--- /dev/null
+# title: Flutter
+# homepage: https://flutter.dev
+# tagline: UI Toolkit for mobile, web, and desktop
+# description: |
+# Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
+set -e
+set -u
+FLUTTER_OS="${WEBI_OS}" # linux or darwin
+if [ "darwin" == "$FLUTTER_OS" ]; then
+ FLUTTER_OS="macos"
+ EXT="zip"
+# BEGIN #
+get_flutter_version() {
+ my_char="."
+ my_count=$(awk -F"${my_char}" '{print NF-1}' <<< "${FLUTTER_VER}")
+ # get the latest version if partial
+ if [ $my_count -ne 2 ]; then
+ if [ "$FLUTTER_VER" != "v" ]; then
+ fi
+ get_http=""
+ if [ -n "$(type -p curl)" ]; then
+ get_http="curl -fsL"
+ elif [ -n "$(type -p wget)" ]; then
+ get_http="wget --quiet -O -"
+ else
+ echo "Found neither 'curl' nor 'wget'. Can't Continue."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ FLUTTER_PATH=$($get_http "https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra/releases/releases_${FLUTTER_OS}.json" | grep ${FLUTTER_OS} | grep ${FLUTTER_VER} | grep stable | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 4) \
+ || echo 'error automatically determining current Flutter version'
+ FLUTTER_VER=$(echo $FLUTTER_PATH | sed 's/.*flutter_.*_v//' | sed 's/-stable.*//')
+# flutter
+mkdir -p "$flutter_install_path"
+# TODO warn if existing flutter in path my take precedence
+if [ -e "$flutter_install_path/bin/flutter" ]; then
+ # flutter of some version is already installed
+ echo "${FLUTTER_VER}" == "$($flutter_install_path/bin/flutter --version)"
+ if [ "${FLUTTER_VER}" == "$($flutter_install_path/bin/flutter --version | cut -d ' ' -f 3 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+ echo ${FLUTTER_VER} already installed at $flutter_install_path
+ exit 0
+ fi
+# flutter_linux_v0.9.0-dev # flutter_linux_v0.9.0-dev.tar.xz
+if [ -n "$(command -v curl 2>/dev/null | grep curl)" ]; then
+ curl -fSL ${FLUTTER_REMOTE} -o ${FLUTTER_LOCAL} || echo 'error downloading flutter'
+elif [ -n "$(command -v wget 2>/dev/null | grep wget)" ]; then
+ wget ${FLUTTER_REMOTE} -O ${FLUTTER_LOCAL} || echo 'error downloading flutter'
+ echo "'wget' and 'curl' are missing. Please run the following command and try again"
+ echo " sudo apt-get install --yes curl wget"
+ exit 1
+mkdir -p ${FLUTTER_UNTAR}/
+# --strip-components isn't portable, switch to portable version by performing move step after untar
+if [ "zip" == "$EXT" ]; then
+ pushd ${FLUTTER_UNTAR}/
+ unzip ${FLUTTER_LOCAL}
+ popd
+ tar xf ${FLUTTER_LOCAL} -C ${FLUTTER_UNTAR}/ #--strip-components=1
+if [ -n "$(command -v rsync 2>/dev/null | grep rsync)" ]; then
+ echo $sudo_cmd rsync -Krl "${FLUTTER_UNTAR}"/flutter/ "$flutter_install_path/"
+ rsync -Krl "${FLUTTER_UNTAR}/" "$flutter_install_path/" 2>/dev/null || $sudo_cmd rsync -Krl "${FLUTTER_UNTAR}/" "$flutter_install_path/"
+ echo $sudo_cmd cp -Hr "${FLUTTER_UNTAR}/"flutter/* "${FLUTTER_UNTAR}/"flutter/.* "$flutter_install_path/"
+ cp -Hr "${FLUTTER_UNTAR}"/* "$flutter_install_path/" 2>/dev/null || $sudo_cmd cp -Hr "${FLUTTER_UNTAR}"/* "$flutter_install_path/"
+rm -rf "${FLUTTER_UNTAR}"
+# END #
+# TODO add more than one at a time
+pathman add $flutter_install_path/bin