# Get arch envs, etc
my_url="https://rootprojects.org/pathman/dist/$(uname -s)/$(uname -m)/pathman"
-curl -fL "$my_url" -o pathman
+curl -fsSL "$my_url" -o pathman
echo ""
# Make executable
chmod +x ./pathman
# homepage: https://git.rootprojects.org/root/serviceman
# tagline: cross-platform service management for Linux, Mac, and Windows
# description: |
-# Works with
-# - Launchd (macOS)
-# - Systemd (Linux)
-# - Windows Registry
+# A system laucher that wraps `launchctl` (macOS), `systemctl` (Linux),
+# and the Windows Registry to work cross-platform.
# examples: |
+# Works with anything, including
+# ### Node.js
# ```bash
-# serviceman add --name my-service ./serve.js --port 3000
+# serviceman add --name my-service node ./serve.js --port 3000
+# ```
+# ### Golang
+# ```bash
+# go build -mod vendor cmd/my-service
+# serviceman add ./my-service --port 3000
+# ```
+# ### And even bash!
+# ```bash
+# serviceman add --name backuper bash ./backup.sh /mnt/data
# ```
set -e
# Get arch envs, etc
my_url="https://rootprojects.org/serviceman/dist/$(uname -s)/$(uname -m)/serviceman"
-curl -fL "$my_url" -o serviceman
+curl -fsSL "$my_url" -o serviceman
echo ""
# Make executable
chmod +x ./serviceman