`ssh-adduser` will
- 1. add the user `me`
+ 1. add the user `app`
2. set a random, 32-character password (as a failsafe)
3. copy the `root` user's **`~/.ssh/authorized_keys`** (so the same users can still login)
- 4. give the `me` user `sudo` (admin) privileges
- 5. allow `me` to `sudo` without a password
+ 4. give the `app` user `sudo` (admin) privileges
+ 5. allow `app` to `sudo` without a password
-How to create a new user named 'me':
+How to create a new user named 'app':
# --disable-password prevents a password prompt
# --gecos "" skips the useless questions
-adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" me
+adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" app
How to create a and set a random password:
# sets 'my_password' to 32 random hex characters (16 bytes)
my_password=$(openssl rand -hex 16)
-# uses 'my_password' for to reset and confirm 'me's password
-printf "$my_password"'\n'"$my_password" | passwd me
+# uses 'my_password' for to reset and confirm 'app's password
+printf "$my_password"'\n'"$my_password" | passwd app
-How to make the user 'me' a "sudo"er (an admin):
+How to make the user 'app' a "sudo"er (an admin):
-adduser me sudo
+adduser app sudo
-How to allow 'me' to run sudo commands without a password:
+How to allow 'app' to run sudo commands without a password:
-echo "me ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/me
+echo "app ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/app
How to copy allowed keys from root to the new user:
-mkdir -p /home/me/.ssh/
-chmod 0700 /home/me/.ssh/
+mkdir -p /home/app/.ssh/
+chmod 0700 /home/app/.ssh/
-cat "$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys" >> /home/me/.ssh/authorized_keys
-chmod 0600 /home/me/.ssh/authorized_keys
+cat "$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys" >> /home/app/.ssh/authorized_keys
+chmod 0600 /home/app/.ssh/authorized_keys
-chown -R me:me /home/me/.ssh/
+chown -R app:app /home/app/.ssh/
#apt-get -y update
#apt-get -y install curl wget rsync git
- # Add User
- # TODO: might there be a better name?
- # me, this, user, self, person, i, who, do, tron
- adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" me
+ # Add User app
+ # Picking 'app' because that seems to be what the # Docker/Vagrant
+ # crowd is doing. TODO: Other ideas? me, user, tron
+ adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" app
my_password=$(openssl rand -hex 16)
- printf "$my_password"'\n'"$my_password" | passwd me
+ printf "$my_password"'\n'"$my_password" | passwd app
- # make 'me' a sudo-er (admin)
- adduser me sudo
- echo "me ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | tee /etc/sudoers.d/me
+ # make 'app' a sudo-er (admin)
+ adduser app sudo
+ echo "app ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | tee /etc/sudoers.d/app
- # allow users who can already login as 'root' to login as 'me'
- mkdir -p /home/me/.ssh/
- chmod 0700 /home/me/.ssh/
- cp -r "$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys" /home/me/.ssh/
- chmod 0600 /home/me/.ssh/authorized_keys
- touch /home/me/.ssh/config
- chmod 0644 /home/me/.ssh/config
- chown -R me:me /home/me/.ssh/
+ # allow users who can already login as 'root' to login as 'app'
+ mkdir -p /home/app/.ssh/
+ chmod 0700 /home/app/.ssh/
+ cp -r "$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys" /home/app/.ssh/
+ chmod 0600 /home/app/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ touch /home/app/.ssh/config
+ chmod 0644 /home/app/.ssh/config
+ chown -R app:app /home/app/.ssh/
- # ensure that 'me' has an SSH Keypair
- sudo -i -u me bash -c 'ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f /home/me/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N ""'
+ # ensure that 'app' has an SSH Keypair
+ sudo -i -u app bash -c 'ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f /home/app/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N ""'
- # Install webi for the new 'me' user
- sudo -i -u me bash -c 'curl -fsSL https://webinstall.dev/webi | bash' \
- || sudo -i -u me bash -c 'wget -q -O - https://webinstall.dev/webi | bash'
+ # Install webi for the new 'app' user
+ sudo -i -u app bash -c 'curl -fsSL https://webinstall.dev/webi | bash' \
+ || sudo -i -u app bash -c 'wget -q -O - https://webinstall.dev/webi | bash'
# TODO ensure that ssh-password login is off
- echo "Created user 'me' with password '$my_password'"
+ echo "Created user 'app' with password '$my_password'"