Giant blob of minor changes
[dotfiles/.git] / .config / coc / extensions / coc-go-data / tools / pkg / mod / / google / go-cmp@v0.5.1 / cmp / internal / diff / diff_test.go
1 // Copyright 2017, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3 // license that can be found in the file.
5 package diff
7 import (
8         "fmt"
9         "math/rand"
10         "strings"
11         "testing"
12         "unicode"
14         ""
15 )
17 func init() {
18         flags.Deterministic = true
19 }
21 func TestDifference(t *testing.T) {
22         tests := []struct {
23                 // Before passing x and y to Difference, we strip all spaces so that
24                 // they can be used by the test author to indicate a missing symbol
25                 // in one of the lists.
26                 x, y string
27                 want string
28         }{{
29                 x:    "",
30                 y:    "",
31                 want: "",
32         }, {
33                 x:    "#",
34                 y:    "#",
35                 want: ".",
36         }, {
37                 x:    "##",
38                 y:    "# ",
39                 want: ".X",
40         }, {
41                 x:    "a#",
42                 y:    "A ",
43                 want: "MX",
44         }, {
45                 x:    "#a",
46                 y:    " A",
47                 want: "XM",
48         }, {
49                 x:    "# ",
50                 y:    "##",
51                 want: ".Y",
52         }, {
53                 x:    " #",
54                 y:    "@#",
55                 want: "Y.",
56         }, {
57                 x:    "@#",
58                 y:    " #",
59                 want: "X.",
60         }, {
61                 x:    "##########0123456789",
62                 y:    "          0123456789",
63                 want: "XXXXXXXXXX..........",
64         }, {
65                 x:    "          0123456789",
66                 y:    "##########0123456789",
67                 want: "YYYYYYYYYY..........",
68         }, {
69                 x:    "#####0123456789#####",
70                 y:    "     0123456789     ",
71                 want: "XXXXX..........XXXXX",
72         }, {
73                 x:    "     0123456789     ",
74                 y:    "#####0123456789#####",
75                 want: "YYYYY..........YYYYY",
76         }, {
77                 x:    "01234##########56789",
78                 y:    "01234          56789",
79                 want: ".....XXXXXXXXXX.....",
80         }, {
81                 x:    "01234          56789",
82                 y:    "01234##########56789",
83                 want: ".....YYYYYYYYYY.....",
84         }, {
85                 x:    "0123456789##########",
86                 y:    "0123456789          ",
87                 want: "..........XXXXXXXXXX",
88         }, {
89                 x:    "0123456789          ",
90                 y:    "0123456789##########",
91                 want: "..........YYYYYYYYYY",
92         }, {
93                 x:    "abcdefghij0123456789",
94                 y:    "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
95                 want: "MMMMMMMMMM..........",
96         }, {
97                 x:    "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789",
98                 y:    "abcdefghij0123456789",
99                 want: "MMMMMMMMMM..........",
100         }, {
101                 x:    "01234abcdefghij56789",
102                 y:    "01234ABCDEFGHIJ56789",
103                 want: ".....MMMMMMMMMM.....",
104         }, {
105                 x:    "01234ABCDEFGHIJ56789",
106                 y:    "01234abcdefghij56789",
107                 want: ".....MMMMMMMMMM.....",
108         }, {
109                 x:    "0123456789abcdefghij",
110                 y:    "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJ",
111                 want: "..........MMMMMMMMMM",
112         }, {
113                 x:    "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJ",
114                 y:    "0123456789abcdefghij",
115                 want: "..........MMMMMMMMMM",
116         }, {
117                 x:    "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789          ",
118                 y:    "          0123456789abcdefghij",
119                 want: "XXXXXXXXXX..........YYYYYYYYYY",
120         }, {
121                 x:    "          0123456789abcdefghij",
122                 y:    "ABCDEFGHIJ0123456789          ",
123                 want: "YYYYYYYYYY..........XXXXXXXXXX",
124         }, {
125                 x:    "ABCDE0123456789     FGHIJ",
126                 y:    "     0123456789abcdefghij",
127                 want: "XXXXX..........YYYYYMMMMM",
128         }, {
129                 x:    "     0123456789abcdefghij",
130                 y:    "ABCDE0123456789     FGHIJ",
131                 want: "YYYYY..........XXXXXMMMMM",
132         }, {
133                 x:    "ABCDE01234F G H I J 56789     ",
134                 y:    "     01234 a b c d e56789fghij",
135                 want: "XXXXX.....XYXYXYXYXY.....YYYYY",
