--- /dev/null
+# title: Hugo
+# homepage: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo
+# tagline: The world’s fastest framework for building websites
+# description: |
+# Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo makes building websites fun again.
+# examples: |
+# ```bash
+# hugo
+# ```
+# ```bash
+# hugo server -D
+# ```
+set -e
+set -u
+# just a junk file so that the version check always fails for non-current versions
+pkg_get_current_version() {
+ # 'hugo version' has output in this format:
+ # Hugo Static Site Generator v0.72.0-8A7EF3CF darwin/amd64 BuildDate: 2020-05-31T12:07:44Z
+ # This trims it down to just the version number:
+ # 0.72.0
+ echo "$(hugo version 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f5 | cut -d '-' -f1 | sed 's:^v::')"
+pkg_format_cmd_version() {
+ # 'node v12.8.0' is the canonical version format for node
+ my_version="$1"
+ echo "$pkg_cmd_name v$my_version"
+pkg_link_new_version() {
+ # hugo is just a single file, no directory linking to do
+ true
+pkg_pre_install() {
+ # if selected version is installed, quit
+ webi_check
+ # will save to ~/Downloads/$WEBI_PKG_FILE by default
+ webi_download
+ # supported formats (.xz, .tar.*, .zip) will be extracted to $WEBI_TMP
+ webi_extract
+pkg_install() {
+ pushd "$WEBI_TMP" 2>&1 >/dev/null
+ # rename the entire extracted folder to the new location
+ # (this will be "$HOME/.local/opt/node-v$WEBI_VERSION" by default)
+ mkdir -p "$pkg_common_bin"
+ mv ./"$pkg_cmd_name"* "$pkg_common_cmd"
+ popd 2>&1 >/dev/null
+pkg_post_install() {
+ # just in case we add something in the future
+ pkg_link_new_version
+ # web_path_add is defined in webi/template.bash at https://github.com/webinstall/packages
+ # Adds "$HOME/.local/opt/node" to PATH
+ webi_path_add "$pkg_common_bin"
--- /dev/null
+'use strict';
+var github = require('../_common/github.js');
+var owner = 'gohugoio';
+var repo = 'hugo';
+module.exports = function (request) {
+ return github(request, owner, repo).then(function (all) {
+ // remove checksums and .deb
+ all.releases = all.releases.filter(function (rel) {
+ return !/(\.txt)|(\.deb)$/i.test(rel.name);
+ });
+ return all;
+ });
+if (module === require.main) {
+ module.exports(require('@root/request')).then(function (all) {
+ all = require('../_common/normalize.js')(all);
+ console.info(JSON.stringify(all));
+ });