descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeWed, 24 Nov 2021 07:03:40 +0000 (07:03 +0000)
2021-11-24 Dy1zdocs: add -- global flag main origin/HEAD origin/main
2021-11-24 AJ ONealbugfix: update arh waterfall to properly detect armv7... origin/linux-releases
2021-11-24 AJ ONealfeature(linux): prefer musl builds to gnu builds
2021-11-24 AJ ONealchore(lint): == to ===
2021-11-24 AJ ONealchore: make Prettier
2021-11-23 AJ ONealbugfix(_example): vars should be quoted (and disable...
2021-11-23 AJ ONealfeature(windows): make it more clear that the user...
2021-11-23 AJ ONealfeature(delta): automagically set delta to default...
2021-11-23 AJ ONealdocs(delta): add all sorts of goodies to cheat sheet
2021-11-23 AJ ONealfeature(delta): use WEBI_UA for curl.exe
2021-11-23 Jay Palaciofeature(delta): add *nix and Windows installer + cheat...
2021-11-21 AJ ONealbugfix(vim-shfmt): fix package name
2021-11-21 jkchore(style): add shebang, set bash strict mode, create...
2021-11-21 AJ ONealrefactor: finish moving ssh-* scripts to own installers
2021-11-21 AJ ONealbugfix(misc): fix kind, gprox, myip, pandoc
2021-11-21 AJ ONealfeature: add test (install almost every package)
2 years ago main