minor adjustment to readme
[dotfiles/.git] / .config / coc / extensions / coc-go-data / tools / pkg / mod / golang.org / x / tools@v0.0.0-20201028153306-37f0764111ff / cover / profile_test.go
1 // Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5 package cover
7 import (
8         "fmt"
9         "io/ioutil"
10         "os"
11         "reflect"
12         "testing"
13 )
15 func TestParseProfiles(t *testing.T) {
16         tests := []struct {
17                 name      string
18                 input     string
19                 output    []*Profile
20                 expectErr bool
21         }{
22                 {
23                         name:   "parsing an empty file produces empty output",
24                         input:  `mode: set`,
25                         output: []*Profile{},
26                 },
27                 {
28                         name: "simple valid file produces expected output",
29                         input: `mode: set
30 some/fancy/path:42.69,44.16 2 1`,
31                         output: []*Profile{
32                                 {
33                                         FileName: "some/fancy/path",
34                                         Mode:     "set",
35                                         Blocks: []ProfileBlock{
36                                                 {
37                                                         StartLine: 42, StartCol: 69,
38                                                         EndLine: 44, EndCol: 16,
39                                                         NumStmt: 2, Count: 1,
40                                                 },
41                                         },
42                                 },
43                         },
44                 },
45                 {
46                         name: "file with syntax characters in path produces expected output",
47                         input: `mode: set
48 some fancy:path/some,file.go:42.69,44.16 2 1`,
49                         output: []*Profile{
50                                 {
51                                         FileName: "some fancy:path/some,file.go",
52                                         Mode:     "set",
53                                         Blocks: []ProfileBlock{
54                                                 {
55                                                         StartLine: 42, StartCol: 69,
56                                                         EndLine: 44, EndCol: 16,
57                                                         NumStmt: 2, Count: 1,
58                                                 },
59                                         },
60                                 },
61                         },
62                 },
63                 {
64                         name: "file with multiple blocks in one file produces expected output",
65                         input: `mode: set
66 some/fancy/path:42.69,44.16 2 1
67 some/fancy/path:44.16,46.3 1 0`,
68                         output: []*Profile{
69                                 {
70                                         FileName: "some/fancy/path",
71                                         Mode:     "set",
72                                         Blocks: []ProfileBlock{
73                                                 {
74                                                         StartLine: 42, StartCol: 69,
75                                                         EndLine: 44, EndCol: 16,
76                                                         NumStmt: 2, Count: 1,
77                                                 },
78                                                 {
79                                                         StartLine: 44, StartCol: 16,
80                                                         EndLine: 46, EndCol: 3,
81                                                         NumStmt: 1, Count: 0,
82                                                 },
83                                         },
84                                 },
85                         },
86                 },
87                 {
88                         name: "file with multiple files produces expected output",
89                         input: `mode: set
90 another/fancy/path:44.16,46.3 1 0
91 some/fancy/path:42.69,44.16 2 1`,
92                         output: []*Profile{
93                                 {
94                                         FileName: "another/fancy/path",
95                                         Mode:     "set",
96                                         Blocks: []ProfileBlock{
97                                                 {
98                                                         StartLine: 44, StartCol: 16,
99                                                         EndLine: 46, EndCol: 3,
100                                                         NumStmt: 1, Count: 0,
101                                                 },
102                                         },
103                                 },
104                                 {
105                                         FileName: "some/fancy/path",
106                                         Mode:     "set",
107                                         Blocks: []ProfileBlock{
108                                                 {
109                                                         StartLine: 42, StartCol: 69,
110                                                         EndLine: 44, EndCol: 16,
111                                                         NumStmt: 2, Count: 1,
112                                                 },
113                                         },
114                                 },
115                         },
116                 },
117                 {
118                         name: "intertwined files are merged correctly",
119                         input: `mode: set
120 some/fancy/path:42.69,44.16 2 1
121 another/fancy/path:47.2,47.13 1 1
122 some/fancy/path:44.16,46.3 1 0`,
123                         output: []*Profile{
124                                 {
125                                         FileName: "another/fancy/path",
126                                         Mode:     "set",
127                                         Blocks: []ProfileBlock{
128                                                 {
129                                                         StartLine: 47, StartCol: 2,
