# title: Webi # homepage: https://webinstall.dev # tagline: | # Webi is how developers install their tools. # description: | # Webi is what you would have created if you automated how you install your common tools yourself: Simple, direct downloads from official sources, unpacked into `$HOME/.local`, added to `PATH`, symlinked for easy version switching, with minimal niceties like resuming downloads and 'stable' tags. # # - Easy to remember. # - No magic, no nonesense, no bulk. # - What you would have done for yourself. # # examples: | # You can install _exactly_ what you need, from memory, via URL: # # ```bash # curl https://webinstall.dev/node@lts | bash # ``` # # Or via `webi`, the tiny `curl | bash` shortcut command that comes with each install: # # ```bash # webi node@latest # ``` # # ```bash # webi golang@v1.14 # ``` # # ```bash # webi rustlang # ``` # # You can see exactly what PATHs have been edited: # # ```bash # pathman list # ``` # # And where: # # ```bash # cat $HOME/.config/envman/PATH.env # ``` # END