Update and rename MantenerFIFO to MantenerFIFO.md
[vsorcdistro/.git] / ryu / build / lib.linux-armv6l-2.7 / ryu / tests / switch / of14 / action / 18_POP_VLAN.json
1 [
2     "action: 18_POP_VLAN",
3     {
4         "description": "ethernet/vlan(vid=100)/ipv4/tcp-->'eth_type=0x0800,vlan_vid=0,actions=pop_vlan,output:2'",
5         "prerequisite":[
6             {
7                 "OFPFlowMod":{
8                     "table_id":0,
9                     "match":{
10                         "OFPMatch":{
11                             "oxm_fields":[
12                                 {
13                                     "OXMTlv":{
14                                         "field":"eth_type",
15                                         "value":2048
16                                     }
17                                 },
18                                 {
19                                     "OXMTlv":{
20                                         "field":"vlan_vid",
21                                         "mask":4096,
22                                         "value":4096
23                                     }
24                                 }
25                             ]
26                         }
27                     },
28                     "instructions":[
29                         {
30                             "OFPInstructionActions":{
31                                 "actions":[
32                                     {
33                                         "OFPActionPopVlan":{}
34                                     },
35                                     {
36                                         "OFPActionOutput":{
37                                             "port":2
38                                         }
39                                     }
40                                 ],
41                                 "type":4
42                             }
43                         }
44                     ]
45                 }
46             }
47         ],
48         "tests":[
49             {
50                 "ingress":[
51                     "ethernet(dst='22:22:22:22:22:22', src='12:11:11:11:11:11', ethertype=33024)",
52                     "vlan(pcp=3, cfi=0, vid=100, ethertype=2048)",
53                     "ipv4(tos=32, proto=6, src='', dst='', ttl=64)",
54                     "tcp(dst_port=2222, option=bytes(b'\\x00' * 4), src_port=11111)",
55                     "b'\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07\\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\x0c\\r\\x0e\\x0f\\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17\\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f'"
56                 ],
57                 "egress":[
58                     "ethernet(dst='22:22:22:22:22:22', src='12:11:11:11:11:11', ethertype=2048)",
59                     "ipv4(tos=32, proto=6, src='', dst='', ttl=64)",
60                     "tcp(dst_port=2222, option=bytes(b'\\x00' * 4), src_port=11111)",
61                     "b'\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07\\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\x0c\\r\\x0e\\x0f\\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17\\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f'"
62                 ]
63             }
64         ]
65     },
66     {
67         "description": "ethernet/vlan(vid=100)/ipv6/tcp-->'eth_type=0x86dd,vlan_vid=0,actions=pop_vlan,output:2'",
68         "prerequisite":[
69             {
70                 "OFPFlowMod":{
71                     "table_id":0,
72                     "match":{
73                         "OFPMatch":{
74                             "oxm_fields":[
75                                 {
76                                     "OXMTlv":{
77                                         "field":"eth_type",
78                                         "value":34525
79                                     }
80                                 },
81                                 {
82                                     "OXMTlv":{
83                                         "field":"vlan_vid",
84                                         "mask":4096,
85                                         "value":4096
86                                     }
87                                 }
88                             ]
89                         }
90                     },
91                     "instructions":[
92                         {
93                             "OFPInstructionActions":{
94                                 "actions":[
95                                     {
96                                         "OFPActionPopVlan":{}
97                                     },
98                                     {
99                                         "OFPActionOutput":{
100                                             "port":2
101                                         }
102                                     }
103                                 ],
104                                 "type":4
105                             }
106                         }
107                     ]
108                 }
109             }
110         ],
111         "tests":[
112             {
113                 "ingress":[
114                     "ethernet(dst='22:22:22:22:22:22', src='12:11:11:11:11:11', ethertype=33024)",
115                     "vlan(pcp=3, cfi=0, vid=100, ethertype=34525)",
116                     "ipv6(dst='20::20', flow_label=100, src='10::10', nxt=6, hop_limit=64, traffic_class=32)",
117                     "tcp(dst_port=2222, option=bytes(b'\\x00' * 4), src_port=11111)",
118                     "b'\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07\\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\x0c\\r\\x0e\\x0f\\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17\\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f'"
119                 ],
120                 "egress":[
121                     "ethernet(dst='22:22:22:22:22:22', src='12:11:11:11:11:11', ethertype=34525)",
122                     "ipv6(dst='20::20', flow_label=100, src='10::10', nxt=6, hop_limit=64, traffic_class=32)",
123                     "tcp(dst_port=2222, option=bytes(b'\\x00' * 4), src_port=11111)",
124                     "b'\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04\\x05\\x06\\x07\\x08\\t\\n\\x0b\\x0c\\r\\x0e\\x0f\\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\x14\\x15\\x16\\x17\\x18\\x19\\x1a\\x1b\\x1c\\x1d\\x1e\\x1f'"
125                 ]
126             }
127         ]
128     },
129     {
130         "description": "ethernet/vlan(vid=100)/arp-->'eth_type=0x0806,vlan_vid=0,actions=pop_vlan,output:2'",
131         "prerequisite":[
132             {
133                 "OFPFlowMod":{
134                     "table_id":0,
135                     "match":{
136                         "OFPMatch":{
137                             "oxm_fields":[
138                                 {
139                                     "OXMTlv":{
140                                         "field":"eth_type",
141                                         "value":2054
142                                     }
143                                 },
144                                 {
145                                     "OXMTlv":{
146                                         "field":"vlan_vid",
147                                         "mask":4096,
148                                         "value":4096
149                                     }
150                                 }
151                             ]
152                         }
153                     },
154                     "instructions":[
155                         {
156                             "OFPInstructionActions":{
157                                 "actions":[
158                                     {
159                                         "OFPActionPopVlan":{}
160                                     },
161                                     {
162                                         "OFPActionOutput":{
163                                             "port":2
164                                         }
165                                     }
166                                 ],
167                                 "type":4
168                             }
169                         }
170                     ]
171                 }
172             }
173         ],
174         "tests":[
175             {
176                 "ingress":[
177                     "ethernet(dst='22:22:22:22:22:22', src='12:11:11:11:11:11', ethertype=33024)",
178                     "vlan(pcp=3, cfi=0, vid=100, ethertype=2054)",
179                     "arp(dst_ip='',dst_mac='22:22:22:22:22:22', opcode=1, src_ip='',src_mac='12:11:11:11:11:11')",
180                     "bytes(b'\\x00' * (60 - 42))"
181                 ],
182                 "egress":[
183                     "ethernet(dst='22:22:22:22:22:22', src='12:11:11:11:11:11', ethertype=2054)",
184                     "arp(dst_ip='',dst_mac='22:22:22:22:22:22', opcode=1, src_ip='',src_mac='12:11:11:11:11:11')",
185                     "bytes(b'\\x00' * (60 - 42))"
186                 ]
187             }
188         ]
189     }
190 ]