8.0' is the canonical version format for node my_version="$1" echo "$pkg_cmd_name v$my_version" } pkg_link_src_dst() { # 'pkg_dst' will default to $HOME/.local/opt/node # 'pkg_src' will be the installed version, such as to $HOME/.local/opt/node-v12.8.0 rm -rf "$pkg_dst" ln -s "$pkg_src" "$pkg_dst" } pkg_pre_install() { # web_* are defined in webi/template.bash at https://github.com/webinstall/packages # if selected version is installed, re-link it and quit webi_check # will save to ~/Downloads/$WEBI_PKG_FILE by default webi_download # supported formats (.xz, .tar.*, .zip) will be extracted to $WEBI_TMP webi_extract } pkg_install() { pushd "$WEBI_TMP" 2>&1 >/dev/null # remove the versioned folder, just in case it's there with junk rm -rf "$pkg_src" # rename the entire extracted folder to the new location # (this will be "$HOME/.local/opt/node-v$WEBI_VERSION" by default) # ex (full directory): ./node-v13-linux-amd64/bin/node.exe mv ./"$pkg_cmd_name"* "$pkg_src" # ex (single file): ./caddy-v13-linux-amd64.exe #mv ./"$pkg_cmd_name"* "$pkg_dst_cmd" #chmod a+x "$pkg_dst_cmd" # ex (single file, nested in directory): ./rg/rg-v13-linux-amd64 #mv ./"$pkg_cmd_name"*/"$pkg_cmd_name"* "$pkg_commend_cmd" #chmod a+x "$pkg_dst_cmd" popd 2>&1 >/dev/null } pkg_post_install() { pkg_link_src_dst # web_path_add is defined in webi/template.bash at https://github.com/webinstall/packages # Adds "$HOME/.local/opt/node/bin" to PATH webi_path_add "$pkg_dst_bin" } pkg_post_install_message() { echo "Installed 'node' and 'npm'" }