136         }, {
137                 x:    "     01234a b c d e 56789fghij",
138                 y:    "ABCDE01234 F G H I J56789     ",
139                 want: "YYYYY.....XYXYXYXYXY.....XXXXX",
140         }, {
141                 x:    "FGHIJ01234ABCDE56789     ",
142                 y:    "     01234abcde56789fghij",
143                 want: "XXXXX.....MMMMM.....YYYYY",
144         }, {
145                 x:    "     01234abcde56789fghij",
146                 y:    "FGHIJ01234ABCDE56789     ",
147                 want: "YYYYY.....MMMMM.....XXXXX",
148         }, {
149                 x:    "ABCAB BA ",
150                 y:    "  C BABAC",
151                 want: "XX.X.Y..Y",
152         }, {
153                 x:    "# ####  ###",
154                 y:    "#y####yy###",
155                 want: ".Y....YY...",
156         }, {
157                 x:    "# #### # ##x#x",
158                 y:    "#y####y y## # ",
159                 want: ".Y....YXY..X.X",
160         }, {
161                 x:    "###z#z###### x  #",
162                 y:    "#y##Z#Z###### yy#",
163                 want: ".Y..M.M......XYY.",
164         }, {
165                 x:    "0 12z3x 456789 x x 0",
166                 y:    "0y12Z3 y456789y y y0",
167                 want: ".Y..M.XY......YXYXY.",
168         }, {
169                 x:    "0 2 4 6 8 ..................abXXcdEXF.ghXi",
170                 y:    " 1 3 5 7 9..................AB  CDE F.GH I",
171                 want: "XYXYXYXYXY..................MMXXMM.X..MMXM",
172         }, {
173                 x:    "I HG.F EDC  BA..................9 7 5 3 1 ",
174                 y:    "iXhg.FXEdcXXba.................. 8 6 4 2 0",
175                 want: "MYMM..Y.MMYYMM..................XYXYXYXYXY",
176         }, {
177                 x:    "x1234",
178                 y:    " 1234",
179                 want: "X....",
180         }, {
181                 x:    "x123x4",
182                 y:    " 123 4",
183                 want: "X...X.",
184         }, {
185                 x:    "x1234x56",
186                 y:    " 1234   ",
187                 want: "X....XXX",
188         }, {
189                 x:    "x1234xxx56",
190                 y:    " 1234   56",
191                 want: "X....XXX..",
192         }, {
193                 x:    ".1234...ab",
194                 y:    " 1234   AB",
195                 want: "X....XXXMM",
196         }, {
197                 x:    "x1234xxab.",
198                 y:    " 1234  AB ",
199                 want: "X....XXMMX",
200         }, {
201                 x:    " 0123456789",
202                 y:    "9012345678 ",
203                 want: "Y.........X",
204         }, {
205                 x:    "  0123456789",
206                 y:    "8901234567  ",
207                 want: "YY........XX",
208         }, {
209                 x:    "   0123456789",
210                 y:    "7890123456   ",
211                 want: "YYY.......XXX",
212         }, {
213                 x:    "    0123456789",
214                 y:    "6789012345    ",
215                 want: "YYYY......XXXX",
216         }, {
217                 x:    "0123456789     ",
218                 y:    "     5678901234",
219                 want: "XXXXX.....YYYYY",
220         }, {
221                 x:    "0123456789    ",
222                 y:    "    4567890123",
223                 want: "XXXX......YYYY",
224         }, {
225                 x:    "0123456789   ",
226                 y:    "   3456789012",
227                 want: "XXX.......YYY",
228         }, {
229                 x:    "0123456789  ",
230                 y:    "  2345678901",
231                 want: "XX........YY",
232         }, {
233                 x:    "0123456789 ",
234                 y:    " 1234567890",
235                 want: "X.........Y",
236         }, {
237                 x:    "0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 ",
238                 y:    " 9 8 7 6 54 3 2 1 0",
239                 want: "XYXYXYXYX.YXYXYXYXY",
240         }, {
241                 x:    "0 1 2345678 9   ",
242                 y:    " 6 72  5  819034",
243                 want: "XYXY.XX.XX.Y.YYY",
244         }, {
245                 x:    "F B Q M O    I G T L       N72X90 E  4S P  651HKRJU DA 83CVZW",
246                 y:    " 5 W H XO10R9IV K ZLCTAJ8P3N     SEQM4 7 2G6      UBD F      ",
248         }}
250         for _, tt := range tests {
251                 t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
252                         x := strings.Replace(tt.x, " ", "", -1)
253                         y := strings.Replace(tt.y, " ", "", -1)
254                         es := testStrings(t, x, y)
255                         if got := es.String(); got != tt.want {
256                                 t.Errorf("Difference(%s, %s):\ngot  %s\nwant %s", x, y, got, tt.want)
257                         }
258                 })
259         }
260 }
262 func TestDifferenceFuzz(t *testing.T) {
263         tests := []struct{ px, py, pm float32 }{
264                 {px: 0.0, py: 0.0, pm: 0.1},
