Update .bashrc
[dotfiles/.git] / .config / coc / extensions / node_modules / coc-eslint / package.json
1 {
2   "name": "coc-eslint",
3   "version": "1.4.5",
4   "description": "Eslint extension for coc.nvim",
5   "main": "lib/index.js",
6   "publisher": "chemzqm",
7   "repository": {
8     "type": "git",
9     "url": "https://github.com/neoclide/coc-eslint.git"
10   },
11   "keywords": [
12     "coc.nvim",
13     "eslint"
14   ],
15   "engines": {
16     "coc": "^0.0.80"
17   },
18   "scripts": {
19     "clean": "rimraf lib",
20     "build": "node esbuild.js",
21     "prepare": "node esbuild.js"
22   },
23   "activationEvents": [
24     "*"
25   ],
26   "contributes": {
27     "commands": [
28       {
29         "title": "Fix all auto-fixable Problems",
30         "category": "ESLint",
31         "command": "eslint.executeAutofix"
32       },
33       {
34         "title": "Create ESLint configuration",
35         "category": "ESLint",
36         "command": "eslint.createConfig"
37       },
38       {
39         "title": "Show Output Channel",
40         "category": "ESLint",
41         "command": "eslint.showOutputChannel"
42       },
43       {
44         "title": "Reset Library Execution Decisions",
45         "category": "ESLint",
46         "command": "eslint.resetLibraryExecution"
47       },
48       {
49         "title": "Manage Library Execution",
50         "category": "ESLint",
51         "command": "eslint.manageLibraryExecution"
52       },
53       {
54         "title": "Run eslint for current project",
55         "category": "ESLint",
56         "command": "eslint.lintProject"
57       }
58     ],
59     "configuration": {
60       "type": "object",
61       "title": "Eslint",
62       "properties": {
63         "eslint.enable": {
64           "scope": "resource",
65           "type": "boolean",
66           "default": true,
67           "description": "Controls whether eslint is enabled or not.",
68           "deprecationMessage": "This setting is deprecated. Disable ESLint using the extensions list."
69         },
70         "eslint.packageManager": {
71           "scope": "resource",
72           "type": "string",
73           "enum": [
74             "npm",
75             "yarn",
76             "pnpm"
77           ],
78           "default": "npm",
79           "description": "The package manager you use to install node modules."
80         },
81         "eslint.alwaysShowStatus": {
82           "type": "boolean",
83           "default": false,
84           "description": "Always show the ESlint status bar item.",
85           "scope": "window"
86         },
87         "eslint.nodeEnv": {
88           "scope": "resource",
89           "type": [
90             "string",
91             "null"
92           ],
93           "default": null,
94           "description": "The value of NODE_ENV to use when running eslint tasks."
95         },
96         "eslint.nodePath": {
97           "scope": "machine-overridable",
98           "type": [
99             "string",
100             "null"
101           ],
102           "default": null,
103           "description": "A path added to NODE_PATH when resolving the eslint module."
104         },
105         "eslint.options": {
106           "scope": "resource",
107           "type": "object",
108           "default": {},
109           "description": "The eslint options object to provide args normally passed to eslint when executed from a command line (see http://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/nodejs-api#cliengine)."
110         },
111         "eslint.trace.server": {
112           "scope": "window",
113           "anyOf": [
114             {
115               "type": "string",
116               "enum": [
117                 "off",
118                 "messages",
119                 "verbose"
120               ],
121               "default": "off"
122             },
123             {
124               "type": "object",
125               "properties": {
126                 "verbosity": {
127                   "type": "string",
128                   "enum": [
129                     "off",
130                     "messages",
131                     "verbose"
132                   ],
133                   "default": "off"
134                 },
135                 "format": {
136                   "type": "string",
137                   "enum": [
138                     "text",
139                     "json"
140                   ],
141                   "default": "text"
142                 }
143               }
144             }
145           ],
146           "default": "off",
147           "description": "Traces the communication between VSCode and the eslint linter service."
148         },
149         "eslint.run": {
150           "scope": "resource",
151           "type": "string",
152           "enum": [
153             "onSave",
154             "onType"
155           ],
156           "default": "onType",
157           "description": "Run the linter on save (onSave) or on type (onType)"
158         },
159         "eslint.autoFixOnSave": {
160           "scope": "resource",
161           "type": "boolean",
162           "default": false,
163           "description": "Turns auto fix on save on or off."
164         },
165         "eslint.quiet": {
166           "scope": "resource",
167           "type": "boolean",
168           "default": false,
169           "description": "Turns on quiet mode, which ignores warnings."
170         },
171         "eslint.onIgnoredFiles": {
172           "scope": "resource",
173           "type": "string",
174           "enum": [
175             "warn",
176             "off"
177           ],
178           "default": "off",
179           "description": "Whether ESLint should issue a warning on ignored files."
180         },
181         "eslint.workingDirectories": {
182           "scope": "resource",
183           "type": "array",
184           "description": "Working directories for files in different folders.",
185           "items": {
186             "anyOf": [
187               {
188                 "type": "string"
189               },
190               {
191                 "type": "object",
192                 "properties": {
193                   "mode": {
194                     "type": "string",
195                     "enum": [
196                       "auto",
197                       "location"
198                     ]
199                   },
200                   "default": "location"
201                 },
202                 "required": [
203                   "mode"
204                 ]
205               },
206               {
207                 "type": "object",
208                 "properties": {
209                   "directory": {
210                     "type": "string",
211                     "description": "The working directory to use if a file's path starts with this directory."
