set -u
pkg_get_current_version() {
# 'gitea version' has output in this format:
echo "$(gitea --version 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f3)"
-pkg_format_cmd_version() {
- # 'gitea v2.1.0' is the canonical version format for gitea
- my_version="$1"
- echo "$pkg_cmd_name v$my_version"
+pkg_link() {
+ # although gitea is a single command it must be put in its own directory
+ # because it will always resolve its working path to its location,
+ # regardless of where it was started, where its config file lives, etc.
+ rm -rf "$pkg_dst_cmd"
+ mkdir -p "$pkg_dst_bin/custom"
+ chmod a+x "$pkg_src_cmd"
+ ln -s "$pkg_src_cmd" "$pkg_dst_cmd"
+# For installing from the extracted package tmp directory
+pkg_install() {
+ # remove the versioned folder, just in case it's there with junk
+ rm -rf "$pkg_src_bin"
+ mkdir -p "$pkg_src_bin"
+ # rename the entire extracted folder to the new location
+ # (this will be "$HOME/.local/opt/xmpl-v$WEBI_VERSION" by default)
+ mv ./"$pkg_cmd_name"* "$pkg_src_cmd"