# Ignore progress events from cmdlets so Invoke-WebRequest is not painfully slow
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
-# TODO get arch
-$Env:WEBI_UA = 'Windows/10 amd64'
+# This is the canonical CPU arch when the process is emulated
+$my_arch = "$Env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432"
+IF ($my_arch -eq $null -or $my_arch -eq "") {
+ # This is the canonical CPU arch when the process is native
+# TODO API should know to prefer x86 for windows when arm binary is not available
+$Env:WEBI_UA = "Windows/10 $my_arch"
$exename = $args[0]
# Switch to userprofile
# Run pathman to set up the folder
+# (using unix style path because... cmd vs powershell vs whatever)
& "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\bin\pathman.exe" add ~/.local/bin
-#& "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\bin\pathman.exe" add "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\bin"
-#& "$Env:USERPROFILE\.local\bin\pathman.exe" add %USERPROFILE%\.local\bin
# {{ baseurl }}
# {{ version }}