This is the first push to this repo with my dotfiles
[dotfilesold/.git] / .nano / jade.nanorc
1 syntax "Jade" "\.jade$"
2 # Elements
3 color yellow "^\s*([a-z0-9]+)"
4 # Main elements
5 color red "^\s*(html|head|body)"
6 # Includes
7 icolor magenta "^\s*(include)"
8 # Variables
9 color brightblue "^\s*(\-)\s(var)\s([a-z0-9]+)"
10 icolor magenta "^\s*-\s(var)$" "^\s*-\s(var)\s"
11 # Cases
12 color brightblue "^\s*(case)\s(.*)"
13 color cyan "^\s*(when)\s(.*)"
14 icolor magenta "^\s*(case|when|default)$" "^\s*(case|when|default)\s"
15 color brightred "^\s*-\s(break)$" "^\s*-\s(break)\s"
16 # Conditionals
17 icolor magenta "^\s*(if|else|else if)$" "^\s*(if|else|else if)\s"
18 # For loops
19 icolor magenta "^\s*-\s(for)"
20 # Each
21 icolor magenta "^\s*(each)$" "^\s*(each)\s"
22 # Parenthesis content
23 color blue start="\(" end="\)"
24 # Strings
25 color cyan "('[^']*')|(\"[^\"]*\")"
26 # Parenthesis, commas, equals
27 icolor green "\(" "\)" "\," "\="
28 # Comments, dashes and spaces
29 color blue "\s+(//.*)"
30 color blue start="/\*" end="\*/"
31 color white "^\s*(\-)"
32 color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"
33 # Unbuffered comments
34 color brightblue "\s+(//-.*)"
35 # HTML-style conditional comments
36 color brightmagenta start="<!" end="!>"
37 color brightmagenta "<!\[endif\]-->"
38 # HTML-style elements
39 color yellow "<([^!].*)>"
40 # Pipes
41 color yellow,magenta "\|"
42 # Doctype
43 color brightblack "^\s*(doctype)(.*)"
44 # Links
45 icolor brightgreen "https?:\/\/(www\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9@%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)" "_blank"