--- /dev/null
+title: curlie
+homepage: https://github.com/rs/curlie
+tagline: |
+ curlie wraps `curl` with modern defaults and `httpie`-like syntax highlighting
+## Updating
+webi curlie@stable
+Use the `@beta` tag for pre-releases.
+## Cheat Sheet
+> If you like the interface of HTTPie but miss the features of curl, curlie is
+> what you are searching for. Curlie is a frontend to curl that adds the ease of
+> use of httpie, without compromising on features and performance. All curl
+> options are exposed with syntax sugar and output formatting inspired from
+> httpie.
+**Headers** (`:`) are recognized by being in the format `Key-Name:Value`.
+**JSON** (`=`) is the default encoding for `key=value` pairs.
+## Simple GET
+curlie -v example.com
+## POST simple JSON with headers
+curlie -v POST httpbin.org/status/201 "Authorization: Bearer xxxx" "name=John Doe"
+## POST large JSON
+curlie -v POST httpbin.org/status/201 "Authorization: Bearer xxxx" -d '
+ {
+ "name": "John Doe"
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
+$EXENAME = "$Env:PKG_NAME.exe"
+# Fetch archive
+IF (!(Test-Path -Path "$Env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\$Env:WEBI_PKG_FILE"))
+ # TODO: arch detection
+ echo "Downloading $Env:PKG_NAME from $Env:WEBI_PKG_URL to $Env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\$Env:WEBI_PKG_FILE"
+ & curl.exe -A "$Env:WEBI_UA" -fsSL "$Env:WEBI_PKG_URL" -o "$Env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\$Env:WEBI_PKG_FILE.part"
+ & move "$Env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\$Env:WEBI_PKG_FILE.part" "$Env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\$Env:WEBI_PKG_FILE"
+IF (!(Test-Path -Path "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\xbin\$VERNAME"))
+ echo "Installing $Env:PKG_NAME"
+ # TODO: temp directory
+ # Enter tmp
+ pushd .local\tmp
+ # Remove any leftover tmp cruft
+ Remove-Item -Path "$Env:PKG_NAME-v*" -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
+ # Unpack archive
+ # Windows BSD-tar handles zip. Imagine that.
+ echo "Unpacking $Env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\$Env:WEBI_PKG_FILE"
+ & tar xf "$Env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\$Env:WEBI_PKG_FILE"
+ # Move single binary into root of temporary folder
+ & move "$EXENAME" "$VERNAME"
+ & dir
+ # Settle unpacked archive into place
+ echo "New Name: $VERNAME"
+ echo "New Location: $Env:USERPROFILE\.local\xbin\$VERNAME"
+ Move-Item -Path "$VERNAME" -Destination "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\xbin"
+ # Exit tmp
+ popd
+echo "Copying into '$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\bin\$EXENAME' from '$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\xbin\$VERNAME'"
+Remove-Item -Path "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\bin\$EXENAME" -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
+Copy-Item -Path "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\xbin\$VERNAME" -Destination "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\bin\$EXENAME" -Recurse
--- /dev/null
+ set -e
+ set -u
+ ##################
+ # Install curlie #
+ ##################
+ pkg_get_current_version() {
+ # 'curlie --version' has output in this format:
+ # curlie 0.15.4
+ # This trims it down to just the version number:
+ # 0.15.4
+ echo $(curlie --version 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f 2)
+ }
+ pkg_install() {
+ # $HOME/.local/xbin
+ mkdir -p "$pkg_src_bin"
+ # mv ./curlie* "$HOME/.local/opt/curlie-v0.15.4/bin/curlie"
+ mv ./curlie* "$pkg_src_cmd"
+ # chmod a+x "$HOME/.local/xbin/rg-v11.1.0"
+ chmod a+x "$pkg_src_cmd"
+ }
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+var github = require('../_common/github.js');
+var owner = 'rs';
+var repo = 'curlie';
+module.exports = function (request) {
+ return github(request, owner, repo).then(function (all) {
+ return all;
+ });
+if (module === require.main) {
+ module.exports(require('@root/request')).then(function (all) {
+ all = require('../_webi/normalize.js')(all);
+ all.releases = all.releases.slice(0, 10);
+ //console.info(JSON.stringify(all));
+ console.info(JSON.stringify(all, null, 2));
+ });