controller and vsorc data viewers done
[VSoRC/.git] / node_modules / express-ws / node_modules / ws / package.json
1 {
2   "name": "ws",
3   "version": "5.2.2",
4   "description": "Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.js",
5   "keywords": [
6     "HyBi",
7     "Push",
8     "RFC-6455",
9     "WebSocket",
10     "WebSockets",
11     "real-time"
12   ],
13   "homepage": "",
14   "bugs": {
15     "url": ""
16   },
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19     "url": "git+"
20   },
21   "author": {
22     "name": "Einar Otto Stangvik",
23     "email": "",
24     "url": ""
25   },
26   "license": "MIT",
27   "main": "index.js",
28   "files": [
29     "index.js",
30     "lib"
31   ],
32   "scripts": {
33     "test": "eslint . && nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text mocha test/*.test.js",
34     "integration": "eslint . && mocha test/*.integration.js",
35     "lint": "eslint ."
36   },
37   "dependencies": {
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39   },
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52   },
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70     {
71       "name": "3rdeden",
72       "email": ""
73     },
74     {
75       "name": "einaros",
76       "email": ""
77     },
78     {
79       "name": "lpinca",
80       "email": ""
81     },
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83       "name": "v1",
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87   "directories": {},
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96   "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!"
97 }