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[dotfiles/.git] / services / jsonValidation.js
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3  *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
4  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5 (function (factory) {
6     if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
7         var v = factory(require, exports);
8         if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
9     }
10     else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
11         define(["require", "exports", "./jsonSchemaService", "../jsonLanguageTypes", "vscode-nls", "../utils/objects"], factory);
12     }
13 })(function (require, exports) {
14     "use strict";
15     Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
16     exports.JSONValidation = void 0;
17     var jsonSchemaService_1 = require("./jsonSchemaService");
18     var jsonLanguageTypes_1 = require("../jsonLanguageTypes");
19     var nls = require("vscode-nls");
20     var objects_1 = require("../utils/objects");
21     var localize = nls.loadMessageBundle();
22     var JSONValidation = /** @class */ (function () {
23         function JSONValidation(jsonSchemaService, promiseConstructor) {
24             this.jsonSchemaService = jsonSchemaService;
25             this.promise = promiseConstructor;
26             this.validationEnabled = true;
27         }
28         JSONValidation.prototype.configure = function (raw) {
29             if (raw) {
30                 this.validationEnabled = raw.validate !== false;
31                 this.commentSeverity = raw.allowComments ? undefined : jsonLanguageTypes_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Error;
32             }
33         };
34         JSONValidation.prototype.doValidation = function (textDocument, jsonDocument, documentSettings, schema) {
35             var _this = this;
36             if (!this.validationEnabled) {
37                 return this.promise.resolve([]);
38             }
39             var diagnostics = [];
40             var added = {};
41             var addProblem = function (problem) {
42                 // remove duplicated messages
43                 var signature = problem.range.start.line + ' ' + problem.range.start.character + ' ' + problem.message;
44                 if (!added[signature]) {
45                     added[signature] = true;
46                     diagnostics.push(problem);
47                 }
48             };
49             var getDiagnostics = function (schema) {
50                 var trailingCommaSeverity = documentSettings ? toDiagnosticSeverity(documentSettings.trailingCommas) : jsonLanguageTypes_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Error;
51                 var commentSeverity = documentSettings ? toDiagnosticSeverity(documentSettings.comments) : _this.commentSeverity;
52                 var schemaValidation = (documentSettings === null || documentSettings === void 0 ? void 0 : documentSettings.schemaValidation) ? toDiagnosticSeverity(documentSettings.schemaValidation) : jsonLanguageTypes_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning;
53                 var schemaRequest = (documentSettings === null || documentSettings === void 0 ? void 0 : documentSettings.schemaRequest) ? toDiagnosticSeverity(documentSettings.schemaRequest) : jsonLanguageTypes_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning;
54                 if (schema) {
55                     if (schema.errors.length && jsonDocument.root && schemaRequest) {
56                         var astRoot = jsonDocument.root;
57                         var property = astRoot.type === 'object' ? astRoot.properties[0] : undefined;
58                         if (property && property.keyNode.value === '$schema') {
59                             var node = property.valueNode || property;
60                             var range = jsonLanguageTypes_1.Range.create(textDocument.positionAt(node.offset), textDocument.positionAt(node.offset + node.length));
61                             addProblem(jsonLanguageTypes_1.Diagnostic.create(range, schema.errors[0], schemaRequest, jsonLanguageTypes_1.ErrorCode.SchemaResolveError));
62                         }
63                         else {
64                             var range = jsonLanguageTypes_1.Range.create(textDocument.positionAt(astRoot.offset), textDocument.positionAt(astRoot.offset + 1));
65                             addProblem(jsonLanguageTypes_1.Diagnostic.create(range, schema.errors[0], schemaRequest, jsonLanguageTypes_1.ErrorCode.SchemaResolveError));
66                         }
67                     }
68                     else if (schemaValidation) {
69                         var semanticErrors = jsonDocument.validate(textDocument, schema.schema, schemaValidation);
70                         if (semanticErrors) {
71                             semanticErrors.forEach(addProblem);
72                         }
73                     }
74                     if (schemaAllowsComments(schema.schema)) {
75                         commentSeverity = undefined;
76                     }
77                     if (schemaAllowsTrailingCommas(schema.schema)) {
78                         trailingCommaSeverity = undefined;
79                     }
80                 }
81                 for (var _i = 0, _a = jsonDocument.syntaxErrors; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
82                     var p = _a[_i];
83                     if (p.code === jsonLanguageTypes_1.ErrorCode.TrailingComma) {
84                         if (typeof trailingCommaSeverity !== 'number') {
85                             continue;
86                         }
87                         p.severity = trailingCommaSeverity;
88                     }
89                     addProblem(p);
90                 }
91                 if (typeof commentSeverity === 'number') {
92                     var message_1 = localize('InvalidCommentToken', 'Comments are not permitted in JSON.');
93                     jsonDocument.comments.forEach(function (c) {
94                         addProblem(jsonLanguageTypes_1.Diagnostic.create(c, message_1, commentSeverity, jsonLanguageTypes_1.ErrorCode.CommentNotPermitted));
95                     });
96                 }
97                 return diagnostics;
98             };
99             if (schema) {
100                 var id = schema.id || ('schemaservice://untitled/' + idCounter++);
101                 return this.jsonSchemaService.resolveSchemaContent(new jsonSchemaService_1.UnresolvedSchema(schema), id, {}).then(function (resolvedSchema) {
102                     return getDiagnostics(resolvedSchema);
103                 });
104             }
105             return this.jsonSchemaService.getSchemaForResource(textDocument.uri, jsonDocument).then(function (schema) {
106                 return getDiagnostics(schema);
107             });
108         };
109         return JSONValidation;
110     }());
111     exports.JSONValidation = JSONValidation;
112     var idCounter = 0;
113     function schemaAllowsComments(schemaRef) {
114         if (schemaRef && typeof schemaRef === 'object') {
115             if (objects_1.isBoolean(schemaRef.allowComments)) {
116                 return schemaRef.allowComments;
117             }
118             if (schemaRef.allOf) {
119                 for (var _i = 0, _a = schemaRef.allOf; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
120                     var schema = _a[_i];
121                     var allow = schemaAllowsComments(schema);
122                     if (objects_1.isBoolean(allow)) {
123                         return allow;
124                     }
125                 }
126             }
127         }
128         return undefined;
129     }
130     function schemaAllowsTrailingCommas(schemaRef) {
131         if (schemaRef && typeof schemaRef === 'object') {
132             if (objects_1.isBoolean(schemaRef.allowTrailingCommas)) {
133                 return schemaRef.allowTrailingCommas;
134             }
135             var deprSchemaRef = schemaRef;
136             if (objects_1.isBoolean(deprSchemaRef['allowsTrailingCommas'])) { // deprecated
137                 return deprSchemaRef['allowsTrailingCommas'];
138             }
139             if (schemaRef.allOf) {
140                 for (var _i = 0, _a = schemaRef.allOf; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
141                     var schema = _a[_i];
142                     var allow = schemaAllowsTrailingCommas(schema);
143                     if (objects_1.isBoolean(allow)) {
144                         return allow;
145                     }
146                 }
147             }
148         }
149         return undefined;
150     }
151     function toDiagnosticSeverity(severityLevel) {
152         switch (severityLevel) {
153             case 'error': return jsonLanguageTypes_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Error;
154             case 'warning': return jsonLanguageTypes_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning;
155             case 'ignore': return undefined;
156         }
157         return undefined;
158     }
159 });