autorefresh in the stats and minor color changes
[VSoRC/.git] / node_modules / node-static / package.json
1 {
2   "name": "node-static",
3   "description": "simple, compliant file streaming module for node",
4   "url": "",
5   "keywords": [
6     "http",
7     "static",
8     "file",
9     "server"
10   ],
11   "author": {
12     "name": "Alexis Sellier",
13     "email": ""
14   },
15   "contributors": [
16     {
17       "name": "Pablo Cantero",
18       "email": ""
19     },
20     {
21       "name": "Ionică Bizău",
22       "email": ""
23     }
24   ],
25   "repository": {
26     "type": "git",
27     "url": "git+ssh://"
28   },
29   "main": "./lib/node-static",
30   "scripts": {
31     "test": "vows --spec --isolate"
32   },
33   "bin": {
34     "static": "bin/cli.js"
35   },
36   "license": "MIT",
37   "dependencies": {
38     "optimist": ">=0.3.4",
39     "colors": ">=0.6.0",
40     "mime": "^1.2.9"
41   },
42   "devDependencies": {
43     "request": "latest",
44     "vows": "latest"
45   },
46   "version": "0.7.11",
47   "engines": {
48     "node": ">= 0.4.1"
49   },
50   "bugs": {
51     "url": ""
52   },
53   "homepage": "",
54   "directories": {
55     "example": "examples",
56     "test": "test"
57   },
58   "gitHead": "e59fe21dffbee46678362d26d26fdfb241f49506",
59   "_id": "node-static@0.7.11",
60   "_npmVersion": "6.4.1",
61   "_nodeVersion": "10.9.0",
62   "_npmUser": {
63     "name": "cloudhead",
64     "email": ""
65   },
66   "dist": {
67     "integrity": "sha512-zfWC/gICcqb74D9ndyvxZWaI1jzcoHmf4UTHWQchBNuNMxdBLJMDiUgZ1tjGLEIe/BMhj2DxKD8HOuc2062pDQ==",
68     "shasum": "60120d349f3cef533e4e820670057eb631882e7f",
69     "tarball": "",
70     "fileCount": 13,
71     "unpackedSize": 42054,
72     "npm-signature": "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v3.0.4\r\nComment:\r\n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\nb86R\r\n=62R1\r\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\n"
73   },
74   "maintainers": [
75     {
76       "name": "cloudhead",
77       "email": ""
78     },
79     {
80       "name": "indexzero",
81       "email": ""
82     },
83     {
84       "name": "phstc",
85       "email": ""
86     }
87   ],
88   "_npmOperationalInternal": {
89     "host": "s3://npm-registry-packages",
90     "tmp": "tmp/node-static_0.7.11_1537701598456_0.5872354304574499"
91   },
92   "_hasShrinkwrap": false,
93   "_shasum": "60120d349f3cef533e4e820670057eb631882e7f",
94   "_from": "node-static@",
95   "_resolved": ""
96 }