130                                                         EndLine: 47, EndCol: 13,
131                                                         NumStmt: 1, Count: 1,
132                                                 },
133                                         },
134                                 },
135                                 {
136                                         FileName: "some/fancy/path",
137                                         Mode:     "set",
138                                         Blocks: []ProfileBlock{
139                                                 {
140                                                         StartLine: 42, StartCol: 69,
141                                                         EndLine: 44, EndCol: 16,
142                                                         NumStmt: 2, Count: 1,
143                                                 },
144                                                 {
145                                                         StartLine: 44, StartCol: 16,
146                                                         EndLine: 46, EndCol: 3,
147                                                         NumStmt: 1, Count: 0,
148                                                 },
149                                         },
150                                 },
151                         },
152                 },
153                 {
154                         name: "duplicate blocks are merged correctly",
155                         input: `mode: count
156 some/fancy/path:42.69,44.16 2 4
157 some/fancy/path:42.69,44.16 2 3`,
158                         output: []*Profile{
159                                 {
160                                         FileName: "some/fancy/path",
161                                         Mode:     "count",
162                                         Blocks: []ProfileBlock{
163                                                 {
164                                                         StartLine: 42, StartCol: 69,
165                                                         EndLine: 44, EndCol: 16,
166                                                         NumStmt: 2, Count: 7,
167                                                 },
168                                         },
169                                 },
170                         },
171                 },
172                 {
173                         name:      "an invalid mode line is an error",
174                         input:     `mode:count`,
175                         expectErr: true,
176                 },
177                 {
178                         name: "a missing field is an error",
179                         input: `mode: count
180 some/fancy/path:42.69,44.16 2`,
181                         expectErr: true,
182                 },
183                 {
184                         name: "a missing path field is an error",
185                         input: `mode: count
186 42.69,44.16 2 3`,
187                         expectErr: true,
188                 },
189                 {
190                         name: "a non-numeric count is an error",
191                         input: `mode: count
192 42.69,44.16 2 nope`,
193                         expectErr: true,
194                 },
195                 {
196                         name: "an empty path is an error",
197                         input: `mode: count
198 :42.69,44.16 2 3`,
199                         expectErr: true,
200                 },
201                 {
202                         name: "a negative count is an error",
203                         input: `mode: count
204 some/fancy/path:42.69,44.16 2 -1`,
205                         expectErr: true,
206                 },
207         }
209         for _, tc := range tests {
210                 t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
211                         f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "")
212                         if err != nil {
213                                 t.Fatalf("Failed to create a temp file: %v.", err)
214                         }
215                         defer func() {
216                                 f.Close()
217                                 os.Remove(f.Name())
218                         }()
219                         n, err := f.WriteString(tc.input)
220                         if err != nil {
221                                 t.Fatalf("Failed to write to temp file: %v", err)
222                         }
223                         if n < len(tc.input) {
224                                 t.Fatalf("Didn't write enough bytes to temp file (wrote %d, expected %d).", n, len(tc.input))
225                         }
226                         if err := f.Sync(); err != nil {
227                                 t.Fatalf("Failed to sync temp file: %v", err)
228                         }
230                         result, err := ParseProfiles(f.Name())
231                         if err != nil {
232                                 if !tc.expectErr {
233                                         t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
234                                 }
235                                 return
236                         }
237                         if tc.expectErr {
238                                 t.Errorf("Expected an error, but got value %q", stringifyProfileArray(result))
239                         }
240                         if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, tc.output) {
241                                 t.Errorf("Mismatched results.\nExpected: %s\nActual:   %s", stringifyProfileArray(tc.output), stringifyProfileArray(result))
242                         }
243                 })
244         }
245 }
247 func stringifyProfileArray(profiles []*Profile) string {
248         deref := make([]Profile, 0, len(profiles))
249         for _, p := range profiles {
250                 deref = append(deref, *p)
251         }
252         return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", deref)
253 }
255 func BenchmarkParseLine(b *testing.B) {
256         const line = "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-controller-manager/app/options/ttlafterfinishedcontroller.go:31.73,32.14 1 1"
257         b.SetBytes(int64(len(line)))
258         for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
259                 parseLine(line)
260         }
261 }