#!/bin/bash # title: Node.js # homepage: https://nodejs.org # tagline: JavaScript V8 runtime # description: | # Node.jsĀ® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine # examples: | # ```bash # node -e 'console.log("Hello, World!")' # > Hello, World! # ``` #
# # # # # # #
Run a webserver

#   mkdir my-server
#   pushd my-server
#   npm init
#   npm install --save express
# app.js: #
'use strict'
#   var express = require('express');
#   var app = express();
#   app.use('/', function (req, res, next) {
#     res.end("Hello, World!");
#   });
#   module.exports = app;
# server.js: #
'use strict'
#   var http = require('http');
#   var app = require('./app.js');
#   http.createServer(app).listen(8080, function () {
#     console.log('Listening on', this.address());
#   });
npm start
set -e set -u my_tmp=${WEBI_TMP:-$(mktemp -d node-install.XXXXXX)} sudo_cmd=${WEBI_SUDO:-} http_get() { if [ -n "$(command -v curl 2>/dev/null | grep curl)" ]; then curl -fsSL $1 -o $2 || echo 'error downloading node' elif [ -n "$(command -v wget 2>/dev/null | grep wget)" ]; then wget --quiet $1 -O $2 || echo 'error downloading node' else echo "'wget' and 'curl' are missing. Please run the following command and try again" echo "" echo " sudo apt-get install --yes curl wget" exit 1 fi } WEBI_CSV=$(curl -fsSL "https://webinstall.dev/api/releases/node@${WEBI_VERSION:-}.csv?os=$(uname -s)&arch=$(uname -m)&ext=tar&limit=1" -H "User-Agent: $(uname -a)") NODEJS_VER=$(echo $WEBI_CSV | cut -d ',' -f 1) NODEJS_REMOTE=$(echo $WEBI_CSV | cut -d ',' -f 9) NODEJS_LOCAL="$my_tmp/$(echo $NODEJS_REMOTE | sed s:.*/::)" NODE_OS="$(echo $WEBI_CSV | cut -d ',' -f 5)" ######### # BEGIN # ######### # WEBI_ARCH uses only slightly different names from NODE_ARCH NODE_OS="$(echo $WEBI_CSV | cut -d ',' -f 5)" if [ "macos" == "$NODE_OS" ]; then NODE_OS="darwin" fi NODE_ARCH="$(echo $WEBI_CSV | cut -d ',' -f 6)" if [ "amd64" == "$NODE_ARCH" ]; then NODE_ARCH="x64" fi node_install_path=$HOME/.local/opt/node-v${NODEJS_VER} mkdir -p $node_install_path if [ -e "$node_install_path/bin/node" ]; then # node of some version is already installed if [ "v${NODEJS_VER}" == "$($node_install_path/bin/node -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo node ${NODEJS_VER} already installed at $node_install_path exit 0 fi fi # TODO warn if existing node in path my take precedence echo "downloading node v${NODEJS_VER}..." http_get ${NODEJS_REMOTE} ${NODEJS_LOCAL} || echo 'error downloading node' echo "installing node v${NODEJS_VER}..." tar xf ${NODEJS_LOCAL} -C $my_tmp/ # we know how it'll unpack NODEJS_UNTAR=$my_tmp/node-v${NODEJS_VER}-${NODE_OS}-${NODE_ARCH} # this funny business is to allow something a non-/opt directory # ( such as /usr/local ) to be an install target rm ${NODEJS_UNTAR}/{LICENSE,CHANGELOG.md,README.md} if [ -n "$(command -v rsync 2>/dev/null | grep rsync)" ]; then echo $sudo_cmd rsync -Krl "${NODEJS_UNTAR}/" "$node_install_path/" rsync -Krl "${NODEJS_UNTAR}/" "$node_install_path/" 2>/dev/null || $sudo_cmd rsync -Krl "${NODEJS_UNTAR}/" "$node_install_path/" else # due to symlink issues on Arch Linux, don't copy the share directory rm -rf ${NODEJS_UNTAR}/share echo $sudo_cmd cp -Hr "${NODEJS_UNTAR}/*" "$node_install_path/" cp -Hr "${NODEJS_UNTAR}"/* "$node_install_path/" 2>/dev/null || $sudo_cmd cp -Hr "${NODEJS_UNTAR}"/* "$node_install_path/" fi rm -rf "${NODEJS_UNTAR}" rm -rf "${my_tmp}" # By default, npm is stupid and uses any version of node in any path. Stop that. # npm config set scripts-prepend-node-path true "$node_install_path"/bin/node "$node_install_path"/bin/npm --scripts-prepend-node-path=true config set scripts-prepend-node-path true ####### # END # ####### pathman add $node_install_path/bin