212                   },
213                   "!cwd": {
214                     "type": "boolean",
215                     "description": "Set to true if ESLint shouldn't change the working directory."
216                   }
217                 },
218                 "required": [
219                   "directory"
220                 ]
221               },
222               {
223                 "type": "object",
224                 "properties": {
225                   "pattern": {
226                     "type": "string",
227                     "description": "A glob pattern to match a working directory."
228                   },
229                   "!cwd": {
230                     "type": "boolean",
231                     "description": "Set to true if ESLint shouldn't change the working directory."
232                   }
233                 },
234                 "required": [
235                   "pattern"
236                 ]
237               }
238             ]
239           }
240         },
241         "eslint.validate": {
242           "scope": "resource",
243           "type": "array",
244           "items": {
245             "anyOf": [
246               {
247                 "type": "string"
248               },
249               {
250                 "type": "object",
251                 "properties": {
252                   "language": {
253                     "type": "string",
254                     "description": "The language id to be validated by ESLint."
255                   },
256                   "autoFix": {
257                     "type": "boolean",
258                     "description": "Whether auto fixes are provided for the language."
259                   }
260                 },
261                 "deprecationMessage": "Auto Fix is enabled by default. Use the single string form."
262               }
263             ]
264           },
265           "description": "An array of language ids which should be validated by ESLint. If not installed ESLint will show an error."
266         },
267         "eslint.probe": {
268           "scope": "resource",
269           "type": "array",
270           "items": {
271             "type": "string"
272           },
273           "default": [
274             "javascript",
275             "javascriptreact",
276             "typescript",
277             "typescriptreact",
278             "html",
279             "vue",
280             "markdown"
281           ],
282           "description": "An array of language ids for which the extension should probe if support is installed."
283         },
284         "eslint.runtime": {
285           "scope": "machine-overridable",
286           "type": [
287             "string",
288             "null"
289           ],
290           "default": null,
291           "description": "The location of the node binary to run ESLint under."
292         },
293         "eslint.debug": {
294           "scope": "window",
295           "type": "boolean",
296           "default": false,
297           "description": "Enables ESLint debug mode (same as --debug on the command line)"
298         },
299         "eslint.execArgv": {
300           "type": "array",
301           "default": [],
302           "description": "Arguments of node used on language server start.",
303           "items": {
304             "type": "string"
305           }
306         },
307         "eslint.codeAction.disableRuleComment": {
308           "scope": "resource",
309           "type": "object",
310           "default": {
311             "enable": true,
312             "location": "separateLine"
313           },
314           "properties": {
315             "enable": {
316               "type": "boolean",
317               "default": true,
318               "description": "Show the disable code actions."
319             },
320             "location": {
321               "type": "string",
322               "enum": [
323                 "separateLine",
324                 "sameLine"
325               ],
326               "default": "separateLine",
327               "description": "Configure the disable rule code action to insert the comment on the same line or a new line."
328             }
329           }
330         },
331         "eslint.codeAction.showDocumentation": {
332           "scope": "resource",
333           "type": "object",
334           "default": {
335             "enable": true
336           },
337           "properties": {
338             "enable": {
339               "type": "boolean",
340               "default": true,
341               "description": "Show the documentation code actions."
342             }
343           }
344         },
345         "eslint.codeActionsOnSave.mode": {
346           "scope": "resource",
347           "type": "string",
348           "enum": [
349             "all",
350             "problems"
351           ],
352           "enumDescriptions": [
353             "Fixes all possible problems in the file. This option might take some time.",
354             "Only fixes reported problems that have non overlapping textual edits. This options runs a lot faster."
355           ],
356           "default": "all",
357           "description": "Specifies the code action mode. Possible values are 'all' and 'problems'."
358         },
359         "eslint.format.enable": {
360           "scope": "resource",
361           "type": "boolean",
362           "default": false,
363           "description": "Enables ESLint as a formatter."
364         },
365         "eslint.lintTask.options": {
366           "scope": "resource",
367           "type": "array",
368           "default": [
369             "."
370           ],
371           "description": "Command line options applied when running the task for linting the whole workspace (see https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/command-line-interface).",
372           "items": {
373             "type": "string"
374           }
375         }
376       }
377     }
378   },
379   "author": "chemzqm@gmail.com",
380   "license": "MIT",
381   "devDependencies": {
382     "@types/node": "^10.12.0",
383     "coc.nvim": "^0.0.80",
384     "esbuild": "^0.8.29",
385     "eslint": "^7.15.0",
386     "rimraf": "^3.0.0",
387     "typescript": "^4.1.2",
388     "vscode-languageserver": "7.0.0",
389     "vscode-languageserver-protocol": "3.15.3",
390     "vscode-languageserver-textdocument": "^1.0.1",
391     "vscode-uri": "^2.1.1"
392   },
393   "dependencies": {}
394 }