Update and rename MantenerFIFO to MantenerFIFO.md
[vsorcdistro/.git] / ryu / ryu / tests / unit / ofproto / json / of15 / libofproto-OFP15-flow_monitor_reply.packet.json
1 {
2    "OFPFlowMonitorReply": {
3       "body": [
4          {
5             "OFPFlowUpdateFull": {
6                "cookie": 0, 
7                "event": 0, 
8                "hard_timeout": 700, 
9                "idle_timeout": 600, 
10                "instructions": [
11                   {
12                      "OFPInstructionActions": {
13                         "actions": [
14                            {
15                               "OFPActionOutput": {
16                                  "len": 16, 
17                                  "max_len": 0, 
18                                  "port": 4294967290, 
19                                  "type": 0
20                               }
21                            }
22                         ], 
23                         "len": 24, 
24                         "type": 4
25                      }
26                   }
27                ], 
28                "length": 64, 
29                "match": {
30                   "OFPMatch": {
31                      "length": 10, 
32                      "oxm_fields": [
33                         {
34                            "OXMTlv": {
35                               "field": "eth_type", 
36                               "mask": null, 
37                               "value": 2054
38                            }
39                         }
40                      ], 
41                      "type": 1
42                   }
43                }, 
44                "priority": 3, 
45                "reason": 0, 
46                "table_id": 0
47             }
48          }, 
49          {
50             "OFPFlowUpdateAbbrev": {
51                "event": 4, 
52                "length": 8, 
53                "xid": 1234
54             }
55          }, 
56          {
57             "OFPFlowUpdatePaused": {
58                "event": 5, 
59                "length": 8
60             }
61          }
62       ], 
63       "flags": 0, 
64       "type": 16
65    }
66 }