Update and rename MantenerFIFO to MantenerFIFO.md
[vsorcdistro/.git] / ryu / build / lib.linux-armv6l-2.7 / ryu / tests / unit / ofproto / json / of15 / libofproto-OFP15-table_features_reply.packet.json
1 {
2    "OFPTableFeaturesStatsReply": {
3       "body": [
4          {
5             "OFPTableFeaturesStats": {
6                "capabilities": 4,
7                "command": 1,
8                "features": 1,
9                "length": 80,
10                "max_entries": 255,
11                "metadata_match": 18446744073709551615,
12                "metadata_write": 18446744073709551615,
13                "name": "table1",
14                "properties": [
15                   {
16                      "OFPTableFeaturePropOxmValues": {
17                         "length": 14,
18                         "oxm_values": [
19                            {
20                               "OXMTlv": {
21                                  "field": "eth_src",
22                                  "mask": null,
23                                  "value": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"
24                               }
25                            }
26                         ],
27                         "type": 22
28                      }
29                   }
30                ],
31                "table_id": 1
32             }
33          }
34       ],
35       "flags": 0,
36       "type": 12
37    }
38 }