265                 {px: 0.0, py: 0.1, pm: 0.0},
266                 {px: 0.1, py: 0.0, pm: 0.0},
267                 {px: 0.0, py: 0.1, pm: 0.1},
268                 {px: 0.1, py: 0.0, pm: 0.1},
269                 {px: 0.2, py: 0.2, pm: 0.2},
270                 {px: 0.3, py: 0.1, pm: 0.2},
271                 {px: 0.1, py: 0.3, pm: 0.2},
272                 {px: 0.2, py: 0.2, pm: 0.2},
273                 {px: 0.3, py: 0.3, pm: 0.3},
274                 {px: 0.1, py: 0.1, pm: 0.5},
275                 {px: 0.4, py: 0.1, pm: 0.5},
276                 {px: 0.3, py: 0.2, pm: 0.5},
277                 {px: 0.2, py: 0.3, pm: 0.5},
278                 {px: 0.1, py: 0.4, pm: 0.5},
279         }
281         for i, tt := range tests {
282                 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("P%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
283                         // Sweep from 1B to 1KiB.
284                         for n := 1; n <= 1024; n <<= 1 {
285                                 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("N%d", n), func(t *testing.T) {
286                                         for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
287                                                 x, y := generateStrings(n, tt.px,,, int64(j))
288                                                 testStrings(t, x, y)
289                                         }
290                                 })
291                         }
292                 })
293         }
294 }
296 func BenchmarkDifference(b *testing.B) {
297         for n := 1 << 10; n <= 1<<20; n <<= 2 {
298                 b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("N%d", n), func(b *testing.B) {
299                         x, y := generateStrings(n, 0.05, 0.05, 0.10, 0)
300                         b.ReportAllocs()
301                         b.SetBytes(int64(len(x) + len(y)))
302                         for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
303                                 Difference(len(x), len(y), func(ix, iy int) Result {
304                                         return compareByte(x[ix], y[iy])
305                                 })
306                         }
307                 })
308         }
309 }
311 func generateStrings(n int, px, py, pm float32, seed int64) (string, string) {
312         if px+py+pm > 1.0 {
313                 panic("invalid probabilities")
314         }
315         py += px
316         pm += py
318         b := make([]byte, n)
319         r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
320         r.Read(b)
322         var x, y []byte
323         for len(b) > 0 {
324                 switch p := r.Float32(); {
325                 case p < px: // UniqueX
326                         x = append(x, b[0])
327                 case p < py: // UniqueY
328                         y = append(y, b[0])
329                 case p < pm: // Modified
330                         x = append(x, 'A'+(b[0]%26))
331                         y = append(y, 'a'+(b[0]%26))
332                 default: // Identity
333                         x = append(x, b[0])
334                         y = append(y, b[0])
335                 }
336                 b = b[1:]
337         }
338         return string(x), string(y)
339 }
341 func testStrings(t *testing.T, x, y string) EditScript {
342         es := Difference(len(x), len(y), func(ix, iy int) Result {
343                 return compareByte(x[ix], y[iy])
344         })
345         if es.LenX() != len(x) {
346                 t.Errorf("es.LenX = %d, want %d", es.LenX(), len(x))
347         }
348         if es.LenY() != len(y) {
349                 t.Errorf("es.LenY = %d, want %d", es.LenY(), len(y))
350         }
351         if !validateScript(x, y, es) {
352                 t.Errorf("invalid edit script: %v", es)
353         }
354         return es
355 }
357 func validateScript(x, y string, es EditScript) bool {
358         var bx, by []byte
359         for _, e := range es {
360                 switch e {
361                 case Identity:
362                         if !compareByte(x[len(bx)], y[len(by)]).Equal() {
363                                 return false
364                         }
365                         bx = append(bx, x[len(bx)])
366                         by = append(by, y[len(by)])
367                 case UniqueX:
368                         bx = append(bx, x[len(bx)])
369                 case UniqueY:
370                         by = append(by, y[len(by)])
371                 case Modified:
372                         if !compareByte(x[len(bx)], y[len(by)]).Similar() {
373                                 return false
374                         }
375                         bx = append(bx, x[len(bx)])
376                         by = append(by, y[len(by)])
377                 }
378         }
379         return string(bx) == x && string(by) == y
380 }
382 // compareByte returns a Result where the result is Equal if x == y,
383 // similar if x and y differ only in casing, and different otherwise.
