Update and rename MantenerFIFO to MantenerFIFO.md
[vsorcdistro/.git] / ryu / build / lib.linux-armv6l-2.7 / ryu / tests / unit / ofproto / json / of13 / ovs-ofctl-of13-match_move_nx_register.packet.json
1 {
2     "OFPFlowMod": {
3         "buffer_id": 4294967295,
4         "command": 1,
5         "cookie": 1311768467463790320,
6         "cookie_mask": 18446744073709551615,
7         "flags": 0,
8         "hard_timeout": 0,
9         "idle_timeout": 0,
10         "instructions": [
11             {
12                 "OFPInstructionActions": {
13                     "actions": [
14                         {
15                             "NXActionRegMove": {
16                                 "dst_field": "reg1",
17                                 "dst_ofs": 0,
18                                 "experimenter": 8992,
19                                 "len": 24,
20                                 "n_bits": 6,
21                                 "src_field": "reg0",
22                                 "src_ofs": 10,
23                                 "subtype": 6,
24                                 "type": 65535
25                             }
26                         }
27                     ],
28                     "len": 32,
29                     "type": 4
30                 }
31             }
32         ],
33         "match": {
34             "OFPMatch": {
35                 "length": 24,
36                 "oxm_fields": [
37                     {
38                         "OXMTlv": {
39                             "field": "reg0",
40                             "mask": null,
41                             "value": 4660
42                         }
43                     },
44                     {
45                         "OXMTlv": {
46                             "field": "reg5",
47                             "mask": 65535,
48                             "value": 43981
49                         }
50                     }
51                 ],
52                 "type": 1
53             }
54         },
55         "out_group": 4294967295,
56         "out_port": 4294967295,
57         "priority": 32768,
58         "table_id": 3
59     }
60 }