![Windows Terminal Settings](https://i.imgur.com/4RgK6s9.png 'lsd using The Nerd Font in Windows Terminal')
+### Nerd Fonts for iTerm2
+Find `iTerm2` in the top Mac menu, then...
+- => Preferences (`Cmd ⌘ + ,`)
+- => Profiles
+- => Text
+- => Font
+- => Select "DroidSansMono Nerd Font"
+- => (you may also want to turn on Anti-Aliasing and turn off highlight bold
+ text)
+![MacOS iTerm2 Settings](https://i.imgur.com/OUSOEIA.png 'how to select The Nerd Font in Terminal.app')
### Nerd Fonts for Terminal.app (similar for iTerm2)
Find `Terminal` in the top Mac menu, then...