384 func compareByte(x, y byte) (r Result) {
385         switch {
386         case x == y:
387                 return equalResult // Identity
388         case unicode.ToUpper(rune(x)) == unicode.ToUpper(rune(y)):
389                 return similarResult // Modified
390         default:
391                 return differentResult // UniqueX or UniqueY
392         }
393 }
395 var (
396         equalResult     = Result{NumDiff: 0}
397         similarResult   = Result{NumDiff: 1}
398         differentResult = Result{NumDiff: 2}
399 )
401 func TestResult(t *testing.T) {
402         tests := []struct {
403                 result      Result
404                 wantEqual   bool
405                 wantSimilar bool
406         }{
407                 // equalResult is equal since NumDiff == 0, by definition of Equal method.
408                 {equalResult, true, true},
409                 // similarResult is similar since it is a binary result where only one
410                 // element was compared (i.e., Either NumSame==1 or NumDiff==1).
411                 {similarResult, false, true},
412                 // differentResult is different since there are enough differences that
413                 // it isn't even considered similar.
414                 {differentResult, false, false},
416                 // Zero value is always equal.
417                 {Result{NumSame: 0, NumDiff: 0}, true, true},
419                 // Binary comparisons (where NumSame+NumDiff == 1) are always similar.
420                 {Result{NumSame: 1, NumDiff: 0}, true, true},
421                 {Result{NumSame: 0, NumDiff: 1}, false, true},
423                 // More complex ratios. The exact ratio for similarity may change,
424                 // and may require updates to these test cases.
425                 {Result{NumSame: 1, NumDiff: 1}, false, true},
426                 {Result{NumSame: 1, NumDiff: 2}, false, true},
427                 {Result{NumSame: 1, NumDiff: 3}, false, false},
428                 {Result{NumSame: 2, NumDiff: 1}, false, true},
429                 {Result{NumSame: 2, NumDiff: 2}, false, true},
430                 {Result{NumSame: 2, NumDiff: 3}, false, true},
431                 {Result{NumSame: 3, NumDiff: 1}, false, true},
432                 {Result{NumSame: 3, NumDiff: 2}, false, true},
433                 {Result{NumSame: 3, NumDiff: 3}, false, true},
434                 {Result{NumSame: 1000, NumDiff: 0}, true, true},
435                 {Result{NumSame: 1000, NumDiff: 1}, false, true},
436                 {Result{NumSame: 1000, NumDiff: 2}, false, true},
437                 {Result{NumSame: 0, NumDiff: 1000}, false, false},
438                 {Result{NumSame: 1, NumDiff: 1000}, false, false},
439                 {Result{NumSame: 2, NumDiff: 1000}, false, false},
440         }
442         for _, tt := range tests {
443                 if got := tt.result.Equal(); got != tt.wantEqual {
444                         t.Errorf("%#v.Equal() = %v, want %v", tt.result, got, tt.wantEqual)
445                 }
446                 if got := tt.result.Similar(); got != tt.wantSimilar {
447                         t.Errorf("%#v.Similar() = %v, want %v", tt.result, got, tt.wantSimilar)
448                 }
449         }
450 }